八 種 拳 法

The 8 Ways of the Body!

The Wong family system is also known as „Wong-Gar“, and „Huang-Jia-Chuan“.

It includes forms /fighting applications from 20 animals, and 5 Elements from 8 Styles/Systems !

The only instructor in the Western Hemisphere is Si-Gung Klaus Schuhmacher of Germany ~ Europe,

who was the last student of Sijo Wong Ying Kui 黃 英 駒.(Born 1914)

Unfortunately some people claim to be Sifu ~ Instructors of the B.Z.C.F. System.

In fact these people reached only low color sash level on part time instruction.
None of them ever received any Sifu or high rank certificate in this art.

Since 2005 only Manuel Maas, Ulrich Lampert, and Martin Jenek in Germany, and
Jerome Windmon in the U.S.A. are the highest ranking students in B.Z.C.F.

Mr. Schuhmacher demonstrates a stance of the Northern Shao-Lin-Lo-Han (Buddha Boxing) Style,
and below a double jump kicking technique, and a swinged Backkick from northern Tan-Tui forms !

