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Some Werkings

here be some werkings I've encountered being on-list...

Ayoh- The Meme-Hammer

A rite to break down the barriers created by neuro-linguistic 
programming which prevent us from perceiving and experiencing
 the natural bounty of the universe.

Participants: Loki, Tzeenj, Lylythe

Preparation: create a vessel for the void that represents the
 constraining influence of language. In our case it was an empty
 eggshell whose surface we sigilized heavily. (The sigils were 
constructed each from one line of the J.R.R. Tolkien riddle, 
"A box without hinges, key or a lid, yet golden treasure inside
 is hid.")


-Banishing (modified Thorssen style Hammer Banishing)

-Invocation of Ganesha, Kali and Ka'atas to aid in construction of a magickal tool
 (with possible eye towards it eventually becoming a servitor or egregore) to break
 down the barriers created by seeing the universe through the filter of language

-Readings (see below) done in a variety of silly voices

-Manifest and empower the Meme Hammer

-Mainifest language (The Uber Meme) in the material base (egg) and then destroy it.

-Banish with laughter

Note: This was done in a very freestyle fashion (go figure) Below are the readings
 and notes made by the operators after the rite for clarification.


As Nietzsche and Bataille have suggested, the myth of scarcity is merely a means
 of control through immiseration, whereas the actual nature of the world is one 
of absolute fullness, indeed over fullness, spilling over as constant EXCESS.

-Hakim Bey (Aimless Wandering Chuang Tzu's Chaos Linguistics)

It's the language: the head's using glossolalia-totally random vowel and consonant sounds.
 Speaking in tongues? We're all hearing different things. We're hearing what we want to hear.
 And you poor bastards can't hear anything but instructions and commands.
 That's what happens when all you can think about is how to obey orders.

-Grant Morrison (The Invisibles)

Automatic responses are the chinks in a magician's armour. Investigate all your
 most loaded concepts. Observe the tunes to which your behaviour dances, the 
drumbeat you march to.

-Dave Lee (Chaotopia)

Living from a body of strength is not something most men can do. They require a way to "look"
 at things. What a man says has nothing to do with how he feels.

-Christopher S. Hyat Ph.D. (The Tree of Lies)

That's my opinion, who gives a fuck?

-Ice T (Opinion)

"When I use a word,"; Humpty Dumpty said, in rather ascornful tone,";it means just what I
 choose it to mean neither more nor less."

The question is, "said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."

"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master"

-Lewis carroll (Through the Looking Glass)

Fences are another attribute of Control- they seek to divide human experience into 
discrete little categories, when the real answers lie in finding 
the connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, like the words of 
the Code. The fences seek to control years, or the flow of time, 
which is the best friend of Chaos, always breaking down structures 
and throwing up new ones. Control Freaks are conservative because they 
fear the flow of time and prefer to keep things as they are, 
were, or would have been. Fences also attempt to control nightmare 
interludes, the dark eruptions of the unconscious mind. The process of enslaving oneself
 to Control involves surpressing of all sorts of material, from religious doubt to sexual impulse.
 Repressed material sinks down into the unconscious mind,
 where it becomes monstrous when locked away from the light of day.
 Control fears its return, but it must return. The Chaos Boy
 rises like a monster from the sleep of dreams, ready to smite
 Control with every dread they have tried to imprison.

-Robin D. Laws (Weather the Cukoo Likes-The Cut Up Project)

Theres no telling what we'll do when we are free.

-Folk implosion (Natural One) 


Invked Ganesha (in his aspect as breaker of codes),
 Kali, and Ka'atas for assistance in breaking down 
the barrier of language. Once the Godforms were felt
 to be present in the circle we began the readings 
in a variety of voices and accents. (I felt the 
presence of Kali as a physical discomfort. Much 
like being up to the ankles in fire ants).

