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– Truth we all know but agree not to discuss Open eyed & styling Here We once prospered The overbearing need Desire for compassion Ah. Pity What a self less motive Accomplish dreams In sympathetic motions Argue w/ dreams Into erosion They stood Ahem. Could Has been stood up By should have You know I agressioned past them To the front of the quede up English style Tweed out the mental asshole Tweaked out to a T She had that shapely look in her eye I saw it first… call this love? Was it beauty you were after That dark essence of pain you sought Lost to the winds of time Swept to the sidelines In the conquest of innocence Anything might give offence Power hungry? You know what power hungry feeds like, Seen it rip your heart out dead, cold, & crisp, When loss is the archetypal vision of religion Believe then in the power of guilt To push arrogance on bystanders You gut the silence Rip torn & blazed Left passage as token Leave stranger than before Lore Your story dribbled across time Stage congested during your scenes In the cool the play is stranded Groaning & haunted by shame Steal my torments Your bastard sons drink blood from gutters Peel their layers of mind back w/ slick ease Tour disease w/ the skill of a navigator Dying faster, slower, colder than before Treat my shall not why not should not soul To a festival of envy that could not devolve Soldier my fantastic silent reproach Back play to tandem erasure of form Concrete composure crucifies scorn Glimmer Crash Reborn The accountant lay buried, lies burdened, deformed We kill for the love of killing Sold the brutal deceptions for a taste of the action Life is a game with variable rulings The professionals are winning Has it resolved, revolved, recalled the evolving of anything we cannot understand? We find ourselves faced with questions, but rather than seek answers, we seek names. I know not, no not nothing, not money, not crushing wants, no addict I! Near peace Now treated to a meaning In soul We percieve reapplication Treason, seasonal deafness Knew Excuse Needed. You take without needing The great silence of void Time clusters around this sphere Rugged bare-back sex There is nothing beyond this Nothing behind these eyes I stare into Nothing but lore & despair The cruelty of tension Plush with the panic of why now The cleaner, the wetter Greet the clearheaded monster The clusterfuck of nonsense Please, thank these parasites Slaughter the fear Fever dreams & peace sweats Can the starlight flush your pain The storm blows in the new cycle Autumn preludes Ice storms Frozen struggle You are heard for a thousand days These cold days begin Life sullen, grown tight The lucidity of the prophecy A haunting inadequacy Cauterize Infect Cleanse Streamlined & wired for pain you knew infection when you met it head on, the string-along wish be-gone wishbone game of fate & fear… fiction. They pardoned the function The compunction You got a head on your shoulders Got ahead on the composure BEGIN: Rupture the borderlines Restless attack against Recession, deceptive They closed the cleaning shuttle Grabbed the base Faces Faceless against us Dust, Ashes, ashes Dust. What was it I said Only cigarettes Make noise When worlds burn. Lost You know the routine Lost, gangbanged Head drained Stained My muse leaves the trail Please & string ‘em up You know the drill Hands me a fingertip proposal Points out the perhaps The why-not tossed out Grouch – complaint Talk to the clusterfuck style They groove on dead meat Buried beneath the walls of compassion There lies the slow inequity of our past Surfacing now, briefly, revealing Darker compulsion Am thug, hormone, sword Trivial, serial, non-compliant Fuck your behavior modification sociological Labor union mentalities Wanting the blood of innocents We are the slackers in the shadows Driven beyond petty & sacred To closed heart of shame, bitterness Dragged apart by each embrace Sent scattered, screaming, void impaled Tragedy our looking glass expression Disease our inspiration to new heights Of hedonism Thumb nose @ death, cheat death, dance death W/ the grace of crystal, the charms of Solomon Survival of the fastest Of the inedible We play chicken w/ a gun Magic as a bullet Fuck the lords of karma & their interest rate morality We the torn remains of changes Dragged down fatalistic roads To predestined roles Swept in the flux of this aeon of evolution My generation is my only hope. Television Grabs chi & struggles for it it sucks our essence floods intention w/ apathy scrambles, thrugging, scheming you know it feel it drown thought. The pleasing numbness of television Pulls me from depression into apathy Words appear now only as words Not gates (through which my lack of ideas May express themselves) Grasp @ her essence She staggers Takes uncertain steps Across an uneven floor Traces her laughter W/ fingers poised Elegant, subtle