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Rant: Secrets of Mahjiik or Where's me fargin ritual crayons?????

its like this, in my opinion, humbly given so as to not spark some internal avrice, I have found it useful to believe from time to time that ma(g/j)ic(k) does not require any spiritual force other than yr own mental abilities to provide practical results... don't need to involve religion in magic, & in fact religion may be detrimental to magic, insofar as providing certain guidelines of should or shouldn't by which one suddenly must adhere to... aye, never let anyone tell ya what to think. so magic inn't about gods or goddesses, or quababble, or thelemathemagical equations, or placing the tarot out on the exacting shade of just the rite color cloth made of hybrid spiderweb spun inside a rayon factory made up entirely of bloodstone walls & quartz floors... unless, of course, you think it does. in anywho, this isn't me being blasphemous against established tradition, its me giving tradition the finger, boldly & w/ a huge shiteatin grin on me face... ya see, the whole social structure is in & of itself a producer of traditions, & as a whole the traditions which it presents as "what ya'll should be doin" be it givin gifts in the dead of winter or passin out candy to strangers fer h'ween oer valentinio day is just what it seems like it might be.. a way to get ya to spend money... & since when I was a first learning the ways around me magic ideas I was a broke bum almost all the time, I never had no money to spend on that snazzy crystal pendant that I was sure would probably make me have some magical powers, or be able to afford that lapis lazuli wand which I MUST HAVE to incant the first of a series of spells designed to give me all the powers of the universe, I figured that magic had to be something other than a formulae w/ which to follow, & then I figured, hell, magic is about what I want it to be... this insight came to me in a flash of pure concept, or something similar to that, whilst readin me uncle ac's book on (of all things) magick in theory & practice, & I came to the realization that if'n all magick is art, then all art is magick, this being before I was exposed to the phallicy of the word 'is' & its sister word 'are,' & was also well before I uncovered the whole beauty of the memetic structure of thought w/ the aid of a head fulla acid & the movies videodrome & they live playing back to back to a skinny puppy marathon... (talk about yr powdered illumination... just add a wee bit 'o water) (or liquid of some form or another) yeah, anyway, so there I was, staring at a reality I could mold. & I didn't hafta spend a penny on austrailian moon pebbles w/ aboriginal markings to do so... see, if'n magic is what it is then it isn't fer sale, its fer discovery, & I discovered me in the process of figuring out what was what... the purest example of being that uberman, that reality pirate, that poetic terrorist is to rewire yr harddrive w/ yr own tools, to flagrantly disavow established ritual in favor of a candlelight graphitti festival to bring about something to do... I use magic daily, always have, but now I recognize it as magic. in the wise words of those masters of muzik : "with the right attitude you will succeed" - skinny puppy "worlock"
& so what does tori have to do with any of this???? heheheh what a good question... but honestly, I'm not sure myself I just had to have a picture of her somewhere on me site simply because it's Tori.