Our original plan was to take the readings and subject
 them to Gysin style cut up and re-read them several 
times in varying states of deconstruction. This did 
not occur. I felt the presence of my patron godform, 
Loki, manifest itself at this point. He seemed amused 
and as though he was enjoying himself (for me this 
godform tends to prefer being uninvited so he can 

Lylythe began to chant the Folk Implosion quote used 
in the readings to which I counterpointed with "Whatcha 
gonna do, Pink Boy?" alternated with the chorus from 
the Goddess Peg's song, "Orange," (Gonna peel the world
 like an orange, and savor every bite!) At this point I 
was in a definite trance state, perception of time in a 
linear fashion ceased and I slipped into glossalalia. 
This is where the word, "AYOH," came from. Awareness 
of anything outside the cirlcle faded to nothingness. 
We were fully submerged in the currents we were creating, 
to the point where I began to feel them as physical 
tide-like sensations.

Vocalizations on all parts became reduced to pure tonalities
 as we slipped below the surface of language and began 
investing the material base with all the limiting aspects
 of linguistic communication. There was a physical sensation
 at this point as well: one of pouring energy from my third 
eye into the egg. Once the sigilized egg was"filled," each 
of us extented a hand and raised it aloft together. We 
shattered it while simultaneously exhaling a wordless 
vibration of incoherent sound. At this point all operants 
exploded into simultaneous euphoria.


Invoked the Dark Mother, My Mistress kali: she who laughs 
at, who destroys, who hates pretense and falseness, who 
rebuilds in clarity and cleanses through fire. "I feel 
your body... I breathe your breath...I am consumed by 
your fire...I taste your fluids..." For the moment I 
mentally called the quarters, grounded, and centered 
(my roots shot down quicker and deeper than EVER 
before). She was present (my apologies to Loki's 
feet- he, he). The readings and chantings were 
intense- energy flowed between and among us- my 
body was saturated (unable to read clearly, very 
husky throaty voice).

Focused all thought, feeling, perception on freedom 
and it's manifestation- with the egg as the actalyst. 
It positively GLOWED. Several times I aknowleged the 
presence of elementals, of my Mistress, of my own 
almost luminescent power by again and again making 
the signs of the quarters. When the catalyst was 
smashed in ritual my mind experienced a climax that 
radiated through my cells, around the yard, through 
Tzeenj and Loki, and back into myself. Banishment 
through wicked, decadent, delicious laughter!!'

Jai Kail!!'


Opened. Fired chakras, began shaking and circulating NRG 
(light seething trnce). Set servitors about (PSYPHYX-
gaurdian). Was especially strong and active. Really 
Potent gnosis. Did variant Hammer Banishing, Ka'atas 
put in his appearance. Moved NRG Hammer, held upright. 
Smiling and chuckling knowingly repeated mantra, "Kreei 
Kreei Scazo Kreei." (Sun sun star sun)

Concur on nonlinear timeflux (typical ov exstatic states-
 define time/XTC link?) At one point Ka'atas looked down 
at the egg as if to say, "Yeah, I've got your number" 
Really hit me as we crushed the egg (really deep seething 
at this point) the destruction word is loaded (cho!), 
wasn't so much spoken as it played through me. Think 
Loki and I may have begun chanting AYOH simultaneously.
Definetly concur on euphoria afterwards as well. Fun, fun, fun!

Closed, brought staff straight to ground with a cry of,"Ia Ka'atas!" 
and concluded with and NRG pulse.


Subject:[eco-magic] A booklet text


At some points in the text, references are made to organisations or
individuals who have earned a  reputation for trying to change the
views, attitudes or behaviour of others by outstandingly distasteful means.
All comments which encourage readers to use these organisations or
individuals as a form of biological pesticide are included merely for
their poetic beauty and should not be taken as messages from God.
This booklet is intended as a cultural gift to humanity and not
as an incitement to treachery.

