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Maybeso is Certified in the Psychology of Peak Performance, personally and professionally.

She was trained under the leadership of Anthony Robbins,

a Master in the area of communications with Oneself and Others to achieve Excellence through Empowerment.

Get help in improving your relationships, online as well as offline.....

make your life more fullfilling,

find peace of mind, and as a result lead a more contented life.

I invite you to send any questions or challenges you may be facing,

they will be addressed with insightful counsel and with loving concern......

The Letter

Dear Maybeso

I have been alone for quite awhile now. So I started playing around on the internet as a pastime. And it has helped to fill many lonely hours.

At first all I did was surf the net, and really enjoyed finding all kinds of valuable information, then a friend turned me on to the chat rooms.

I started chatting with a nice guy in a nearby state, and after awhile we decided to meet.
I was tired of wallowing in self pity,
and my chats with him made me yearn even more for the company of a man.

We decided to meet, only for sex, it was to be a one night stand.
Now I have never done anything like this before,
yet being online something changed inside me.
I know I was taking a chance, yet I developed unbelievable courage fed by the desire to have the company of this man even if it was only for one night.
I didn't think I would see him again, and at that point really didn't care.

When I met Malik, he turned out to be more than I imagined.
He was kind, gentle, and a great lover.
The chemistry we had online was even stronger in person.
I realized that I had fooled myself into thinking I could handle a one night stand.
I knew then I wouldn't have been completely fine if it ended there.

Well the one night affair has turned into 6 encounters in 3 months, and is so very enjoyable in a physical sense.
We agreed that we didn't want to get seriously involved at this time. Or at least I pretended that I didn't.

Now I have a problem. The sexual aspect is all there is, I want more, and when I hint at making a commitment, the subject remains unanswered.
I enjoy his company but I'm afraid that even though this isn't a "relationship", if I press the matter, he will go away.

How do I firmly express that I want more, without him running.
I want so badly to have him in my life for keeps.

The Response

Dear Asking....Unfortunately you set this situation up... It was your intention, and you manifested it...I know you have heard that saying......"be careful of what you ask".

As women we tend to fool ourselves into thinking we can just have a one night stand and then move on........that is a difficult task because we are very emotional creatures.

I can tell you are a very sensitive and caring person. There is no way you could have just walked away......

Its a real challenge to change a relationship from the way it started out......ask yourself these questions

do you have a "friendship" with this man?, do you have any shared interests, what do you know about his life, his family, his friends?

You can try to move the relationship in another direction. Start with talking with him openly and honestly about how you are feeling.

Telling the truth will be good for you. I can't predict how he'll react. Yet if you tell the truth about what you want and how you feel, and then he is turned off, that just means that he didn't want what you wanted. Better to know now than prolong the hurt

Perhaps you can invite him to do some things that the two of you can do together. If he turns you down, then you can try again with another idea. If he keeps turning you down, but still wants to have sex, then you have a pretty good idea where his motivations lie.

Something else you must face: Many guys, if they get sex too easily, don't want to put any effort into building a better relationship.

They like having a playmate, not a commitment. I'm not saying this is all guys

But Malik might be just that kind of guy.

You need to focus on changing your intentions and move towards that goal.

Apply the same courage here as you did that first night! You have to stop living in denial!!!

The most important thing is that you learn from this experience.

Be sure to stay open to the wisdom you can gain in this encounter.

It will serve you well in future relationships.