Title: Lucky Assumption
Author: Nadia Sernas (ladolcevista@yahoo.com)
Rated: Adult, for suggestive conversation
Spoilers: S8, TINH
Keywords: Doggett/Skinner/Reyes UST
Summary: A sleepless night for all directly follows the events of TINH. Agent Monica Reyes asserts her presence.Author's notes: My stories are usually humorous, in the "slut Scully" universe. This is a more serious universe, although I hope the humor is still in evidence.
Big Star Motel - Helena, Montana - 4:32 am
John Doggett knocked hesitantly on the door of Dana Scully's room. He hadn't slept at all. Earlier that night the FBI had found Mulder's body in the brush, and now Doggett was worried sick about Scully. When she didn't answer, he knocked more urgently.
"Agent Scully!" he called. "Are you alright? Agent Scully?"
Still, there was no answer and he became very alarmed.
"Agent Scully!" he shouted. He thought about her loss. He wondered if she had gone over the edge and was contemplating something drastic, just as he had once done... Without hesitation he threw his body against the door of her room. When it did not budge, he kicked it violently, until it flew open. She had a baby coming and he had made it his job to see that her child came into the world safely.
"Fuck!" Doggett swore aloud as he maniacally searched her room and found it empty. He raced out, only to find Agent Monica Reyes waiting for him.
"Where do you think you're going, John?" she asked as she blocked his path. She didn't bother to hide the cigarette she'd been smoking. To her dismay, she'd been assigned a non-smoking room at the motel, which meant she had to indulge her habit in the outdoors...
"I gotta find Agent Scully!" Doggett said frantically as he attempted to push her aside. "She ain't in her room - she must be wanderin' in the woods somewhere"...
"She's not wandering in the woods, John!" Monica said calmly as she continued to block his way. "I came out for some air a little while ago and I saw her go into A.D. Skinner's room. Can't say as I blame her..." she smiled. She was wearing Nike pants and a sleeveless white undershirt.. "He's so hot..."
Doggett's taut frame visibly relaxed, although it troubled him to learn that Walter Skinner was comforting Dana Scully at this very moment.
"That don't look right." he said quietly to Monica. "She should be in her own bed!"
"Surely you don't believe there's any 'hanky-panky' going on, do you, John?", she laughed as she lit another cigarette. "Mulder and Scully were HIS agents!" Monica reasoned. "It's only right that she should be with him now!"
Doggett looked away, embarrassed. He had over-reacted, and he knew Monica was right. Skinner was the man she should turn to. But after sharing in her loss these past months, he felt shut out.
"I hate to admit it, but I envy Dana Scully!" Monica said as she blew smoke in Doggett's face. "It's not every girl who has had so many men in love with her!"
Doggett reddened slightly. Was it that obvious? he wondered. Or was Monica just making a lucky assumption? He was in no mood for her supposed "sixth sense" or whatever the hell it was...
"You oughta to give that up..." he said with disgust as he gestured to the stray cigarette butts at her feet. "It's not healthy..."
Big Star Motel - 4:59 a.m.
"Son of a bitch!", Walter Skinner muttered angrily as he spied Agents John Doggett and Monica Reyes in loud conversation across the motel's small parking lot. He'd been listening to the sound of their voices for a half hour - now it was time to shut them up. More workplace romance, he thought with irritation as he crossed the courtyard. Doggett had probably brought the lively brunette in on the case because he was sleeping with her. Well, they were a good match, he thought -- an ex-marine and a chain-smoker. He wondered if they had been drinking. Well, he wasn't going to tolerate any sexual trysts on his watch - not tonight!
"What the hell is going on, Doggett!" he demanded quietly. "Agent Scully has fallen asleep. What do you think this is -- a truck stop? Keep it down!"
"Sorry, sir..!" Doggett apologized. "I thought Agent Scully needed me and I got carried away when she didn't answer my knock." he admitted, reluctantly indicating the smashed door of Scully's motel room.