FNORD - grass on your dealer - FNORD

Chapter one - a rant
Have you noticed how some people keep making laws?  They're just
incessantly at it, expecting every one to bite the bullet and obey them, getting
all self righteous about it,  pretending they know best, trying to make us
feel guilty for being human, and calling us monsters when we don't comply.
Whatever you do or want to do, there'll be someone who wants to control
it; your sexual behaviour, your spiritual life, your magic, your family,
your social life, your choice of drugs, what you read or listen to...
...Why?  Haven't they got lives of their own to be in charge of? What
do these people hope to achieve?
Having spent a life time of getting annoyed with such people, I've come
to the biased conclusion that the only thing which is not mediocre about
them at best is the degree of atrocity that some of them commit in their
futile attempts to make the world conform to their stunted imaginations
Oh yes and there's the extremes of nastiness that they'll project onto
their scape goats, and their selective inattention to or dismissal of
everything that proves them wrong.
What's nice about these people is the fact that they invariably fail
sooner or later, and then everyone can go back to being sorted and creative
again, unless, perhaps they'd rather be doing some thing else.
Eco magic currents have always been involved with resisting the
imposition of  unjust laws often non violently and creatively (though not always)
In this little article, I shall be commenting on some creative
libertine aspects of  eco-magic, pointing out some of the ways in which control
freaks have been brainwashing us for thousands of years, making some humble
offerings of tried and tested stuff for your enjoyment and empowerment.
LIBERATION - spiritual, magical and political.
Freedom and liberation are buzz words that are so 'sexy' that millions
of people want all the weirdoes, freaks and non-conformists locked up just
to keep their nations free.
The words can be twisted round to mean anything and many would have us
believe that freedom is incompatible with freedom, and liberty is
incompatible with liberty.
Some spiritual thinking says that all material desires must be
suppressed and sensual pleasures denied so that the spirit gets so bored that it
goes off some where else and is thus free.
Likewise some extremes of materialism see spiritual thing as a contrary
distraction from their favourite reality.
I can't speak for every eco mage, but I don't trust anyone who wants me
to stop doing something harmless or worse still, creative, or for that
matter fun, but enough about me being ignorant; for the benefit of those who
don't yet know her, I'm going to introduce you to someone who's downright
stupid.  Way back in the midsts of time, there was a little girl called Eris.
She had begatted all things that exist, and so quite understandably had a
reputation as being a bit of a trouble maker.
Amongst the existing things were gods and humans, some of these decided
amongst themselves that they were the most important things and didn't
want any more existing things disrupting the patterns of order that they
identified with.
So, not grate full enough for their fifteen millennium of fame, they
told the little girl not to come to their party.
This was the doctrine of the original snub.
 Consoled by eating a hot dog bun, Eris decided to liven thing up a bit
any way, she got a golden apple, and wrote 'KALLISTI' on it, meaning 'to
the fairest one', and threw it into a corner where the five most vain
goddesses were sitting. This started a bit of a cat fight, so Zeus decreed that
the rightful owner should be judged by a mortal called Paris, and left the
goddesses to go off and make their bribes whilst everyone else (except
Eris) cleaned up the punch and ambrosia.
Aphrodite made the best bribe, which turned out to involve a married
woman, and since both Paris and Helen of Tory's husband were kings, their
domestic took on rather drastically large proportions.
Considering it to be a shrewd career move to overlook any problems with
patriarchal hierarchies, or divine ego problems, the bards at the time
blamed Eris for all the carnage.
She turned up a few thousand years later in the late fifties when two
contemplative californians had some visions in a bowling alley which
plunged them into deep meditations for a five days after which they saw the
divine lady herself, holy mother of space whose body is the dance of atoms.
They initiated each other as high priests of their own madness, and
went forth into the world to spread the word of Eris goddess of confusion
who had returned to tell poor restricted mankind that there are no rules unless
you choose to make them.
One of them went around saying that they'd made it all up, and the
