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Nathan started playing hockey when he was just little. He played here in Athabasca for a while until he was old enough to go elsewhere. His first out of town playing started with WolfPack in Edmonton. He was there for the summer. He then came back to Athabasca to play here for a while until he went to Ft. McMurray to play with the Oil Barons in the AJHL. He then went on to Lloydminister then Grande Prairie. We went and seen his games when we could and it was a blast. He is now playing at Wayne State Univeristy on a full scholarship and taking criminal justice!!! Good luck Nathan!

This is a picture of him when he was just a little guy:

Nathan getting an award the Source for Sports...

Nathan and the kids he stayed with at his billets house....


Skating again...

And again......

And once more!!!

One of Nathans games when he played with Ft Mac..

Nathan's dressing room at wayne state....

Nathan and his friend before his game...

Nathans emblem he drew on his wall....

Nathan and his girlfriend....

Nathan standing in his living room in Detroit...He built and painted that table....

L to R: Billy, Nathan and Travis...

Nathan and Travis.......

Nathan and Karen at a bar in Detroit.. Arent they cute!!

Another picture of Nathan and Karen..!

Nathan, Rick and Gavin