God Knows The Score!

Have you ever been caught in a web you didn't weave,

Involved in conditions that are hard to believe?

Have you felt you must speak and explain or deny

A story that's groundless or a small, whispered lie?

Have you ever heard rumors you would like to refute

Or some telltale gossip you would like to dispute?

Well, don't be upset for God knows the score

And with God as your judge you need worry no more,

For men may misjudge you but God's verdict is fair.

For He looks deep inside and He is clearly aware

Of every small detail in your pattern of living

And always He's lenient and fair and forgiving--

And knowing that God is your judge and your jury

Frees you completely from man's falseness and fury,

And secure in this knowledge let your thoughts rise above

Man's small, shallow judgements that are so empty of

God's goodness and Greatness in judging all men.

Helen Steiner Rice

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being delivered in your name.

May you be a living witness

of God's healing power;

Giving strength to your doctors

to restore your health,

and have a successful recovery.

Get Well Soon











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