

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

The Cast

The Writers

The Directors

Who's on TV?

The Gist



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X-Files Fanfiction


The Annex: X-Files Novel Archive

The Gossamer Project

Chronicle X


Muldertorture Anonymous

The XFH Fanfiction Archive

Merlin's Classic X-Files Fanfiction

Darkstryder's X-Files Fanfic

Xanadu--An X-Files Kind of Utopia

Amothea's Angst Archive

The Fanfiction Archives

The Fanfic Archives

Archived Stories

Resis or Serve

Individual Authors

Julliett's X-Files Web Page

Susan's Garden

Vickie Pyramid of Mulder Torture

Raytracings: X-Files FanFic by Brandon D. Ray

Fanfic by Jen & Lauren

Xenith's Casefiles

Fanfic by Lydia Bower

Susanne's X-Files Fanfic

X-Files Fanfiction by Philippa

Pita1013's Fanfic Gallery

The X-Files Stories by Mary Ruth Keller

Morley's Fanfic

The Fan Fiction of Maranda "Tex "Gordon

Fanfiction by Meissa Kent

The Primal Screamers

Spock's Fanfic

Net Links

Mining Co. X-Files Fanfic Net Links

X-Files Fanfiction on the Net

Yahoo! X-Files Fanfiction Net Links

Shipper Fanfic

Reflections-Poems & Stories by Susan

Agents in Love

Echo Cavern

X-Files Institute for Relationshippers

Friends & Lovers ~ Ten's Archive

MSM Archive

NoRomo Fanfic

The Acacia Archive: A NoRomo Safe X-Files Fan Fiction Archive

**If you know of a site, let me know and I would be happy to add it. You can e-mail me by clicking on the link below**