She kills the silence Longs for perception Beyond these fragile senses She had the core Radiance Floods the room We stare Each & every breath Pauses Fire hair & Half stoned eyes She got that glint in her I Peel Study There were doors, Cool nights Cold dawns High agonies Departure Revenge Ways to cold worlds Doors & passion Salve of the wounded left shallow gashes Small scars Warrior hearts Were the cool ways Torn from the arms of fate Left still, creasing the shame Along bitter lines We scream An ignorant noise Fear, this soul twists Tense & crosshairs Seen & prospered we wait, watch, got slaughter Home is where the hard on is Strange Means Divine She stole a half-hearted glance He got that innocence looking glass On out of place this time just like last All broken glass & shattered mirrors, “Strange whispers Mean things, Mean something!” dream screams Look to my lies My eyes denied TRIED TIRED You know that image His visage tight In each pupil a fire burns Mask of forehead wrinkles As the cool mirror Observes his worship The night turns hero to light Soul regarding shadow w/out the tarnish Stands head above all w/ a grimace The visage turns to wishes To acting, to style & flashy reactionary Reacting revamping, rearranging a life While there is still spite in the eyes Flood the hollow w/ theorized lies All innocence lost in the reflecting mind It is wasted emotion that fuels Feels of hope & envy @ improper times Or Trial By Blood Don’t know what you are anymore Or if I ever did You have that essence Of shattered image & inconsequential purity Your sword inside the wisdom Fighting the evil of your existence An existential image & a rebirth of passion A dreamer carries himself As if he were an ancient soul awaking Dreams are the quiet ambassadors of the heart & the guides to turn to when in doubt stay inside this rage you cannot fight the fever of trials you designed, give up, step back too much to crush you ahead the warrior wonders, is it the inscription on the sword or the hand that swings? Where is true power refined? Trial by fire or trial by blood I prefer to try my hand @ fate The cold world is my enviralment Then the trial is this: The dream of a thousand wolves Pounding themselves against your soul Begging release from deep w/in You shall refuse to deny them Refuse deception Refuse to admit them All w/out reason Shall you refuse fate Kicking & screaming From its unchangeable embrace? Dark Month Time is playing tricks on me again, getting all inwards & backass & entirely way too commercial for me liking, see Its open that door & step into the flow or twist way up all in knots & sacrifice the notion that sensations are emotions & tear apart the fondest memories with life long facts & bold weariness, that inner core being too strong to crack, all innate shielding & personal secrecy been thrice burned by those from which I longed to learn that this isn’t the way to devotion, there is more to life & forever will be, all the world is energy, & those who need can always be free to pursue the wolves & fuel their dreams or silence themselves in broken screams & pity Hard enough to drive that stake into the vampire’s heart without feeling a tinge of remorse, & slaying the demons as they rip out from the nightmares into new meanings, but this cold torment taunting from the corridors beyond is like tainting the flavors of consistency with the bitter knowledges left to me & you wonder what it is to pursue a dream into wandering beyond the veil of things? Its sitting on the edge of a meandering stream & watching the flow of time Simple thought crime Tidquo Quipbit Those needs creep upon you Soft @ first, then dragging A clawed fist scrapping For some strong hold Against this kidnapping of sorts There are tears & terrors In your eyes Glistening Then that courage to burst Treason of usage you believe @ first Your heart sends black images Through the conduits Of the soul Then clarity of desires Aligned chakra w/ engine Primed to blow Leave stains in your wake Prodded into action Through animal instincts Survival Of the inedible Street Strength: Measure the concepts Of reason By the laws of survival & discard those thoughts Which decay Endure long enough To find pleasure In existence Live by the sword & die in bed Soul scarred beyond recognition That is the price Of animal nature -& if you let me down you know I’ll kill you!