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HELLO,my name is msgbmoore,Gerie,or the girl with the pictures
I am from Wichita,Kansas. I am a divorced mother of 2 daughters.
Mwasiti,who thinks that Webtv should only be used for looking up things and everything else is dumb, including chat...
Kareema(ktmoore3) use to think the same way,until she got her own webtv,now she is just like her mother...HOOKED...
I have 4 grandchildren,Ernie,Imani,Ronnie and Kalen...

I have been on Webtv for 3 year and 9 months... During that time, I have met so many wonderful people.
Although, not all have been nice,they are all part of my life experiences so I have to take the good with the bad and move on.
To those that have become part of my web family,I say this to you.

Your Friendship Is A Gift You are such an important part of my life.
You are my companion, my confidant, my friend.
Too often I feel I ignore you, or dwell on my problems too much and fail to hear you.
I want you to know just how much you mean to me.

Because of you... ...pain is a little easier to handle.
The sun seems a little brighter. smile is a little wider.
...there are more colors to my rainbow.
...the world doesn't seem so lonely.
...the day doesn't seem as long.
...and I know I am not alone.
You have made my life fuller by sharing yourself with me.
Your thoughts, your feelings, your fears.
It is a trust I respect and embrace.
Thank you for being part of my life.
Thank you for seeing the good in me and helping me to nourish it.
Thank you for being my friends