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Vegetarian Cooking

yeah, I know alreadys what'z being going on through yr head... vegetarian werewolf? ah, uh, what kinda werewolf are ya? simple... a zen werewolf. laugh, dammit! Now, don't be thinking that just cause I got paws I can't cook without getting fur all over everywhere... I use a nice straightedge razor before I start cooking any meal, just to clean up around me palms... >;^}

Food Tips:

okay, when yr frying up onions & garlic in the pan, use olive oil to fry it in, because its good for ya or some thing, & use honey, because it tastes great. I fry alot of different things in honey & olive oil... I don't know much about calories or fat, but then again I'm 6' & I barely weigh 145 fully clothed w/ combat boots, so I think fatty foods are the least of my worries. Tofu. When yr preparing tofu for people who can't stand the stuff, & who are begging fer meat, & you want to get them to shut the hell up about the taste of tofu, try frying it or marinating it in Liquid Smoke. Amazingly enough, the scent of the stuff actually tricks their minds into believing that you forgot to put tofu into whatever it was you were serving, and somehow let some high grade meat slip in by mistake. Works great in chili & sauces. Carrots. Carrots are your friend. Eat many carrots. When yr power is shut off, and there is no readily avail- able storage for cold foods, you can live off of peanut butter and honey sandwiches for quite a while. Its cheap, the honey is a good high energy source, peanut butter a good protien source, and bread a good source of whatever it is that bread is a source of, plus none of the ingredients are going to go bad if they aren't kept in a refrigerator. There is more to come on this page, press Ctrl-D now. actually, I'm fairly bored with writing about food. if you want, come by, I'll cook you dinner, & we'll talk about the illuminati instead. just don't bring meat. get a four pack of guiness for me & whatever you'd like to drink, & we'll make a night of it, 'eh?
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