- I’m soft & hard in opposite places Fall so far & my mind is dangerous & violence just ain’t me kettle of fish But in tight corners you know I’ll resist I’ve learned all my fighting from pirate lore Kill w/ the first blow then fight no more & if they dare struggle then kick in their throat & never let anyone get your goat That’s what being strong’s about Being too frigging amped to be able to count & have a bloodthirsty soul buried w/in your heart Cause if you don’t then you’ll be torn apart Now if that ain’t the life then I don’t know what is Wake up to a gun & a bottle A contest or two & a glare in the mirror @ the man you detest What else can we be, Our fate can silence us & the magic of moments Merely flickering shadows Thrown by the candles In the chapel Behind our world I hate the gang bang mentality We got cooked up in the crack waltz Alley & the bathtub molotov reality is only a five moment drive away (“I think it’s perfectly clear we’re in the wrong band.”) don’t let the bastards grind you down oh, I know how it gets even in traffic those bastards are out in force & they’ll force their farce upon you they got reasons for being that just don’t seem right & they’ve got horrible taste & they’ll put up a fight & it must suck to be them & be so fucking uptight still they gotta exist cause somebody buys & you know who I mean those fuckers who scheme & pull apart the seams of what would otherwise be a beautiful daydream I long for the passions I once had in youth When I could walk the canyon’s edge & admire the view When I could ski in the winter & walk in the fall & know I would never fear nothing @ all the conflict of being always raises such doubts & the world I live in is hateful & @ this moment I am barely alone Don’t let this bastard grind you down. Mind Swim I remember sitting on the edge of a cliff & the garter snake I had captured in my left pocket Slipped out & tumbled into the falls below glancing to see if those w/ me had witnessed the execution & The night I snuck from my house To light fires In the driveway & the boy w/ me Set his leg ablaze Ditch nearby Full of water We laughed for hours Conundrum Poets who write poems About writing poems Just fail to impress me Recursive logic Regarding the writing process Is one step removed From the finished product I got a bit of dharma Here wrapped up in some spinach For all you ill @ ease & even as the texture is rough I had hoped I aimed the gall enough To provide myself my own form of peace Quick taste, open floodgate: Is It As It Was? It Will Be. Life Revolves Around This Energy, Those Who Dream Can Barely Breath. As It Is, It Was & Will Be. …there were she saw them, she saw them whip open that canister, open it up & remove the dark creamy filling, the heart of the matter, the door to the problem lying right there in front plain view all to see you see? Right there hands on incorporated experience all flung to the winds & thrust back upon us, all intent focused & thoughts sent spiraling out into the planes below & w/in, just left of center, & there it was where she saw them, she saw them… INSIGHT Wasted Pathetic Consumed Worn Broken Tied broken strands of fate embrace Lied to, Bastardized Thrust out ‘doubt & treason’ The ways of the seasons, cycles turn She beckons Twists Stands in horror Phone rings She stutters Mutters to herself Thoughts glisten Crows of thoughts Perch Watch The agony of Apathy of Sense & pity Remember It all comes together To get her I loved her the old way Young & w/ complete devotion Puppy lust, you know the score She held herself w/ the dignity of permission The denial of adherence Like false teeth, & breasts & hair All mask, no face & because pain is the consumers wet dream We committed cold showers in broad daylight & named old gods as our new idols As if to reinvent purpose, reinstate direction, Develop a new kind of symmetry. We were infants in a world ruled by children Half-assed believers in a war we remember W/ longing, w/ shame, w/ determination Stared across the gap between lovers & swore great oaths that still bind us Even now, w/ the dogs moving in The odds are always against the weak The shallow have inherited the earth She & I walked the rubble Stood behind the sacrificial cars & rode slapsaddle until sunrise feverish & screaming w/ pain I awoke Crawled weak-limbed & bruised To the scarlet doorway Fed on subversions & scars I was death warmed up in a microwave & served on a paper plate toilet paper napkins & coffee trays I left her the old way Stung & filled w/ emotion Complete disgust, you know the scorn. {belongs} Treat your heartache To a black deprival Thug on arrival Long style live style denial Heretic & sycophant Threaten w/ a smile Yew stout Draft chance Grimace & exile Prefer Symbiotic interlocking To parasitic guile Stole sheltered hearts For ignorant parts Landing w/ all feet in the air Laughing all the while Symple interest in succubus syllabus synthesis Planning in the parenthetical lands (you got bladder problems) Structure exits W/ sad priests Exorcisms last for hours Belong We were Theomonetary Cuisine Your flabby faces Breath obscene taints In cool autumn Freeze the mirror The trace fragments Erase figments Fictions flee… THUGEE Weak & sad Sick, broke, & morbid Confused, misused, abused, & scorned Hurt, wrists hurt, eyes hurt, face burns Tears leak slow paths to static fevers Sickening, shattered, stretched to breaking In loss the cancer spreads Blasted fragrance of death Hard