FBI Headquarters. The basement office. 11:42 a.m.
Scully's reading a file and Doggett sits on the other side of the desk, gazing at her. Though she isn't looking at him she can feel his gaze.
SCULLY (sighs): Would you mind stopping that?
DOGGETT: Stopping what?
SCULLY: Staring at me.
Doggett pretends that he is thinking about it, then shruggs and continues his gazing. Unable to concentrate, Scully looks up from her file. She has been reading one sentence for at least six times. When she speaks, she tries to sound annoyed, but actually she is flattered.
SCULLY: Would you PLEASE stop doing this.
SCULLY: You're making me nervous.
DOGGETT: I make ya nervous?
A tiny smile plays around his lips. Scully opens her mouth to speak, then decides otherwise, closes it and looks down at the file again. Not for very long. Eventually she looks up.
SCULLY: So, what's interesting about me?
DOGGETT: Umm, actually... everything. (Pause.) Would ya like to have lunch with me?