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Hello, my name is Elaine.

I'm 47 yrs. old, live in Ky and love to travel.
My favorite past time is babysitting my nephews, being online and listening to jazz.

During the holidays I'm known as the "cake lady" because I'm somewhat responsible for the bake treats for the family...(and I love every minute of it)..yum yum!

  I'm retired so I have a lot of time to do nothing. "Girl let me tell ya what happened on the soaps today"...LOL

I haven't been physically able to move around much, but lately Suzie and I have been putting some miles on the road.
  Love seeing my chatroom family when we gather for our reunions, and that's worth traveling for.
You know who you are, it's just too many of you out there to mention, but I'll be in a city near you..real soon..LOL

    My hobbies are baking, reading and hanging out in bookstores.
Currently I am searching for jazz artists, such as Crusaders, Bob James, Weather Report, Blackbyrds, because those were the ones who I started listening to before I became a fanatic.

There is another side of me. On occasions I pull out my classical music for relaxation and meditation and sometimes it's just good for "housecleaning music".

On my weekends I can be found at flea markets, outdoors concerts, the ballet or at the open stage theatre.

  I'm single, never married and have no children.
Also I have joined the ranks of being a disabled veteran. A back injury years ago while in the military caused me to retire from civil service at the age of 44.

Everyday it is a blessing to see the beauty of the universe.
Share as much as you can with friends and family.
There's true meaning to the saying "smell the roses" along the way.
You're beautiful..Peace!