skin, treachery stems from growth In growth pain clusters Hate engenders crass descent To well of loss & chain Waste land, candy ball Hat off to stone soul Cold. ORGAS Hardly enough To create the once again Sore beaten image Afraid Drain steal Reach, plummet Grasp Defy Alone Stutter Believe Conceive another Slug, sloth, slap Coil twist revile Denial, style of compression Disdained Sustain Lying Trace strength W/ card shark Pain, green envy Memory Of early incense The rest of watered Flood & Strumpets glove One More Time For one moment The past elapsed Left glistening edges of memory In the bonewhite gleam of shared history Exposed to the truest expression of Now Fluxing under the blood moon of shallow days & it watches w/ piercing treason Teases the waiting hopes W/ mayhap & now then Angel of crazed substantiation Climb the hard fought structure Greet me in the dark nights & grant me divine style & perfection in glamour In knowing all I will know nothing Wastes of maniac silence Stretched to breaking Trussed up & broken The final building is in place We got the bomb Remorse Beg forgive Forget Formaldehyde. Logram Late dark fleeting They peel us in two The frustration is dependant Left to its own devises It devises devices to function as vices To leave cowering on the meteorite Flood twilight, left tender Seeking leather fear W/ the comforts of candles & the sanity of intelligence to back the bombs of kindness not rot in cell Like a red rose of freedom thorns her heat explores the reasons Of the meaning of these dreams She is pulled by differing regions Now in complete confusion Nowhere left to trade the hard world For a simple existence Pierced by the needle of darkness Her flesh bruised by the daggers of her shame There is no purity behind her screams Only the vampiric constraints Of the feeding of the chains Drug sick & stained her eyes despise the mirror What is left to bind her after the world has had its fix? She is drowned by pain & vengeance has its fevers Like a mass in treasonous times, A eulogy for a swollen head, The coarse denial of innocence dead in reaction The pain escapes & burns through the ways of essence drained, She is pain alive & beating, her flesh retaining the meanings she gave it Children never born are karmic dependents, There is no fear to be death in a fluid Only the shallows of a future persuasion She cannot deny a fuel of this magnitude To conquer in secret Her passionate disgust I ZONE Stone death Follow mad paths To call sedition Treason, rage & vengeance So bartered & slammed Famished eagerness She sheltered my thoughts Head caught in the soul Absorbed by her flame Then mesmerized by her heat I shudder in contact W/ the vibration of angels New creations Led to slaughter I caught her eye Last style from mind To mind we rephase Delays to time honored Shatters the need to be Hallways now empty Strange sisterhoods They gather in the alleyways Trade secrets in dead languages We grieve for the old ways Left to religions & scientific visions A clear pool of water on fire w/ the moonlight Echo the cool stains In the plain states It covers your steaming Vapor crushes Screaming. To be shattered Twisted, scold & Shame so long Eats like fever @ the soul Leaves pain in its wake Alive. Haunted no longer Move w/ ease Passion, joy Seeking the new Review Mirror deeds w/ rationalization W/ revelation W/ confirmation I agree w/ certain motivations This is moral obligation… To be karmic & convienient Neat accomplishment This achievement Then To Be Free Trea.son Tree a son Hold one down Breathe hard on his neck 2 sides To every 2-sided issue Do you know What it means To live guilty? Words like fire from her lips Sealed wrapped around Sunk into bliss Touch me Heal me Put your arms around me Take me Remake me Live new life through me Time picks itself up from the cool night of shade hearing a ringing echo within, Time grasps its way about it, shuffles the cards one last time, & tosses the spare to the wind. Time is a cold cluster of motives, some urgent, some pure Time struggles its way upward Half alive in dream time The warrior takes a bow Time is a twist of placement Of comfort Distorted There Between thrice torn & twice broken I discover a please thank these Stronger now than what I was Mock The cleanse Ends Grown on try not Lore of the try Style criminal guile File away Hide the smile Denial Sick of the style The price of style The incomplete numbness of rank & file Your heritage My parentage I question the ancestrage The growth of hollow Flux Do you ever feel the calm enjoyment Of the storm you see a’brewin? The world is siphoning images from our cool amusement There is music in the spheres if we only close our ears To be time, steal the ways we think Threaten the ways we memorize days All wisdom seems defiant when time is a solitary complaint If you could see the future would you get bored waiting? Would you give it all up later for a chance