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By ~zenwerewolf~ hung out to dry out the hang outs are dried up the hang ups are calling back crackpots are waltzing through inbetween places while overhead traces of memory fade the bloodstone erasure of an ignorant vagrant on road to the flagrant substance abuse hung out to dry up the blue collar workout to try out the crime of ingesting a line to try to outdo what you did just last night hung up on staying in tune w/ the buzz you've lost all your trust your passion for dust overtaking all boundries you set for yourself now safe in your veins the last bit remains boiled away in a spoon you hang up the phone call for a call back from a page your pager is your life, your lover, your need for another quick fix to speed you through that one last night before you swore to finally quit but your hangups won't hang out to dry out you are sick. the greatest will go to their graves like the rest but your rest is a hell of your own devising dying of slow poisen, cease & desist!

I hate morality plays, the assumption that an author can make a case for the good or evil of a certain course of action, & despise cluttering up perfectly good poems w/ moral themes. This poem is about a guy, not about a drug, nor about the good or evil of the drug. The guy in question was named james. he lives, or at least did live, in denver. He had been on speed since he was twelve, & had been shooting speed since he was fifteen. when I met him he was twenty, twenty-two, something. when you reach that level of speed usage, you don't sleep ever. at one point james had been awake for twenty-seven consecutive days, & he passed out on the couch for eighteen straight hours after I made him some pancakes. being w/out sleep for that long changes the fundamental personality in ways that I can't quite explain, but suffice it to say that james was speed, he exuded it in his motions, he stank of speed, his eyes never stopped moving. the best term=sketchy. he was sketchy. he got the speed through a system of barter that he had worked out, whereby he spent the early morning hours patroling the alleyways & digging through the trash looking for things he could trade to his meth dealer for speed. he had to have the speed, cause without it he could never have the patience to spend hours wandering through the alleys looking through trash. Easily one of the most unreal individuals I have ever met, like a cardboard character in a bad crime novel. this isn't a moral poem, its just about this guy, ya know?-.:.

Shelter In Starlight

there of course must first be some contact some way of establishing direct communication without this direct and open line of interaction there can be no transmutation of energy

Come now, don't look at me like that, looking at me with those smashed in eyes all the pain driven directly to the forehead the lines crushed thick and smeared dark bold hard lines dribble and leak soul pain...
Wipe them off, take my rags and scrub hard, scrub like all of heaven was waiting for you arms outstretched, face upturned, walk this tree-lined moon path your song arising from the back of your throat to wind its way through the forest to the dark heart of the woods where it gives birth to legends and sustains the weaker spirits
you are a believer, you are a creator, you do yourself no justice with this blackness there is no place for deception on the palate of your perception
