Our Mission

TO continue to encourage the bonds
that were formed in spite of the vast distances between us.

TO keep you updated
with those
that we may rarely communicate with,
yet they are still in our hearts and thoughts.

TO help you to
LEAD a life centered around
the principles of empowerment, excellence, humility, and honesty.

TO encourage you to always
REMEMBER what's important in life
health, financial security, family, friends, and relationships.

TO offer all information pertaining to the assistance of this endeavor.

TO encourage you to
REVERE the admirable characteristics in others,
and attempt to implement similar characteristics in your own life.

TO encourage you to
RECOGNIZE your strengths
and develop talents as a person who is
adaptable, articulate, a communicator,
confident, entertaining, and clever.

TO show that we all must
HUMBLE ourselves by
acknowledging that we can be disorganized, insecure, and excessive.

TO offer loving encouragement, so we will continue to
strive to transform our weaknesses
into strengths. We
ENVISION, as a family we will become people who are more
caring, compassionate, and faithful.
Committed to function in
and in that
WILL become
a more courageous, principle-centered,
dependable, industrious, powerful,
enthusiastic, and ambitious group of people!

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Ask MaybesoHealth NotesBirth-Death

Did You KnowPersonalsGood Eating

Black In PolitcsComing EventsBirthdays

Protect YourselfShout-OutMoney Sense

***The Club 50 Plus News will be published once a Month***

Please send any news to


Thanks Msjw..Maybeso..Ammalady..Vic66..Msgbmoore..Essence

Anyone that would like to join the 50 plus news staff please e-mail us.