to have it now, To follow romantic nonsense of a fate that knows no bounds? Better the wealth you fear than the fate you dread Better off living than the living dead. To Summon The Muse: We gather in wonder Amazement & symmetry There is a whole sense of usury Left in the passing Is this touch of breath of inspiration The indwelling of a numen? Such is as it seems to be This visitation of meaning We gather the watchtower sigils Leaf through alphabets once dead Now reviving Resurrect the dying gods The young come a’knocking They got fuel Got sensation Old school New faces on old scorn… Torn between the dreamstates Of being Watch these souls They burn fierce Burn quick They illuminate @ their own discretion Drag themselves into repentance Lost dancers Twirl down stiff rhythms Drown in symptoms In the radiant Meaning Can this pure submission To knowledge be corrosive? It seems knowledge & wisdom Lie outside our understanding That death holds many things There is knowledge in time There is also knowledge lost Memory stains the darkness Cool… beauty. All knowledge is life-wrought, Self-inflicted. What price What cost incoherence? We touch Like fading Dreams erase the shame Meet in cool blue light Under swollen moons & feverish stars To Know, To Know, To Know! There is No Greater Purpose Except To steal enjoyment To find happiness To resurrect emotions To follow dreams To taste life Alive & blinded by the life Wrapped up in the torrent of being Awake & asleep & thinking There is only life to be living KAO They came w/ cool intentions Handshake & a nod No looks of rejection Passed out the awe of perhaps W/ a treasury we could not match There were speakers, Dreamers, inbetween sanity & doubt The core soul of just enough The care of the world Pardon “You stealing this?” “no, go right ahead.” We are all thieves Each & every Gruff sincerity I please the meanings Grasp solid onto passion Is love not divine? Lust then a shrine. Shame You streak past Guile. NIHIL WALL IN HALLOWED EVENTS MIND IS TEMPTED W/ WATCH & ADORE SHE HELD THE FLOOR W/ BOTH BREASTS I GLARE FEAR STARE IMPAIRED SHE HAS PRESENCE PLEASE & REPENTANCE BECK & CALL CRUSH THESE WALLS Tin Heart You see before you a man made of rubble All hollow emotion & submission & shatter Simple to pity the devious slander You lie my way? We got fiction to witness, last chance asylum, Shallow fevers build silent graveyards Death leaves us stifled, parched, pained Leaves us to rot In these fingers death lies waiting Grimace @ the mirror Dance the slow entropy Of life w/in a shell Time exists to treat death to a sideshow New forms, each more elaborate than the last Death is an artist @ work on a masterpiece Death signs each portrait itself… Death is God The afterlife is a fog Of seamless unity Outside Time. Life returns on the white landscape Leeches new purpose from old souls Ancient ruins become future daydreams There is a cycle Pure. Means. Desire. Solace @ Last So, lace up the skin Stretch out the glistening edges Of a tender bit of flesh Examine deep the bleeding Gristle & muscle twist w/in See beneath the flash & shadow Of the mask beneath the soul To see into the mind Open that which closed Turn on To own Hades Shade She had it all Why this cold stone This crescent grave It has the solace & Death eases our pain Panic In habit Inhibit Solace Essence of Existence Begin this ending W/ courage & new seasons See wolf moon demons In the old hallways of memory The wyrd is immobile, time seeks to roam To explore demented states & reasonless frames of mind Find habits where nothing now sits All we were warned about Becomes true through our denial of fear In the wastes of sensation There remains reaction to stimuli The soul leaves fragments of itself Strewn about in its wake Develop the connection of soul shards Draw upon all that exists Through your experience Find your own perceptions Unite each divided direction w/in What is real? Do cold nights reflect Warm thoughts & sinister reasons Left twisted in the calm of meaning There are walls left between us We cannot deny the passion That drives us to realize compassion We cannot be cold forever The sun leaves victims in its wake Changes occur on a daily basis. Pit Stop Mumbling sheer nothing @ the industrial walls He waltzes through the shadows Picking @ thoughts that itch Somehow tragic, watered down, left dry Core soft, sad in the predawn Shelter, food & warmth Simple pleasures We all have our weaknesses His, heat & compassion & a strong drink think sex the end all be all of existence, sex rugged & intense pure & ecstatic sensation all there is in life? We talking women, talking down & out sleaze, Talking tit bar fantasy & cocksucking This gotta be bullshit, there’s a world outside & all we know is where we’ve been he blazed on, set fire to his heels over rough country headed west left behind frozen dinners, cool dreams & cold hearts find golden roads in the twilight HWY