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Engine of Neon

common sense is what tells us time is linear common sense is what tells us the earth is flat

the neon assembly, he sought out the past, tore masks from graveyards w/ the thoughts of... 'what if?' a construct only, so what of it?
stolen away behind closed doors They meet, a handshake & a nod before an illustrated diagram display socioeconomic factions threatening Their rule, They debate trade secrets for doctirnes binge of the Neon Lords opiate traders vs. the discontented keep us bound, unrevolting the slave market booming
form lines, line up, mainline not guilty by reason of society inequity of equity downtrodden on downers meth for the jet-driven apathy far beyond driven the market absorbs all or nothing, the masters are staring radiating the absolutes of death & taxes as status quo demands market research the slaves mark etched as desire for criminal behavior in the flesh of the carriers a virus of addiction & need sunk deep in our collective hard~drives (these invisible crime ring gatherings)
this is the warzone subliminal ideas against viral lies conspiracy of slavers & jams occulted history speeding onward maybe & perhaps the revitalization of chaos w/ the tones of discordant harmony immanetizing the eschaton mirroring you, finding itself awake
They have the disease of a neon godling greedlings arise form the gruntlines sublime translation for primetime exposure the masters are laughing in Their stockrooms
may time be conquered in linear fascism there is reason w/in the cage's walls & jailminded patience is rewarded the silence masking the controllers master lords of neon redemption sat together passing pipes to smash the neon soldiers of the neon godlings have evidence for the persecution
(f--- the transition between aeon & epoch) & this is the tool of the greatest of engines, to wear out the circuitry of this world of deception by examining the insides of the mind of conception the creation of decisions in the whirlwind of perfection... aye, this is the struggle of the engine of neon to escape the hate of former days & integrate a newer fate

one table of contentsBark Out This Neon Madnessthe other table of contents
