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This Present Stranger

I. In this I give my all, I bare my soul & open each floodgate One by one... All that has gone before is noise Is pride & boast, Is shadows creeping outward in suffocation & I shudder to wonder why... I can count my passions one by one & taste my lies in bitterness Left behind & devoured By this vast half-awake moment by moment existence Consumed great ideas & shit bad habits As progression dragged me onward. So this is my despair, to rip my being apart before you & know you can rebuild me, Leave my broken pieces scattered across the wasteland of my soul To know I would allow you to rebuild me, It is my weakness. Need to be forever alone to remain my own pure creation, To know my mind & know it is my own, my dream... & to prepare for love is to deny love access To the darker corridors of my perception & I save the worst for a last ditch effort On the edges of my deceptions. In decay I fall away from the world you all inhabit, & I want cold detatchment For fear of deep involvement Creating deeper resentments... & I could not bear to hurt another, Or to hurt again I believe my own defenses until they become obsessions & leave behind an image I no longer recognize Because loneliness absorbs but doesn't define & one by one I make my bricks & place the doorway @ the heart of my maze & complete the courage to be a coward & run from affection like fleeing infection Like percieving deception hands me decieving perfections @ the touch of her lips & no one wants this II. Suddenly my world had developed desires While my hate put forth flashbacks to finer times & I remember wanting to be more than I am To follow vague impressions as fast as I could, As far as it took to uncover the meanings To pierce the dreams that have haunted me & to find a goal for my destiny... Remember how it felt to bleed, How every sensation created a need, How fierce & delicious the cravings? Companions seeking end-of-everything magicks in seasons of shade, Stalking through bone-yards as the memories fade, Tore apart secrets in half-drunken hazes... Mourning for victims of this once perfect nation My childhood deadly & my youth a fiction, Your innocent daydreams invade my decisions While granting highlights of passion To the verbal precision & I dare to defend what no longer seems precious In the hopes that someday we might be receptive. III. Cynical, cool, & visionary for one day too long, Too much, taken callous & assaulted in the early morning By all the various nightmarish entities I've conjured up For my own amusement over the last few years & they gather on the doorway's edge Across the threshold, arms interlinked Shuddering in cold contemplation... Nothing but stolen purpose & useless & counterfiet emotion, They exude patient hatred & glare @ me w/ bloodshot eyes Through countless mirrors While telling me of my death & they send greeting cards & wish me ill will In their own special way... They gather together the bits of myself I have abandoned throughout my bitterness & wrapping it into one great shitstorm They invade my sleep & accuse me of sins I long thought dead. There is no rest for guilt or shame, Only a period of remission for revenants Of an emotional cancer turned malignant & spreading. W/out the aggression of my old ways Or the wisdom of my last days My defenses are reduced To cliche's IV. Beyond fatigue the source of despair prods me into a secondary awareness Drags me out into the predawn morning for a dance w/ angels & I greet the rising sun w/ the kisses of a vagrant Set on the annihilation of the past & as fictions fall away the sanctity of the moment of truth overwhelms me & I know the true meaning of desire It grabs me, Clenching my intestines in clammy fists, Sends hollow shivers along my spine, Humming in time w/ the rhythm of the rain & I know all is not well w/ us all... V. Then it becomes a trial, An ongoing struggle, & the days & nights become each other & blend together into one seamless mesh of slow time. Time leaks, dripping from the rust of weeks, Of months dragged out, The whole damn ball rotates around that blazing furnace & we all spin together & in sleep somedays become numbered & nights are lost forever & fantasy becomes farther away & I smell blood on my hands, Stains on my sheets, Have dead flesh in my stomache, & sinister memories leave me strung out & ashamed to be alive If my world were what I once thought it would be, All huge backyard & married @ 20 & college degree, Maybe then I could sleep in peace, Maybe then I would be @ ease W/ these sudden pure impressions of the coming of age. We cleanse deciets w/ a slow form of piety While vanishing traces of memory Fleeing the terrors of the loss of meaning & I feel my world now coming to eat me All coming apart @ the seams of cool mornings... Greatness flexing up against my walls again, Left treated, mistaken, & beaten w/in As they cleanse me & leave me shallow & hollow & there seems to be a missing element, A fragment out of place. VI. Try to force the mind to sleep, Try to silence the images that come crawling up from deep w/in The vivid deaths that haunt me & I am tortured by my own mind, Forced to deal w/ the dawn Bleary-eyed & half-dead I tear away the covers, Lay twisted & alone on the sheets, Stare @ the digital alarm clock & wait for the numbers to tick away my life I am being timed, this is a race, but I do not know where, In what direction... Nor how far away the finish line has been drawn I have had my fill of these secrets, Of never meeting the eyes of those who pass me by Of ignoring tell-tale phrases w/ the polite nod & quizzical looks, For my passions & my muses have been discarded In a vain attempt to appear respectable, & in doing so I have made of myself a fiction, A perverse creation, A puppet to be toyed w/ & thrown aside... I only do what is asked & expected, & deny desire w/ the self-conciousness so necessary to a man of honor, But w/out the piety that would lend a sacrificial meaning For I am moral & ethical only because it has never occured to me That I could be otherwise. VII. That there might be more, That this might be the start of something better, That I may rediscover that golden road I once followed, This is my reason for continued existence... That I may discover love pinned under a steel girder Or beneath a cracked foundation, Just waiting for fate to come along, This is my dream of continued existence. That I might be blindsided by good fortune, Or run down by compassion, Or greeted by a perfect stranger w/ true friendship, My ulterior motivation... For these are the things that keep me hoping, Keep my scars down to a minimum. W/out the constant ongoing monotony I fear I might lose myself, Lose my edge, my carved out niche, & I have only burdens of routine I have become an endless string of habits & there are no others, No additional members in my circular patterns. & when change does come, When the little death claims its next victim, Will I be ready to mount that hearse & ride it through the next millenium? I question my resolve when the moon sets, Look out beyond the horizon, & curse the stars as they fade from view The sun rises & I spit. :TO THE SECOND PAGE: