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Andra Marie Mueller

SUMMARY: A brief vignette from Scully's pov explaining her near absence in “John Doe”.
DISCLAIMER: All things X Files are the legal property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, 20th Century Fox, etc.

Déjà vu threatens to overwhelm me.

Once again, my friend and partner has disappeared, vanishing from my life without word or warning. Were it not for the miracle of my son, I would believe that God has no wish for my happiness, my security, my comfort.

I have loved three men in my life: the first I lost to death; the second to forces unknown and unexplained. The third may yet be returned to me, if I have not already lost him to my own fear and complacency.

I wonder if perhaps this is test, handed down by the heavens to force me to rise above my own insecurities to grasp the gift they have granted me in John Doggett.

I pray that I can rise to the challenge. I fear that I cannot.


Please email me at this addy with any questions, comments or feedback.