Whitney's Home Page MaRiAnNA

This is Mariannna..(A.K.A Marimylanta, Marijuana, Marimallanna) She is 14 years old... she will soon be 15 :) her birthday is on May 29th.. so.. yeah :) Well.. what can I say about her? .. well.. she is into alot of stuff, and she is one crazy chick...... Her e-mail is you can e-mail her, I really could care less.. hahah just decided to tell ya that :) !!! umm... I dont have that many pics of her, since I havent seen her forever.. because she moved.. oh well, we are gonna have to take some pics together this summer, and yeah.. thats it..


Here is Jessica (A.K.A Chesty the seagull, Sexica Chad, Lesbian Seagull, Chadwacker, Chadwell, Slut girl, skank girl...) She is 15...Her Birthday is in September, she will be 16 ( WOO HOO, she can drive!!) Umm... She likes alot of stuff, She is a school girl, ok not really.. but. I think that is a funny word, so I decided to call her that. Her e-mail is so. I guess ya can e-mail her if ya want... And if she asks.. I didnt give you her e-mail :)


Here is Gina (A>K.A gIna, gina-bo-bina, va-GINA, skanky) she is 15. Her birthday is In December... She is into alot of stuff also.... Umm... Well...... she is a skanky panky.. and.. I have more pics of her, I just cant find them right now, so.. Iwill update it later, and put more of her on it... umm... I think thats all .. oh yeah.. her e-mail is


Kendelle (A.k.a kindy, kendella) is 14 and will be 15 in June. I dont have much to say about her, but.. yeah.. she is kewl, and.. I have more pics of her too. but.. they are like lost, I will have to find them :) her e-mail is


Here is Christy ( a.k.a Crusty, Crispy,and some more names) she will be 15 on May 27th. She is one cracked out child. But I guess that is why me and her get along so well, we are like the 'clowns' of our group.. we are some crazy peeps.. haha.. and.. that pic on the right .... she thinks she looks like an alligator.. so.. yeah :) her e-mail is


Here is my Boyfriend... His name is Robert.. .. He is 16.. His B-day is in February...Umm... Yeah... :) .. He's a skanky.. ok, not really :) Hes a sweetie...and.. yeah.. he helps me some with this site :):)

SoMe PiCs Of AlOt Of PeEpS....

On the left it Is Jess and Gina in the Lunch line :) and on the Right it is Me and Nena, at my house, before My Birthday Party :)

on the left it is me and nena again, we didnt wanna work on our papers, so we took pics:) .. and on the right it is nicki, anita, and emily... They were just chillin in English.. :) Oh english rox!!

This is Jess, and whit...

On the right it is emily.. and on the left it is Jason....

on the left it is Seth, at the lunch tables, and ... Issac on the right, just trying to show off how buff he is.. .... :) hahah..

This is Lynx and Daniel.. they are some crazy peeps.. I have advisory with them , they always seem to make the whole class laugh.. haha :)

This Is Darren, he is a friend from North Dakota..

Oh lord, Here is Lynx again... And there is My Cute little cousin.. her name is bailey.. oh she is a cutie..

Here is Gina, Jess, And Kendelle.. At Curtian Call....

Scary Jessica.. and. AHH scary me..

AWW.. there is my cute lil Archie Bear!! :) AWW.. :)

Here is Crystal and I.. I am ALOT taller then her, and.. I am only 15 :) she is almost 18.. she is like 5'2.. oh well.. I guess that's ok.. and. I guess I did have heels on.. :) so.. yeah.. but.. still.. I am taller ...ALOT taller then her..

here we are again, In Fashion Today ( class ) Its pretty crazy that we are sisters, and are in a class together... ahhh.. scary stuff.. We are always gettin yelled at because we are fighting with each other... .

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