Title: Over you Writer: Kimi Smith Rating: G Keywords: MSR/UST Category: VR Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter, 1013, and whatsitmajig. They're the ones making the money. Sue them. Spoilers: The Sixth Extinction and Amor Fati: Set a day or two after the episodes. FEEDBACK: Please? Do I have to beg? Yes!? Right then Pllllleeeeasse!! Notes: I've had this sitting on my hard drive since T6E and I finally did a little magic with a spell check and voila. Oh God, French, now *why* did I have to go remind myself of that? V. short and hardly worth calling a Fanfic but what else do you call it? Maybe I should do a short stories thing of the ickle fics I do... -------------- ~As I walk this land of broken dreams I see visions of many things. But happiness is just an illusion Filled with Sadness and confusion~ --------------- "Fox, Look, you don't love me." "Diana?!" He knew he was whining. "No, listen to me Fox, Maybe you do love me but not enough. Not enough for me and not enough for you. " "Diana, I love you." "I know. You don't have any passion for me. Look at it this way, do you care that you can never even kiss another woman for the rest of your life. You have to be faithful to me and I'm all you're going to get. Forever." He looked at her, unable to answer. "You see, you love me, I know that, but you don't love me enough to be able to answer that. One day I can tell you're going to meet someone who you were meant to be with and you're going to regret being with me." "Who?" Childish. "Fox! I can't be married to a stranger. That's what you've become. You love me but there is always going to be a part of you which I'll never reach. And if I can't then this can't work. You owe it to me to accept we finished." "Just like that?" "I'm...I've been...Fox, I'm leaving the country. I don't want you to come with me and I need to be free of connections here. I'm sorry." "You're sorry?" "Yes. We've played with this for a year, admit it, we are not meant to be." "Do you love me?" Vicious. "I'll always love you." Her face changed, her hair was darker, Mulder frowned at her, finally recognising her. "I should never have let you go. You deserve better than her." Mulder jumped and opened his eyes with a start. He rubbed his eyes and sat up straight. The same dream. He leaned back again. He kept replaying the last time he saw Diana before she went to Europe. Then thinking of her saying something about Scully. She hadn't said it, he didn't remember her saying it. He remembered something about her telling him how much she loved him. He had loved her. He had loved her as much as he could. As much as he thought anyone could. She had been right, he had never let her in completely. Now she was gone, and he never could. She was right about something else too. He had met someone he could let into his own world completely. But she was his partner. He came so close to telling her. And when she kissed him... Why hadn't she let him kiss her probably? She should have. No. She shouldn't. He knew exactly why she hadn't. She had told him Diana had died and she knew. She wouldn't let him while there could be a doubt in their minds. She had to be certain he was sure. He was. He was. She wouldn't believe him yet, though. It would take a long while for him to make her believe him. He would. He loved her. He loved her more than Diana. More than he had ever loved Diana. More than he could ever love anyone ever. He was a better person because of her. Because she loved him back. He knew she did. He could read it in her face and had finally allowed himself to believe it. "Scully." "Guess who." "Are you OK?" "Yeah, I just...you know." "I know." "I just..." Spit it out, he told himself, "I just wanted to hear your voice." There was a long pause, "Scully, you there?" "Yeah. That's...I'm touched, I think...I know what you mean." "Scully, I keep having this dream...something Diana said." He was sure he felt the phone receiver ice over at the mention of her name. "When we split up she told me she would always love me. I think...I think she told me that before she died." "Well, she saved your life." "No she didn't, you did." "Mulder, I know we have to talk about this but I can't handle it right now." "But we don't talk the important stuff." "We never have" "I'll see you at work, Scully." "Yeah...but Mulder, I meant what I said, you are my touchstone." He smiled, "And you are mine" FINI xphila@xphila.freeserve.co.uk, xphila@yahoo.com, FMulder@paranoia.co.uk