The World Independent Hap-Ki-Do Federation™ offers its members the following benefits:
International Master Certification, International Grandmaster Certification. International Honorary Rank Certification, Special Rank Examinations (External Testing Program).
Additionally the W.I.H.D.K.F. offers official rank certification, a Ph.D. in H.K.D., as well as instructor and dojang (school) certification.
Once registered with the W.I.H.D.K.F., instructors will be able to test their students through the W.I.H.D.K.F. to insure their ranks are registered and recognized.
Must I own a commercial school to be an instructor?
No ! In order to register your School or Club and become an W.I.H.K.D.F. Head Instructor, you must have at least 5 students (not including yourself). You do not have to have a "full-time" commercial school.
Many instructors teach at community centers, YMCA's, church halls, sports centers, and even in their homes or backyards. It is not as important "where" you teach, as it is the "quality" of "what" you teach.
The true spirit of the Korean martial arts can be taught in one's backyard or home with only a few students, or in a full-time commercial school with hundreds of students. All you need is the ability and willingness to share your knowledge of these Arts with others.
The goals and direction of the W.I.H.K.D.F.
The WI.H.K.D.F is a bona fide organization of continuous nature and has been formed to provide
qualified technical and administrative support, guidance and unity for students / instructors and affiliated schools.
We are dedicated to the preservation of the traditional aspects of H.K.D. while assuring that students are being taught only realistic, truly effective techniques of street self defense and the
high moral standards inherent in the pursuit of Hap-Ki-Do.
Through its adherence to modern scientific concepts for teaching and practicing Hap-Ki-Do., this federation provides a true medium by which the options, ideas, developments and experiences of the today's streetfighting reality, can be shared and ultimately benefit all members.
At 1984, he received 9.Dan from Choi Yiong Sul Dojunim.