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Blade and DM Clan Match Protocol

1. Clan matches shall be twice a month, unless the ^KS^clan, with a majority vote, wishes to participate in a greater number on a case by case basis. This will create a schedule so that two blade matches and two dm matches can be done in one month.

2. Clan match coordinator should set up matches on the following days of the week only: Friday nights, Saturdays, or Sunday mid-day. Clan member's schedules must be taken into consideration when scheduling is done, so that all members can participate.

3. When we are challenged or we wish to challenge another Clan, we must first work within the ^KS^ Clan schedules. ICQ messages must be sent to all ^KS^ members and a post to the Clan Match Board must be done prior to any setting of schedules with opposing Clan. Before confirming with the opposing Clan the match time/date etc, and making it permanent, a list of ^KS^ Members must sign up to participate in the match on the Clan Match Board. Before final scheduling of a match, all ^KS^ members who wish to participate must have signed up and agreed to participate and two alternates can also be in place should a last minute scheduling issue arise.

4. A rotating schedule of players shall be implemented. The clan members last to play, shall be put at the bottom of the list for the next match, and will only participate in the upcoming match if the other clan mates at the top of the list, whom havent had a chance to play, are unable to attend.

5. At least 1 weeks notice need be given to all ^KS^ Clan members prior to the confirmation of a Clan match. No exceptions. Scheduling of clan matches will not be done to over ride each other. For example, we will not have one blade match and one dm on the same day. DM Captain and Clan Coordinator will work closely with one another to plan event dates and times so that no conflict occurs.

6. We must remember that ^KS^ Clan comes first, in our scheduling needs, not the opposing Clan's, so if they are challenging us, they need to work with our schedule. If we are challenging them, we need to take ^KS^ Clan mates' schedules as priority before we set up the match with the opposing Clan.

7. When setting up Clan matches, first attempt to have the matches on ^KS^ Server, or at least a neutral ground. Matches shall consist of 4on4 players only, with the lag speeds out there, this will be a more even ping for everyone. Also, it should be discussed with the opposing Clan at the onset, that if any member of either team should drop off due to ping, that the points not be lost. That they stop for a moment, tally the score, then continue, adding the lost points at the end of the match. Also, clan matches will consist of three maps. 1 chosen by opposing clan, 1 chosen by the ^KS^ and one mutually agreed on by both teams, or chosen by a nuetral party.

8. When setting up Clan matches, that we do so in a respectful and pleasant manner. Trash talk teasing is alright, as long as the representative of the other Clan understands that it is simply teasing, and not a slur. We are known throughout the community as having a positive, sportsmanlike attitude, and that we are some of the greatest people to interact with, we need to maintain that reputation by always playing fair and speaking to each other with respect and fun light-heartedness.

9. Members need to indicate on the Clan Match Bulletin board what matches they will be available for. (See Link Below.) Please only post to the matches that you will be participating in, not the ones you cannot. Remember, it is 4 on 4 only, so if there is no more positions available, you can sign up as an alternate if you wish. Alternates will be advised a.s.a.p. if they are needed to act as replacements, and it is on a first post first serve basis.

In addition to the general rules of allowing a week's notice and so on, the following is a set procedure to follow for setting up matches. It's pretty simple, actually:

I. Through contact with the opposing team's leader, agree on a date/time and flesh out the details of the match. The details shall *always* include:

1. Name of opposing clan

2. Date:


4. Type of game (1 on 1 blade/ffa/DM/THF/etc.):

5. Number of players per team

6. The players involved (tentative at first)

6. Maps: (and type of game played on each map)

7. Frag limit/Time limit for each map

8. Friendly Fire off or on?

9. Dismemberment off or on?

10. Server name

11. Server password

12. Clan skin to use

13. Any other special information

II. Post this tentative match proposal on the KS private board For the tentative proposal, only the first SIX ITEMS in the list need to be filled out. If you have more, great. But tentatively, only the first six are necessary.

III. In addition to posting the proposed match to all KS members, ICQ the people that are scheduled to be involved in the match. (Again, this should be according to a rotation schedule, keeping in mind the members that attented the LAST match.) Wait for responses.

IV. After *all* of the details are fleshed out, post the FINAL clan match details on the board. This will include ALL pertinent items about the match. All details need to be filled in.


1. If someone suddenly can't make it, ICQ others to see if they can fill in.

2. If the opposing team suddenly has a problem with the time/date of the match, or there is a misunderstanding about it, or if ANYTHING else happens that changes ANY of the details that were posted about the match, then a post must be made to the board again describing the changes, and ICQ's must be sent to all members that will be participating in the match. Keep EVERYONE informed.

3. Under no circumstances should a member set up a match, change the details of a match, reschedule a match, or cancel a match without first proposing/posting the change(s) on the board. In other words, everyone has to be kept informed, and everyone has to be kept involved in the decision process. No "surprises."

4. If a member of an opposing clan brings in a "special guest star" from another clan or some sort of "member for a day," the match is off. Period. We play the opposing clan -- NOT some sort of Frankenstein's monster of a clan, put together for just that match.

Kindred Spirits Main Page
Clan Match Sign Up Bulletin Board