other went around saying it had really happened. When they had news of each
others heresies, they excommunicated each other immediately, and the religion
has been  growing ever since.
Eris, also known as Dischordia is these days blamed for creativity,
silliness, wild parties, and the fertile chaos that springs up when
different cultures and ways of thinking collide and start to integrate
and inspire each other.
She's been at play with protests since the sixties or earlier,
delighted with the humour and originality that keeps us running rings around the
extremities of the institutions that we take on.
She's also been important with chaos magic, and is often invoked for
inspiration, weirdness, raw chaos 'energy', increasing amounts of
coincidences, blowing minds to alleviate dogma and egotism, and for
wild parties.
The ritual prose further on in this booklet which I used successfully
for Sheffield's first R.T .S. includes an Eris incantation, and I thought
I'd get the thing around to nudge a few dischordian mages into action for
free parties and festivals etc. and to help keep protest culture growing and
mutating faster than any power hungry or attention seeking bozos can
make claims at controlling or being the whole thing.
But back to THE theory.
There's a common thread with activists and most good magicians, which
is called heresy. I don't particularly care weather it's caused by genius
seeing through imposed views of reality, or Freud's 'poly morphous
perversity' breaking down conditioning and pseudo social realities for
the fun of it. (I personally identify with the second)
It's a theme which is apparent in some of the gnostic sects who were
burned, with tantrics, with situationists and lifestylist anarchists, with
chaos magicians and many more.
During the dark ages, the term 'homosexual' and 'heretic' were
interchangeable, and 'faggot ' used to mean 'firewood'; adultery  was a
serious crime, and knowledge of herbal drugs was proof of witchcraft.
'As the caterpillar lays its eggs on the ripest fruits, so the priest
lays his curse on the fairest joys.' - Joyce
Now then,  some mages, not all of us, you don't have to, and don't let
anyone tell you to, some of us choose to reverse the conditioning that
narrows our minds, expression of ourselves, and experience of life.
My favourite term for this is deconditioning, but its also called
liberation and its an area which is part of what tantrics call 'Klesha smashing'
Experience of weird little subcultures and historical phenomenon have
shown that deconditioning does not always lead to liberation. It seems that
control freaks follow deconditioners around snatching at the frayed
reins of old conventions grip on us and taking over during vulnerable moments.
If you tread this path, then my advice to you is; NEVER LET ANYONE 
VOLITION. Otherwise, you might be handing the keys to your conditioned
reflex cabinet to some one who will abuse your trust, and try to
control you.  You have been warned.
Suggesting sexual practices for deconditioning is incidentally one of
the worst chat up lines and best wind ups I know. I really must stop using
it.  There are libertarian elements in eco-magic, but this doesn't make an
abusive free for all as  people such as De Sade or extremist thelemites
might hope for.  As always, we put great value on respect etc. so we don't go around
messing peoples heads up or violating peoples wills, though we might shock or
bemuse people from time to time.
What's important is that we make people THINK.
When some of the tree people at Sellar were uncomfortable with
patriarchal elements of  Welsh culture, for instance, most of the men took to
wearing dresses. (It got to be a running joke at Sellar that there was nothing
we could do to offend our neighbours down in the village.)
Ever since Twyford Down, protest sites have had strange and original
artwork, I think that this kind of thing is an important part of the
eco current. A lot of our art work these days points towards brighter
futures rather than illustrates destruction and.
This is a change towards empowering sorcery rather than complaining and
reinforcing what's negative and undesirable.
Today's ritual recipe is brought to you by the number five and the
letter E.
But first, some heavy theory.
The holy trinity does of course consist of sex, drugs, and rock and
roll.  These wide areas are probably the easiest ways for men and women to
attain states of magical or mystical consciousness (temporarily anyway) and
this explains why fanatics want to suppress or repress them, why cult
leaders want to control them, and why assholes want to abuse them to inflict
their internal dis-eases onto others (control freaks invariably have little
or no self-control)
When some of our ancestors decided to control the environment rather
