I Shall be There
by BudgiebirdClassification- Intense Scully- Doggett friendship. I suppose Scully angst is in here too.
Archives- Just please let me know first!
Rating- Oh, PG or so.
Spoilers- This Is Not Happening. Again. I'm in a rut! Nooo!!
Summary- Scully needs help getting her mind off of things. As usual, Doggett to the rescue!
Disclaimer- Not mine. I'm too young to have created them!
Feedback- Yes PLEASE!! I'm begging here! PLEASE! You will make me and my Budgie very happy! I will have something to be proud of, and Išll give my bird a copy so that she will have something new to eat instead of the Bible for a change......
Note- The ending is a bit sappy.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Special Agent John Doggett sat up with a start. Something had awakened him. He looked around the small hotel room in Oregon, but found nothing out of the ordinary.
*What in the world............*
"Agent Doggett?"
A shaky voice came from the other side of the hotel door. Agent Scully's voice. Doggett sprang up and strode over to the door.
Mulder had been found nearly dead twelve hours ago. Scully hadnšt said a word to anyone since he had been found. She was finally forced to go back to the hotel and rest. Now, she was at his door.
Doggett undid the lock and pulled open the door. Scully stood looking at her shoes. She hadn't changed, and from what he could see, she was shivering like a leaf.
"Agent Scully? You ok?"
He swore at himself the moment the words left his mouth. Of course she wasn't ok. Her partner is in critical condition. He mentally slapped himself and stepped aside to let her in. She didn't move or respond. He felt uneasy.
"Agent Scu-"
He reached out and grabbed her as she suddenly slumped foreword. Her head fell against his chest as he pulled her to him.
"Scully, what's goin on here?" he muttered, not really expecting a reply.
He gently scooped her up and placed her on the bed. Turning on the light, he grabbed his favorite marines t-shirt and pulled it on. He felt her forehead. She wasn't warm. Scully moaned and opened her eyes again.
"Doggett? I-I'm sorry. I f-felt sorta......weak and I-"
"It's ok. Just lie still. I'm gonna call a doctor."She grabbed his hand before he could walk away.
"No. No doctors. I'm fine..."
Doggett looked down at his partner. He had no idea what he should do.
"I'm gonna get you somethin to drink then, ok?"
He got not responseexcept for her blue eyes blinking tiredly at him. He gave her a small but rare smile and managed to get his hand out of her grip. He entered the bathroom, filled a glass of water, turned around---and nearly bumped into Scully.
"Agent Scully? I almost ran into you. Why aren't you layin down?"
Once again, he got no response. She just stood there looking at him. If there was one thing he didnšt like, it was when someone stared at him. It made him feel as if they were looking straight into his soul. She was no different.
"Agent Scully. Go back to the bed and lay down before I carry you there again."
She finally lowered her gaze, this time to the lettering on his Marine's T-shirt. She still said nothing. She was really beginning to creep him out.
"Look. If you're playin a game, it's not funny. You're really freakin me out here."
He set down the glass of water. Scully looked at the water and then back at him. This time, her eyes were full of tears.
*Uh oh. What did I do wrong now?*
Scully opened her mouth a few times, as if trying to speak. She walked even closer to him, until she was practically standing on him. It took all of his willpower not to back away. She reached out and traced the lettering on his stomach. He squirmed a bit. Scully stopped and looked up at him.
"Are you ticklish Agent Doggett?"
He nodded slightly and looked away. She stepped back a bit and looked down at the floor.
"What if he dies?"
Doggett jerked his eyes back to her. Tears were sliding down her face now. He shook his head.
"No. He won't. He's gonna make it. He's gonna come back to you and the X-Files."
She didn't move. He swallowed.
"And he's gonna come back to your baby."
At that, her gaze shot back up.
"What happens when he comes back? Where will you go?"
He shrugged.
"Wherever I'm needed, I guess. Probably to the Violent Crimes section."
She walked real close to him again.
"No," she hissed. "I can't lose you too."
He tilted his head, and her eyes widened. He guessed she hadn't meant to ever tell him that. He reached out a hand to wipe away some of her tears. To his suprise, she launched herself into the safty of his arms and began to sob. He held her tightly and began to sway, whispering words of comfort. When her sobs quieted down, and she stopped trying to burrow into his chest, he lifted her up again and walked back to the bed. When he tried to put her down, she clung to him and wouldn't let go.
"Agent Scully, Im gonna have to put you down, or else my back is gonna break. As much as I'd love to hold you like this forever, I'm not as young as I once was."
From that proclamation he managed to get a small giggle out of her. She let go and he laid her down again. He sat down next to her.
"Roll over."
She gave him a quizzical look, but for once did what he asked. He set to work massaging her neck, down to her shoulders, and down to her back. She squirmed a bit when he got to the area next to her ribs. He smiled to himself, and leaned over next to her ear.
"You ticklish Agent Scully?"
She nodded and giggled when he squeezed the same spot. She rolled over and grabbed his hands. He smiled down at her. To his shock, she smiled back. Then, she reached out and dug her fingers into his stomach. He tried to dart away, but only succeeded in falling over, with her gaining advantage in position. Laughing so hard he was crying, Doggett desperately fought to get away, and finally succeeded by falling off the bed. Still laughing, he lay on the floor staring at the ceiling. Finally he calmed down enough to get back up. Scully was on her side, smiling at him.
"Gee, thanks Agent Scully. Now my ego is severely bruised. Being taken over by a woman like that is an incredible indignity."
He crawled back over to where she was spread out. She stretched, looking actually content. Then, the moment passed, and the worry lines came back, making her look ten years older. he tried to reach for her ribs again, to make her laugh, but she shifted away from him. He gave up and rolled over onto his back.
"Why do you always call me Agent Scully?"He thought for a moment.
"I donšt know. you usually call me Agent Doggett, so I do the same. It just seems more professional."
He felt the mattress move as she rolled over onto her side. He felt her gaze on him.
"What if when we aren't at work, I don't want to be professional?"
He turned his head.
"Well, maybe I want to be professional."
"Well, maybe you want me to knock you off this bed again."
"Well, maybe you want me to tickle you in the ribs again."
"Well, maybe you want me tickle you so hard you start to cry again."He rolled over completely and gave her a death look.
"Well, maybe you want me to kick your ass into next year."
"Well, maybe you just don't want me to prove that I know your biggest weakness."
"Well, maybe.......I've run out of maybes."Scully grinned. Leaning back, she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off. Doggett watched her for a moment. She looked content once more. He had managed to get her mind off of Mulder, at least for a bit. After a minute, he reached over her and turned out the light. He got off the bed and pulled the covers over her. He started toward the couch, and then stopped. He walked back to the bed and leaned down to her ear.
"I'm not goin anywhere Agen-- Dana. I'll be right here. I'll be right by your side as long as you need me to be. I'll be right here. I might not always be able to be here physically, but my spirit and soul will be with you. I shall be there. I promise."
With that, he took off his favorite Marines T-shirt, the one she had been tracing the lettering on. He lifted her up gently and pulled it over her head. After he finished, he leaned over, brushed a kiss to her forehead, and went to stretch out on the couch.
A few moments later Doggett, drifting off, felt something warm and soft against his cheek. He heard a whisper.
"If you're there John, I'll be there too."
Oh boy. Another fanfic inspired by a song. It's called "I Shall Be There", and it's by B*witched. Itšs a very pretty song.
Awaken, Breathe Hear the calling in the wind The voice it's saying A journey must begin We'll fly like a bird In a scattered cloudy sky Leave aside the city worries It's just a minute away
In my heart I'll paint a picture And I swear it's where I'll be Oh!
I shall be there (be there yeah) Will you be there? I shall be there (be there yeah) Will you be there too?
Come on and look in silence Believe in what you see (in a place like this) The starry skies can move the mountains The sun will warm the sea
In my heart I'll paint a picture And I swear it's where I'll be Oh!
I shall be there (be there yeah) Will you be there? I shall be there (be there yeah) Will you be there too?
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