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Maybeso is Certified in the Psychology of Peak Performance, personally and professionally.

She was trained under the leadership of Anthony Robbins,

a Master in the area of communications with Oneself and Others to achieve Excellence through Empowerment.

Get help in improving your relationships, online as well as offline.....

make your life more fullfilling,

find peace of mind, and as a result lead a more contented life.

I invite you to send any questions or challenges you may be facing,

they will be addressed with insightful counsel and with loving concern......

Most of us who have been online for awhile have made many good friends, and some even have love interests.

It's kind of fun because you get to know someone a lot before you meet and spend time with them, this is a big advantage, which is what I still find so unusual about online relationships.

Sometimes their photo miss-represents them a bit, like it was taken 10 years ago or in the perfect lighting at that perfect second when they look amazing....smile.

I think when you meet someone in a bar or just out somewhere, it's all about looks. You're giving a total stranger your number and setting a date with someone who you will probably not want to know in a couple of dates!

At this stage of our lives we mostly look for or are drawn to people who have interesting things to talk about, a creative sense of humor or a humble nature . There are no perfect looking folks out there......smile.

One must be realistic about what is important to you not only in a mate, in friendships as well. We set ourselves up to be disappointed. We are only human, if someone doesn't have the exact same views as you, same upbringing and they don't fit your image of your dream person, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's more interesting that way!

Do your friends have to mirror you in every way for you to hang out with them? Look for a friend that you are attracted to. That is the key to finding someone prefect for you.

I'm noticing that there are a lot of people out there who are only looking for "their soul mates" and the "one who will complete them." First of all, if you think your life will turn around and be amazing if you have a spouse, you're in for a big disappointment!

It takes work, patience, compromise and for you both to actually like each other, to be in any relationship. You also need to be happy with yourself before you take on someone else. No one will ever complete you. It's your job to do that, not anyone else's.

Also, I think it is unrealistic to think there is only one person for you out there! Do you realize how huge this planet is? That's a lot of pressure that I think people unnecessarily put on themselves.

I believe that you can have a soul mate, and its not necessarily a romantic one. It's most likely your best friend that you have known for years, who get's all of your jokes and you play off each other's differences! I think there are several people out there for each of us, not just one.

Yet there are those who fall in the trap of actually thinking that if they meet the person that they should be with for eternity, the skies will part, they will hear trumpets, lighting will strike and they will know then that they are soul mates.

Life is not like the movies! You can have a crush on someone you just met or chat with, but love? Unless you're only looking for someone to be Mrgoodbar, or Msgoodbar, you need to be friends, really get to know someone and then see how you feel.

Here's another point that a close friend brought to my attention. What if you do find what you think is your soul mate and the next week they pass away. Are you supposed to be alone for eternity then because your soul mate is gone?

No, you would hopefully and eventually find someone else, because like my theory states, there is more than just one person for everyone.

I know what I'm looking for. Someone who I can be totally myself with and they are totally themselves with me. We may not always agree with each other, and we may have our bad days, but we love each other unconditionally.

Because we accept each other, flaws and all. So, here's my advise to you. Open up to the possibilities. Give life and people a chance......things may surprise you!!!!!

Make each day an adventure, its a blessing to to wake up on the side of the living......smile.