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The Societe of Forty & Eight


Wildcat Voiture 1261

6 November 2007


  The October promenade was called to order on 22 October by Chef de Gare Don Peters with 17 Members present, a quorum was declared. Officer Roll was not called because Correspondant John was absent and the roster was not available.

  Voyageur Jim Schroer made notion to suspend proceedings for “white collar” wreck. Notion was 2nd by Steve Ash. Walt was fined for attempting to change the order of the gavel rap. Notion carried. A White Collar wreck was held for P.G. Walter Thew of St. George. The Wrecking Officer was Cheminot Nationale Steve Ash.

  Don Recalled promenade to order.

  Notion made and carried to skip role call for officers and reading of minutes.

  Joe gave finance report – notion made and 2nd to accept report. Notion carried

  Jim gave Bingo Report, Bingo not doing so well. Early bird is well organized at the moment. Anticipate good payout in bingo prizes next week. Notion was made, 2nded and carried to accept Bingo Report.

  Membership report – we have 56 paid out of 95 members and no nominations for new members.


  Notions made, 2nded and carried

1) Invite to our Christmas Party the following:

Bill Wheeler (Boys State)

RC Ralph Shumaker

Don Thomson

Dave Rothwell

John Lindholm

Adell Moralez

2) Allot predetermined funds to pay for dinner/motel room for Harold Randa.

Invite Grand Chef De Gar Carl Gregg with dinner/motel room also provided.

Courtesies are to also be extended to Grande Presidente of Le Femmes

  Notion made, 2nded and carried to back up Le Femmes with predetermined funding if needed.

  Christmas Party to be held at Post 17 on 18 December with social hour (cash bar) at 6 and supper at 7 P.M.

  After much discussion in planning for the Christmas Party it was the decision of the promenade for this year that each voyageur will be given the name of another voyageur

for white elephant Christmas gifting. Gifts are not to exceed $10.00 and are to be gift wrapped and brought to the Christmas Party. If for some reason someone is not at the party their gift will be brought to them by one of the voyageurs present, hopefully they will ensure the gift for their selected voyageur gets to the party. Voyageurs living out of state are excluded from the gifting unless they notify the correspondant that they intend to participate. Chef De Gar Don directed the correspondent to make it happen. This year the Christmas Party will be $10. per person. RSVP by 1 December to Chef de Gare: Don Peters 785 537-1468 or Commissaire Intendant: Joe Riniker 785 776-5134. Dress will be business casual. Entertainment to be announced.

  The New Nationale Password was given.

  Sickness or Distress:

  Jim Schroer had a shoulder operation on 31 Oct at Mercy Regional. (Went well, some problems but OK now)

  Joe Riniker has a heart test coming up soon also.

  Chef De Gar Don would like to initiate birthday & anniversary cards being sent out to all members and their spouses. We currently do not have date of birth in our records as the old forms had AGE instead of DOB on them. We will be gathering birthdates and names of spouses for those we don’t have in the near future.

Nurses Training – Locale is currently sponsoring 3 students. A 4th may be added if qualified.

Garde de la Porte Bobby Cooper was kept busy keeping the floor picked up of money – seems it was often littered with fines. The promenade even attempted to fine the Correspondant for not being present.


New Business:

  Vince notioned, Steve 2nded to donate to the American Heroes Foundation (or Association). This organization gives returning service members thank you cards.

  June Promenade is to be designated as a Saturday Afternoon informal get together with nurses appreciation and membership luncheon. We could use more ideas to get a better turnout for this, maybe a dinner show along with our usual BBQ?


National legislation has been signed into law: all veterans may now render a full salute at times when the National Anthem is played or the Flag is raised/lowered. (Vs. hand over the heart).


Upcoming events:

Locale received letter from Clifton Ks, inviting 40/8 to participate in Veteran’s Day Parade. Clifton is known for always celebrating on 11 Nov. Volunteers are to assemble NLT 10:30 AM at Post 17. Departure planned for 11:00 with parade beginning at 2:00 PM.

Every Sunday BINGO at 6-9 PM in the Manhattan VFW hall.


Reply to: John R. Lee

              P.O. Box 223

              White City, KS 66872


Phone #: (785) 349-2255













Every Sunday at Manhattan VFW

6 P.M. until 9 P.M.