left open, unending, He got clutch, got gasoline envy, Got new sense of direction. This town sucks the desire from the flesh Creates vast sinkholes of the soul Vapid, lost passengers wait Passing out @ random intervals a ride out of here determination has become cliché a secret password for the iconoclast & the muses gather to get her & trade sex tips & trade secrets & the veils of gossip sink ships as they pass in the night Racing & erasing w/ equal speed They demand a refund w/ crumpled receipts Drink to the health of the sick & dying & when the music flows in from the river’s edge The dancers pull out & present their gifts if you try hard enough you can trace European styles in hairdresser fashion across the foreheads of every civilian damned to a lifetime of cyclic existence & they flee for the white cliffs that overlook the sunset flee w/ the dogs of guilt @ their heels Monog What price lust you give it & true love should return the favor or so you think Wait these are not my scars these walls, these masks none of them are torn apart as I stare into the light This purity Empassioned as it was before teach me this dance shall I beg? Every heartbeat becomes its rhythm Oceans of fire silence deception Wandering hope steals the keys of the kingdom Wasted devotion to the muse of impressions got you & you alone blame must be placed blades must be sheathed shaped by their natures this cost too high to unleash desires finally find honesty @ five in the morning after beating around the bush for twelve full hours & I know only a calm reward a weight leaves me seething left behind on the side of the path of time On the Connection Between Shamanic Vision & Psychotic Delusion Bear Bare My burdens? Ha. I BEAR MY OWN FEARS I WOLF MY DESIRES “Is it always this hard?” then touch my shadow Fierce need interwoven Build terrifying terraform terrorize the whole experience Terrify the desire “to break down the walls?” to hunt the Liars taste mad flee flavor grief for a future crisis touches me race to away wards our own nemise no not this mortal sole alone against all morals strive to be immortal FUCK Not now, not our world Full, hate… & shaken Taken from its bleeding cancer Built upon immortal grandeur Our vulgar display of phallusy want to live this route? Gnostic genocided coincide w/ millenialist arrogance Our precious timeline could never be faulty Ethnocentric Theological Bullshit Artist Give ‘em a rod & They’ll beat you with it… Give ‘em a rod & They’ll beat you with it… Give ‘em a rod & They’ll Repeat themselves into a coronary Coroner @ a late shift madman was the latest stiff Given in to social whim Remove him from the gene pool Heroine Her voice Fragments My concentration Her eyes Devour My soul Floods Enrapture Their source Constant Expectations Evening of the spires Twilight Purple skies Hear The flux Of the seasons closes in like closeness comes creeping comes crawling in on top of itself bristling w/ the arrogance that oozes off of twilight comes seeping a disease all its own a sickness that distrust breeds w/in its womb we are the black walled sons of downtown polite laughter in the hallway we pass like strangers on our way to the gas chamber is this family? Bitterness Exquisite What you want I cannot provide Who you are I cannot deny Where you’ve been I cannot imagine Why you exist escapes my mind If this was another town & me another man & you another woman Well, maybe then But you have made me hollow There’s nothing left w/in & the nights are all the same now & my demons rage w/in & the way the core keeps rotting @ the center of our lives Reminds me of my vows To never let dreams die & though I know the truth I keep living this great lie You cost me money & friends & time You fill me full of emptiness & make me dream of crimes You sell the memories one by one Until all hope has died You conjure shit & call it gold Then come to me to cry I do not want this mask you’ve made Nor to play the games you want to play No matter what you try Pepper He wandered in To our lives w/ a Broken leg & a head Cold, scruffy little Fella w/ laughter In his eyes Now he walks Gently, favors His old fractures & limps when he runs In the winter He sleeps In the snow Next to The doghouse ViralIzatIon or if is it enough & what now were to fold, or is it enough? & what of now? Crimson lies touch stained lips, drip cool mindless numbed thoughts into the aftermath of consumptions brought forth for all to witness. Applause! Dance & sing! Reward all travesty w/ pols & sudden death overtime transcendental fixes, give gifts & lists to the white class partnerships. Trade crisis, tax embellishments, stock in trade down exchanging, loss depraved & grim constraints. your blood or mine, got less to lose than earlier… who was our murderer? This is the end of the world of meaning, all is now nonsense, chaotic & fleeting. ENOUGH ~ HATE DECAYS THEHEART ~ IT EATS IT ~ STOP. return to contents