than live with it, the need to do magic properly was lessened, as there was
less need to be alert and to excel in all areas.
This allowed magic to wither like an arm in plaster, but our
instinctive desire to do magic has stayed strong.
This left niches in which delinquents began to plant their inflexible
and mind narrowing thought viruses - spiritual authority - dehumanisation
of objects of sexual desire - prohibition of victimless 'crimes' -
censorship of arts and censorship of humour, regressions to earlier stages of our
evolution such as status being valued over co-operation and mutual
After thousands of years of this our minds have become crippled by
abstract values, and beliefs, by counter productive morals, by bigotry, by fear
of ideas and fear of criticism...
No one in the west is free from these things (unless they happen to be
enlightened) no-one is fit to be a priest or guru unless asked. No-one
is fit to decide how to cure a lesbian, or silence a critic by calling
them a traitor.
The lessons of history are easily overlooked by those who will repeat
them.  It was our division from nature that gradually destroyed the human
mind, and our capacity for magic went with it.
It's hard to fly or bring someone out of a coma when you've got
'experts' weighing your mind down with opinions; laws of nature, moral laws that
only help the self interested assholes who ram them down our throats without
even asking, and jealous magical failures throwing head games at you to
convince you that you're an even worse magician than they are.
I could go on about this for pages; what's important is that any kind
of magic reverses the process of institutionalised spiritual, cultural and
sexual abuse. Otherwise it's not magic at all, any more than paedophile
vicars are true christians.
My acid test for good magicians these days is two simple questions:
Does their magic miss out on aspiration to any area of shamanism?
Do they think their magic's the be all and end all of magic?
If the answer is 'yes' to either then they're crap.
If the answer is 'yes' to both, then I advocate feeding the    
bastards to the Jesus Army as a blood sport. They will find themselves amongst like
The problem with mental slavery is that it can't be fought by it's own
tactics.  Freshly inflicted conditioning can be countered by making the attacker
show their colours so that the victim can see what has happened and
hopefully begin the process of de-conditioning them selves.
Deconditioning with a 'guide' simply swaps the reigns from past
experiences to one person (probably someone who lives outside society and may be
unstable with the pain and angst that alienation brings.)and the trail
of broken lives left by inept tantrics such as Crowley and acid gurus such
as Manson show pretty damned clearly that we need to re-think our tactics
on this one.
It's often pointed out just how destructive our conditioning is; the
current sex symbol being a Frankenstien's monster of a child's head stuck on an
etiolated teenage body, how many people are driven to self destructive
behaviour such as dieting by this one?
In worse cases a gender role is seen as so distasteful or dull and
disempowered, people starve themselves into androgynous waifs to avoid
secondary sexual characteristics.
When the negative stereo types of drug use are superimposed on the
adolescent desire to experiment with psycho active substances, kids do
it anyway, often turning themselves knowingly into a fucked up mess
because that's their role model. The converse is also true as the guilt
tripping enlightened shaman types who wander from city to city giving drugs and
magic a bad name will of course vehemently deny.
I wont mention rock and roll here, but watch out for the derision and
cheapening of values and those who have them by the big corporation
sponsored music papers.
Aw gawd, the vision of hack job hypocrites bloodied and mutilated limbs
being munched by the 'moral' majority.
Can we meditate on that for a few minutes?
The only way of escaping from closed minded institutions that I know of
 is to make something better. We've already shown that we can do this and
combine it with protest and direct action.
The ritual I'm offering here is not a black mass of  hideous blasphemy,
or a finger pointing hysteria of  'sex = rape' accusations.
It is intended to support and inspire the creative and hedonist areas
of our current, and it can be used or modified for parties or free parties,
reclaim the streets, inspiration for artwork, and countering repressive
attitudes from paganism's dead currents.
Whatever, really; people who use it will see lots of  new and positive
possibilities, and this will ripple outwards to those around them.
-The future is a golden apple, and the ignorant will fight to make it
as narrow as their minds.-

