totally unkind bro...
this site will no longer be maintained... goodbye.
We were here on June 17, 2004.
We are trying to get our Web on...
Ad Astra Per Aspera:
Beau Par-tay, Tumbleweed, Flute Tuley, Flapjack Noise, Mr. Suntan Lotion
hell log
Upcoming Demonstrations of Musical Prowess:
July 2, 2004 @ the Brick
KCMO. 21+. w/ the Sound You Say
We're doing a tour in July.
no way dude
Ye Olde Shows...
We've played a few shows.
flip out whale
haughty doggy
New cd released. $4 at shows.
Midwest tour complete. West Coast tour soon.
New songs and perhaps a .com
If you want to talk to us, email us at
oooba dooooooob
september was a good month at taco john's, anyone know whY?
New! You can now listen to Ad Astra Per Aspera songs on
This song is from our EP "An Introduction To..."
This is available on 7" vinyl and 3" cd. It can be
found at the Love Garden in Lawrence, and at Recycled Sounds in Kansas City. And you can order it from Very
Or from Stickfigure Distro
hut hut hike
viva that pizza
Above "Rose" photo by Matt Rubin. (
Blurry photos on opening page from Drana!
Other photos stolen from various Lawrence websites.
michael savage = boring motherfucker.
rush limbug.
sex me so good i say blah blah blah
There's no bad connections here.
Check Out Tyler (ex-SBk bassist) and his new project at:
Now that dude is fucking naughty.