

Season 1

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Tag Lines


Tag Lines

Everyone knows that the X-Files is known for the phrase "The Truth Is Out There". It follows the teaser after almost every episode. Sometimes the X-Files staff chooses to change it, and in certain episodes it actually says something else. When this happens, it's called an altered tag line.

Here are all of the altered tag lines that the X-Files has used, and the episode name. There might be some you hadn't noticed.

Episode Tag Line
The Erlenmeyer Flask Trust No One
Ascension Deny Everything
731 Apology is Policy
Herrenvolk Everything Dies
Teliko Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate
Terma E Pur Se Mouve
Gethsemane Believe the Lie
Redux All Lies Lead to the Truth
The Red and the Black Resist or Serve
The End The End
Triangle Die Wahrheit Ist Irgendwo Da Draussen
The Unnatural In The Big Inning
Sixth ExtinctionII: Amor Fati Amor Fati