Blessed She Stands

By Queen Undead


Kane and Taker made there way downstairs, they proceeded through a heavy, dark, oak door, and entered the sitting room. They sat in oversized leather chairs that faced the fireplace; Kane lit the wood that was waiting. They sat in silence watching the flames dance, after several minutes the discussion began.

"Well little brother, what do you make of them?" Taker said. Kane looked at his brother, and shrugged. He really didn't want to talk yet until after talking with the two sleeping women upstairs.

"Oh, come on Kane you must have an opinion of them by now." Takers voice was teasing. Kane knew this and tried to talk seriously.

"They are different." He rasped.

"Yes they are. The only way to find out how different is to wait and see." Taker looked back to the fire. His thoughts were on Steve and how he wish he could have returned the punishment Jamie was dealing with upstairs.

"They will want to go home soon." Kane pointed out. Taker nodded not being able to let go of the image seeing Jamie in that room. Kane looked at his brother and saw the fury in his eyes; Kane sighed. "She's safe now, stop thinking about it." Taker nodded again and closed his eyes. He was tired but didn't want to sleep until he talked with Jamie. Kane sat in silence watching the flames, and listening to his brother fall asleep. As Takers breaths became more deep and even, Kane left his chair and went upstairs to look in on the women. The door was slightly open and they were talking.

"Where are we anyway?" He overheard Jamie ask.

"Their house, I think." Alex said.

"Well if the rest of the house is as beautiful as this room...I could stay here forever." Jamie sighed. Kane smiled at her remark. She sounds so innocent, he thought.

"I think we should head home as soon as you feel better." Alex said. Kane's stomach tightend, she wants to leave, he thought, she continued to say, "I don't want to impose on them, they seem so nice." Jamie nodded and agreed.

"Maybe we can visit?" She asked in almost a childlike voice. Alex started laughing, her laughter was loud and needed.

"Yeah maybe we can visit." Alex said in between breaths. Kane's heart lifted. He learned alot about them from just listening. He decided better to go downstairs and wait.

"Alex, I'm starving!!" Jamie said. Alex nodded and got up from the bed.

"I'm going to see if we can get something to eat, you stay here I'll bring you something back."

"Oh fine, you get to go exploring." Jamie muttered. Alex turned and chuckled.

"Yep, and you have to stay there."


Alex left the bedroom and looked around the hallway. There were doors lining the corridor, all in dark oak. Paintings hung on the wall all old but with no plate to say who painted them and who the subjects were. She came to the staircase and slowly started down; The stairs made no noise under her feet. When she reached the bottom, she looked around the foyer, it was all dark, silence everywhere. Feeling a bit scared she decided to call out.

"Kane? Taker?, where are you?" Her voice sounding meek and afraid. She recieved no answer. She repeated herself a little louder this time. Then she heard a door open; she looked down the hall to see Kane walking towards her. He stopped in front of her and looked down. She thought, I am never going to get over the size of this guy. He tilted his head at her, as if to say what do you want.

"Kane, my sister and I are hungry is there something I can get us to eat?" She asked. He nodded and motioned for her to follow her. Alex followed Kane through the dining room. In the center of the room sat a black, stone marble table, surrounded by six black chairs. On the table two candleabreas stood holding six red candles each. They entered the kitchen, which was huge. Alex's eyes widened.

"My word, this is huge." She whispered. Kane smiled, he knew that the oversized kitchen was a bit much and always felt like he'd get lost in it; he was glad someone else shared the same opinion. He walked to the refridgerator and began pulling out ingredients to make sandwiches. Alex smiled looking at all the stuff he was taking out. She came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and looked down on her.

"Kane, a simple sandwich will do, we don't need a meal." Alex said. Kane tilted his head and thought. Then he nodded.

"Maybe a sandwich and some soup. Jamie could use a bit of that." The mask he was wearing lifted a little, and a sparkle came to his eye. "Oh so you do smile, now I'll have to find out if you talk." Alex stated. He turned his head away and slowly shook his head 'no'.

"You don't speak?" She asked. He nodded yes, and put his hand to his throat; he turned and looked into her eyes. "I think I understand, you can speak but it hurts to do so." He nodded 'yes'.

"Okay then I'll stick with yes/no questions." She smiled at him. "My, I need to get this stuff to Jamie she'll think I got lost, thank you so much for your help Kane." She turned and headed back through the dining room.


Jamie listened to the silence of the house and was starting to get worried. Where did she go, she thought. Looking around the room for the twentith time, Jamie was still blown away by the scheme of the room. The walls were dark cherry, there were many paintings on the wall and Jamie strained to see each detail. The bed she laid upon was a canopy bed; it was in the same dark cherry as the walls. The canopy itself was sheer black with gold and silver embroidery on it. The windows were covered with drapes that all but blocked the sun out. Jamie decided to open them and let the sunshine in. She slowly moved herself off the bed and inched her way across the carpeted floor. When she reached the curtains and drew them back her breath caught in her throat. She was looking into the back yard. Her mind immediately began breaking down what her eyes were seeing. It's a forest, and a lake, my god it's unbelievable. She didn't see her sister enter the room who stood in the door way staring at her sister. Alex cleared her throat rather loudly, and Jamie jumped back from the window.

"I didn't hear you come back." Jamie said looking back out the window. Alex put the tray on the bed and moved over towards the window.

"Obviously not," She said as she looked out. A small gasp escaped her lips. "It's gorgeous."

"Isn't it, I love this place and I have yet to get out of this room." Jamie said eyeing the food.