"Tell the night man we'll compensate him for the damage! I'll deal with you in the morning!" he threatened. With Mulder now gone, Walter Skinner's first priority was the grieving, and pregnant Dana Scully. "You'll answer to me if you disturb Agent Scully again!"
"Good morning, Sir!" Monica Reyes smiled brazenly as she gazed at Skinner. He was shirtless, wearing only boxer shorts. Skinner failed to notice how the nipples of her small breasts protruded from her thin t-shirt...
"Agent Reyes..." Skinner said, ignoring her obvious admiration. "Go back to your room!" he ordered. "Alone!"
"Of course!...Goodnight, Sir!" Monica said, swallowing her rage. Walter Skinner had all but accused her of being trailer trash. And Doggett had criticized her smoking. Reyes knew her femininity was being measured against that of the lovely Dana Scully. It was more than clear to her that both Skinner and Doggett were enamoured of the redheaded agent. Who did A.D. Skinner think he was, insulting her like that? As an agent, she had already proved her worth, but one day she would prove her womanliness to him -- in bed!
She tossed her cigarette at Doggett's feet and scowled resentfully at him, slamming the door of her motel room behind her.
Big Star Motel - 8:00 a.m.
A loud, relentless knock awoke John Doggett. He stumbled, exhausted, to his door.
Monica Reyes stood there dressed in an impeccable business suit.
"I wanted to say goodbye, John." she said in a no-nonsense manner. "I'm returning to New Orleans...I've got an early flight."
"Wait......" Doggett said, confusedly. "A.D. Skinner is gonna wanna talk to you about your report".
"I'll e-mail my report to him...." she said coldly. "Give my best regards to Dana."
"She's havin' a baby...." Doggett blurted out. "That's why the boss an' I have been lookin' out for her." he admitted lamely.
Agent Monica Reyes smiled slightly. "Well....that explains why you and Skinner are behaving like a pair of love-struck white knights..."
"I'm just doin' what Mulder woulda' wanted for her..." Doggett said, unsuccessfully deflecting her remark.
"Well...neither one of you are Dana's type!" she observed as she opened a fresh pack of Morleys. She would be glad to get away from this place - she was smoking far too much. "I'll leave you two big strong men to your work..." she added with slight sarcasm as she made to leave. "Tell Dana I'll call her...."
Big Star Motel - 9:35 a.m.
Walter Skinner, fully dressed, rapped loudly on Doggett's door.
"What the hell...?" Doggett complained as he threw the door open.
"The sign says 'do not disturb'" he enunciated rudely to Skinner. "So unless you got somethin' to tell me that concerns Agent Scully, it'll wait."
Walter Skinner was only briefly taken aback. "Put your pants on, Doggett!" Skinner ordered dangerously.
"Look...this has been a rough case and I need some sleep! I'm not leavin' this room 'til at least noon." Doggett replied stubbornly.
"You and Reyes weren't so sleepy at 4:30 this morning!" he observed. "Where IS Agent Reyes?" he added irritably, looking suspiciously into Doggett's motel room.
"She took an early flight back to New Orleans, Sir." Doggett explained reluctantly.
"What?" Skinner demanded. "Who told her she was finished here? What about her report?"
"She'll e-mail it, Sir." Doggett continued. "I think she might be pissed about somethin'."
Skinner glared threateningly at John Doggett. "The next time you bring an agent on to a case, leave the baggage behind!" he ordered.
No point in sleepin' now, Doggett thought resentfully after Skinner left. How do you like that guy - what makes him think Reyes and I have somethin' goin' on? An' yet that hypocrite is makin' his own moves on Agent Scully now that Mulder is dead!
Monica was right, Doggett determined. He and Skinner were making fools of themselves over Dana Scully.... And yet, Doggett had no intention of backing off -- he had too much invested in Dana Scully...
"She's MY partner..." Doggett muttered aloud, as he pulled on his pants. "What would I do without her? I'm gonna keep her..." he decided as he left his room in search of Dana Scully....
feedback: ladolcevista@yahoo.com
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