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Steve Sena (a.k.a. Khrome)

A house on a hill one moonlit night when the Phantom passes by~
Silver moon haunts temptation as coyotes begin to cry~
The Phantom standing tall and silent turns to listen as the wind wails softly low~
In the distance he hears a lonely heart, ever beating slow~
The constant calling of this heart somehow beckons to his soul~
He struggles hard to turn away but now he has to know~
"What lonely heart calls out to me?" with scorn upon his face~
So now he turns and walks up slowly, toward that lonely place~
He enters through a window, into the darkened gloom~

Moonbeams piercing through the shadows reveal a tattered room~
In a lonely corner, a woman cries in grief~
He almost turns to walk away, but the thought is only brief~
He sees the woman's pain and sorrow and all her deep despair~
He reaches out to touch her hand, but she sees nothing there~
Troubled by this visage, he begins to understand~
Her waves of lonely torment, as if crashing on the sand~
Tears begin cascading from her sorrowful black eyes~
Looming thoughts of passion, never ending lies~
She feels something in the shadows, sure that someone's there~
Is someone to end her torment, she can no longer bare?~
Having to relinquish all dreams of ever finding love~
Feelings of desolation, she must somehow rise above~

Suddenly, she senses someone lurking ever closer still~
Someone she can not see, but somehow she can feel~
All at once she hears a voice call out before her eyes~
A voice so calm and gentle, that merges with her sighs~
She thinks it might be an illusion, a trick of the mind~
Catapulting her emotions to another place and time~
Hidden core of deception, this Ghostly apparition~
Disavows all logic, to formulate this vision~
The Phantom's dark piercing eyes, searches deeply through her soul~
Caressing her so tenderly, gently he takes hold~
"Touch my skin" says she, "Let me feel the warmth of your hand?"~
"Please taste my lips of desire, for they are yours to command"~
All at once he feels her give way to her most sensuous carnal desire~
Her passions growing stronger, as if they were on fire~

She says, "Just for moment, please hold me in your arms, while I forget all worries and frustration"~
"Let me savor this romantic dream, let me taste all of its sensation"~
His softly spoken words echoed through her heart~
His deep and passionate kisses, were something of an art~
But as he kissed away her wounds, eroding all her thorns~
Sweet ardor of desire caressing through the morn~
The lingering smell of fragrant bloosoms, fill the morning air~
She turns to see her lover....