Blacks and Politics


My last submission dealt briefly with individulism and the negative impact it has on us as individuals, family, communities and our race.

This individulism keeps us fighting among ourselves rather than attacking the problems we are facing.

The tentacle of indvidulism are dis-trust and dis-respect, to name two.

We have heard many times that: we are and emotional or crisis people.

I interpret this to mean- I could be wrong- that we only move as a group when the burden gets so over whelming we have to act

and even then we have many detractors within our race we have to contend with.

Why is it, that we, the largest ethnic group in this country can't take charge of our destiny?

Is it the sub-conscious training of over 300 years of slavery manifesting itself in 2002?

Train up a child the way he should go and he won't depart from it

or as Willie Lynch says: If you train them properly they will be controlled for 300 years or maybe a 1000.

Dis - trust and dis- respect of each other was systematically and psychologically bred into us for over 300 years.

The only trust worthy person, we were taught, was massa and his kind.

However, after emancipation we did build somewhat of a leadership structure, ministers, parents, teachers, business owners, elders etc...

However, during the 50s and 60s with the advent of the civil rights era much of our trust and respect of each other dissipated in our rush to assimilate,

be accepted and or recognized by the larger society.... As the saying goes: We went along to get along.

You may argue that this theory has no merit but I ask you to compare our history with other ethnic groups in this country

and I know you will find that we stand alone in being viciously subjugated by any means necessary to get the desired results.

The results of the training we endured may answer the question of why we can't chart our own destiny

With over 600 billion dollars a year at our disposal and a population of over 40 million people.

This amount of capital is larger than many country's budgets. So, why are we struggling economically across this nation?

One answer is even though we are the shepards of 600 billion dollars

95 to 97% of this amount is spent or used outside of our communities and is not used to create more wealth.

Statistic says that African Americans spends an inordinate amount of their income on expensive clothes, vehicles, jewelry, alcohol etc. etc..

We must change if we want our economic, social and political clout to change.

We must change the way we do our business because the power brokers are not about to change.

Some very simple to do to start changing the way we "handle our bizzness". none of the ideas are new---just forgotten.

1. Support black owned financial institutions and businesses...with the understanding they will support you.

2. Buy homes, land and businesses

3. Get advice and invest in the different financial markets...this is not difficult nor expensive.

4. Always save apporation of your income.

5. Start a budget and live by it.

6. Get involved in your community..Know your neighbors.

7. Teach yourself and those around you-especially the children- to respect: life, property, parents, elders and their community.

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