"Well, let's eat and get you moving around, maybe Kane and Taker will let us do some exploring later." Alex said. Jamie nodded and began eating. Alex watched her sister noting the bruises were almost faded. They ate the sandwiches and made their way downstairs. Alex pointed down the hall where she had seen Kane come from earlier. Both taking deep breaths they started down the hall, they listed at each door, trying to find some sound to alert them to the mens presence. They crept up on the sitting room door and could hear faint snoring.

"Okay, we've found one of them," Alex whispered. Jamie nodded and started to enter the room. She looked in and all she could see was a massive arm covered in tattoos. As Alex was looking into the room a large hand setteled on her shoulder, she jumped and spun around. Kane was looking down on her his head tilted to the right. She nudged Jamie in the back. Jamie reluctant to remove her eyes from his sight, turned around and her eyes widened as she laid eyes for the first time on Kane. Alex found her voice first, although Kane didn't seem angry, he did seem a little annoyed.

"Sorry Kane, Jamie got bored and we wanted to look around a bit. I hope its allright?" He nodded in reply and motioned them to follow him. He took them to the library, where books covered the room from floor to ceiling. Alex and Jamie were again in awe of the mysterious men that helped them so much.

"Wow now this is a collection." Jaime said.

"Yeah, even I couldn't read this many books." Alex replied. Kane motioned for them to sit, and they did, he stared at them awhile, then lowered his head.

"Kane what's wrong?" Jamie asked. He shook his head in reply.


Taker was immersed in a dream/nightmare, he couldn't make out specific images but there was a presence there that worried him. All at once he sat up, the flames in the fireplace disappeard, and there was an evil laughing ringing in his ears, familiar, but unrecognizable. Shaking his head to clear the last of the dreams away, he stood and stretched. Realizing he was hungry decided to get some food and then check on Jamie. He was smiling when he left the sitting room. He heard their voices coming from the library; they were laughing. His smile widened as he made his way to the kitchen. After getting a few sandwiches he headed back to the library, the laughter had stopped but the talking hadn't.

"We should go home at least to get some things." Alex was saying as Taker opened the door. Jamie immediately sat up straight, her eyes never leaving his face. Taker looked on while Kane was shaking his head no. Alex looked at Taker, "What is the big deal about going home?" Taker settled himself into a chair before answering.

"To be honest I'm not sure." He replied eyeing his brother, who still was looking at his feet.

"Well then this is ridiculous, come on Jamie we'll go home and we'll be back." Alex said getting up and heading to the door. As she reached the door Kane grasped her arm, he turned her to face him, his eyes focused on her soul.

"Then we will go with you." He said very quietly. Alex stared back into his eyes not wanting to look away, slowly nodded in agreement as she heard him speak. He let her go and turned Taker and Jamie were standing behind them.

"Okay brother we will accompany them." Taker said. Alex started towards the front door but Taker stopped her.

"That won't be necessary." He said. Alex turned with her hands on her hips.

"And why not, how are we going to get there." As she finished her sentence Kane grasped her arm and Taker took hold of Jamie. In a blink of an eye they were in Alex and Jamies living room.

"Oh my!! Now do you want to explain how we did that?!" Jamie said. Taker and Kane chuckled at the expression on her face.

"It's not that hard, it just takes some time to get used to." Taker answered.

"Sometime? ha, I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Jamie answered.

"Me either." Alex agreed, "Come on Jamie, lets get some things." They raced up the stairs to see who would get the shower first. Jamie won; she laughed hysterically as she shut the door. Alex stuck her tounge out at her and went to her room. On her way she passed Sarah's old room, she couldn't resist the urge to go in. She opened the door and sat on the bed. Tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh Sarah, I'm so sorry, I should have saved you." She said, starting to cry. A warm hand rested on her shoulder. Alex turned her tearstained face to see what had a hold of her; it was Sarah. Alex's eyes widened with shock as she fell off the bed.

"Sarah?" Alex asked tentitivly, "What, why, are you here?" Sarah smiled at her; then hugged her.

"Oh Alexandria, I'm sorry that I have caused you such great pain, but I needed to do this. In order to help you I needed to die."

"I don't understand? What do you mean, help us with what?" She asked.

"I can't say yet, but it is a great evil, and it involves Taker and Kane, they will be powerful help to you." Upon finishing the sentance Sarah began to fade. Alex stood.

"No Sarah don't go yet. Please" Alex begged.

"I have to, but you can call me if you need me," She pointed to the locket that Alex wore. Then she was gone. Alex sat on the bed and cried. Jamie came out of the bathroom and found Alex still crying, she told Jamie what happened.

"Okay, now at least I know I'm not going crazy," Jamie said with tears in her eyes. Alex stood and moved out of the room. She went to her room and grabbed some essentials and headed for the bathroom. When she was done they moved downstairs and found the guys looking through their photo albums. Jamie saw them an immediately blushed.

"Alex, didn't it always bother you when mother brought those out to show her friends." Jamie whispered. Alex nodded her head and cleared her throat loudly.

"I hope we aren't interupting but we are ready to go." Taker and Kane both looked up with huge grins on thier faces. Kane shook his head no.

"No, No, not at all," Taker said, his smile growing as he got to his feet.

"Okay then let's get out of here." Alex said taking Kanes hand. Taker moved to Jamie and was just about to grab her hand when the picture window exploded. Jamie Shielded her face she could feel the glass bouncing off her bandaged arm. Taker reached down and grabbed Jamie around the waist and turned facing away from the glass;Kane did the same with Alex. Then a booming voice filled the room.

"YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME MY CHILDREN. I WILL COME FOR YOU, AND YOU WILL SERVE ME." The voice died away then the maniacal laughter started, it became so shrill that the girls were covering their ears to block the sound.

"Okay what in the hell was that??!" Jamie yelled when the horrid sound died away. Without another word, they linked hands disappeared back to the mansion.


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