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Pop Poetry, the T-Shirt Ideas

A Dance Summons

We're nowhere near answers, mind you, Just a sense of divine self assurance That all of this is purely nonsense. A plant… they've got sleeper agents Dear God, these fuckers are insane! Layers upon layers of disinformation symptoms & wolves howling in the darkness. I know who is out to get the world, & who wants to rule the few… Please fight a battle for your own side @ least, just once in a while? A shaman approaches

Dare to steal the passion Dance to inner reason Learn to lie for love * Tender Receptions Lifting Perceptions * Another work day drawn To the flicker of the neon

Everything False, Nothing Forbidden

When You've found Nothing In the middle of Nowhere Then you'll Know That you're Now Here

Now You Are Here.

F N O R D Glued to your television W/ your hands on the remote & that still small voice whispering in your ear F N O R D Can you psense the anguish Where the wyrds have been & words just don't add up? F N O R D Cliché after all, is it all an illusion Attention at the drop of a whim Like is it in your head that it doesn't Or does it get in your head as it is? F N O R D Yours truly, your body, your umbilical cord Reattached in your brain Remain sane & ignore the television! F N O R D Floodlights @ Midnight ~!!!~ left watching the terrors come waltzing through mirrors of constant compression alive @ midnight w/ only the shallow the strongest racing for deeper waters & in their paths we wallow then floodlights @ midnight come dawning in the hollow now opinions dribbling away give gravest attention the shadows where you follow In Defiance We are silence In Denial We are style In Desire We are fire In Deception We are perfection In Conclusion We are a union of confusions

It Defiantly Seems To Appear To Be That Way

OI~2K The cool dimness of oddities The dawn of a million years of no edge All gathered together For our own amusements… The fates look wearily upon our sculpture Open weak amusements to indisgressions, Revisit the darling companions As inconsequential interfering persistances, Thus removing the case in conflict EITHER THAT OR WE BEST HAVE TIME TRAVEL! We are the Dead There are no others No constant confusions to keep us awake To take apart, to misuse, To reduce to its lesser bits. That image lies dormant A constant awareness. Come in deep, fuck w/ the beast Lie dormant & calm in the wake. There are no others. I.chaos comes a'questin' gotcha all neon eyes now you know how it all comes on a'crashin'round on down near chaos & all its got to be & them fever restrictions & constrictions & structures & all them gots ta gotta be there don'tcha know you know it all'n so what, now? Personally left all why not out w/ temptation & passed on w/ naught but a how & why for what reasonings you need this, what now? break in down town got great demonstrate the found---Riot Crown Hearsay @ the trial all the while night calls feel image insertion & controlled bleeding given secrets & daydreams, lost & forgotten all the while... Order, stuff & oblivious, plodding in a controlled style freethinking about style on job & symbolic stringent & everything placed & the fires blow free as the world spins its mystery & even the masters came into their pastures, it is the final countdown we all gotta watch, our eyes transfixed on 2000 clocks, & order & chaos will go head on head & both have their fans & their own favorite ends. II.& it comes, slow fast hard turning break through freedom visual imagery throw breakneck @ overhead movement projections sick intensity lost on the voyuers words swung back open against the cell walls slam shut drag intruigue out into the light & wrench conspiracy of silence in shouts of denial sore, sore & beat down tell reason, speak cold heart & staring glimpse triumph & graveside restless twist harmonies & forgiveness into cold thread wound tight, grievances aghast hallowed, shudder against the colder months alien memories throw hard headed moanings against trying to find, against seekings & ephemeral purpose outcast & doomed to wander fragrant, solid intense & built to stand to forever deny decay, w/stand entropy & grabbing the eternal, to petition, to prostrate, to twinkle & laugh, & beg off the sentancing to call on mercy & pity & destiny in the courts of karma here these old ways stink of decay & limelight & shame these worshipful & pious assume dark aspects here lore & myth prevail, & time acts out its role what then? what shall we demand? there is only the faint knowledge still burning deep of castles & heroics & warrior gods the walls of perception are flooded overrun by the barbarians @ the gates of free enterprise & the pirates own the salt mines. the slaying of the fae has reached its climax all the old ways & the elder races vanish & we are blind to their absence they leave behind curses slaughter & vivisection our ritual compassion for those weaker who stand in our way we have our own gods on our side & can commit no sin the wolves mourn & howl their loss III.& it goes tense dense discontented these calm moments foreshadowed my heart is torn, bound by the whispers of what if dangling on the edge of madness, despair, memory & decay I want it all, the touch, the hold, the great barriers against loneliness & she was my one first touch @ what could be not for me alone I follow, search for what is known & hollow, & despairing of fate, & destined for this wasting away my heart calls out for escape & shakes apart its cell I drink to forget, to dull the memories, to pass beneath the veil of being, I drink, & the bottle tastes of fiery tears find these dreams... my ache leaves me awake through loneliness & sullen darkness find dreams w/ passion, leave cool senses outside the walls climb the fearful, the core of being, & stagger drunk on forgotten emotions she touched me more than I if only no pain, no guilt her beauty & her soul leave me stunned staring @ the oncoming frozen headlights she meant the world to me... know how it all seems hollow? pointless in the pre-dawn hours? Alone w/ only my thoughts to kill, to condemn, to exonerate redeemed by the memory of her passing tried & imprisoned by the voices I remember she had sacred visions I recall in dreams close these walls touch the doorways & sleep enchanted by the memories my heart has awoken & melts, a soft ache exposed to this reality once again days strung out in tranquil seasons laid cool against fleeing moonlight as our shadows contain our motion move w/ sullen sheer pretense all rested, laid aside, we are thrown to the warzone & given a dagger of silver & a chalice of gold voices assault me give flesh to disgust to unending annoyance I despise what I've discovered find rage in the latest craze we are a culture of greed & the great ones are forgotten left lying in places of torment rotting behind the facade of history there's this place I get stuck in so I clutch at the walls & I grip this is trouble & I slip through cracks crumbling stance leaves traces like trances staring mindless awestruck devices advancing through maniac remarks to tender hearts made new a vanishing memory of what was once cold decieving myself when I was alone & poised to panic there's this place I get stuck in Return to that one screen with all the poems listed on it