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Awards That Covey's Stall Has Won!

Allright!! I am overjoyed :) Covey's Stall has received it's first award. Thanks so much!!

August 8th, 1998
"You have done a fine job on your new web page. I would be delighted to present this first award to you."
White Arabian's: The Horse

December 9, 1998
"Great Page!! Makes me feel like I know Covey in real life, and what a great horse she must be!"
The Tack Trunk Club

July 1, 1999
"Wow! I just got through veiwing your pages and you have done a great job!"
The Horse Lovers Coral

Doesn't he look just like Covey??
"Congratulations! You've won Brandon's Cool Pet Page Award! "
(Kelly's Horse Site ~ URL not found)

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Canter To: Tack Trunk Club