The ritual uses three ancient Greek deities, and another two to make
the trinity up to five for the benefit of numerologists who have a thing
about five.
The last two are Eris and Pan, both deities with a reputation for
bringing chaos to stagnant scenes so that evolution continues in spite of them.
The five put together are an antidote to inertia and a recipe for
change.  If you find any part of the prose unmeaningfull or counter intuitive,
then please please change it to something that suits you or your group(s)
better!  I don't want to be responsible for starting another unquestioning
The Eris & Pan bits should be to some extent re written, or at least re
arranged each time you use them. If you're not confident about this
then research the gods, and accentuate the sides of them that you find
appropriate or likeable. (Oh yes you can, everyone else does.)


Thee we invoke, the scornless one!
Thee we invoke who maketh the wildlife wild !
Thee we invoke the frenzied man woman of the blissful rage !
Thee we invoke the serene liberator, destroyer of hierarchies upon the
Thee we invoke the god of drugs of happiness and of wild ecstasy !
May we heal our minds as you healed yours !
May we make our way through darkness with the sharing of joy !
       DIONYSIS !
May the Earth heal us as she healed you !
May we always waken enfreshed and enwizened !
May our birthright of pleasure and freedom be revived wherever we go !

Thee we invoke the unworn one !
Thee we invoke whom none would resist or refuse !
Thee we invoke who is the passion of love and the sharing of flesh !
Thee we invoke who sparkles in tension between friends !
 Thee we invoke who brings healing and love of the world when
respected, and
destruction when treated without care !
 May your blessing shine through us as we affirm our lives and pleasure
 May our passions be tamed by love !
  May you strengthen us with the delight of our bodies and soften the
of our enemies !
 May we find ourselves through you as you find yourself through us !
 May you strengthen us to share or withdraw our consent as we please so
our freedom in love may free us in all our lives !

 Thee we invoke the forlornless one !
 Thee we invoke, the fires of life and destroyer of  coldness !
 Thee we invoke, who is happiness and inspiration, and the radiant
between friends !
 Thee we invoke, the magic of rhythm, of song and of art !
 Thee we invoke, who is excellence in all things bright !
 May the muses lift our hearts with creativity as we become more than
 May our skills and shared pleasures be developed as you shine through
us to
the world !
 May we achieve our goals of expression as surely as a flaming arrow
it's mark !
 May the unworthiness of our enemies be exposed by the light of  your
vision, so that the truth of our beauty may be shared without taint of
censorship or abuse !
 May you and the muses bless our work and play that our art may refresh
clear springs, and your light may shine through clean air !

 Dancing chaos, death destroyed
Little sister from the void
 Purple moonlight dribbling fire
 Golden apple, truth for hire
 Cosmic mother begatting free
 Laughter children's anarchy
 Scream that overfills the cup
 Dream that wakes Cthulu up
 Dance of atoms, joy of space
 Sought hiding in supersymetrical place
 Daemon omnibus
 Existing things and all of us
 Daughter of the void
Bring us fresh things as the old are destroyed

 Startling eyes and horned head
 FUCKING HELL ! We thought you were dead
Scampering frolicking half man beast
 Chef and consumer at nature's feast
 Music of the countryside
 Disrupter of order and sophists pride
 wild dance of ecstasy
Fear and bliss of breaking free
 Cloven hoofs on forest floor
 Begetting seed devouring jaws
 All that thrills the mind to see
 Earth's most horrid progeny
 Lithe and lissom waltz of life
 Pleasure and pain in joyful strife.
 Beastly god all pleasures sharing
Innocence laughing at fears of the daring.

A few tips for directed magic.
Just incase there are a few readers out there who don't know, magic can
be focused and directed to act on certain areas at certain times.
I found the above to be valuable as something to be aimed at an
epicentre in time and space to detonate around the right people, and to send shock
waves out in all directions so that the target would be experienced as an
inspiring event. (I'm not trying to claim credit for the whole thing,
I'm just explaining the concept because I think It's a good magical tool)
One way of doing this would be to cast a circle including a charge such
as 'May all powers raised in this circle be bound unto my intent' and to
make a sigil which specifies what you want the magic to do.
If you don't yet know how to do this then find a free spirit who does
and ask them to teach you. Failing that, read a book about it, one that
I've written perhaps.
Disclaimer: the above work can be undertaken at your own peril. I
cannot take responsibility for the consequences

Words by Kingsley Evans