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PICTURES! Take a Look at My Wonderful Covey


Allright, thanks to my friend Angela, who has a scanner, :) you can now see many pictures of me and my wonderful horse!

The above picture is of Covey and me (a Win-A-Gin horse show last June.


This next picutre (above) is of Covey and me at the same show grazing after schooling. We're over to the right a ways. The other horse/rider is my best-bud Ang and her horse Breeze.

Then this is a picture of Covey and me at a show in...probably June... of 1998. We were jumping 2'3" in this particular class. hehe :)

Then THIS is what Ang and I do for fun. Juuust kidding. This was in October of 1998 at our old barn's Halloween horse show where Angela was a cowboy (and Breeze was a Paint) and I was an Indian (and Covey was an Appaloosa)

Wasn't that great?! It's sooo cool to be able to put up pictures of my horse :) I don't have any of Honey scanned yet, Ang just had these pictures of us when she saw her grandpa sooo....I'll try to get some up really soon though!! Let me know what you think of my pretty pony!

You can see more pictures of Covey on her page for KrisGela Central.
Covey's Page

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