Blessed She Stands

By Queen Undead


Alex fell to the floor gasping for breath, Jamie was at her side holding her head. Taker and Kane were standing over them looking very concered. Alex's face had gone a ghastly white, and she was shaking.

"Alex? Alex what's wrong?" Jamie asked while shaking her gently. Alex looked up at Jamie her eyes were wide and afraid.

"I knew that voice. It's from my dreams." She shakily got to her feet. Kane helped Jamie steady her. "I think I need to go to my room." She started up the stairs gripping the banister as if it was her life. The three of them stood in the foyer and watched her go.

"Now what do we do?" Jamie asked as she looked to Taker. He was deep in thought he also knew the voice but still couldn't place it. He looked at Jamie his green eyes glittering.

"We let her rest for today, then tommorrow we start training."

"Training? Training for what?" She asked.

"Your lives." He responded.

Alex closed the door to her room, and curled up on the bed wrapping herself in the red comforter. She stared blankly at the wall, her mind racing trying to remember every dream she'd ever had with that voice in it. She always had intense dreams even as a child, Jamie and Sarah did too. She even once tried to tell her mother about them when she was a teenager, her mom looked at her strangely for a minute then returned to her cleaning saying something about an overactive imagnination. Alex was pulled from her memories, when a knock came to the door.

"Come in." She said, her eyes not moving from the wall. The door opened and Kane walked in. He came over to the bed his eyes, were sad and worried, he touched her arm and she looked into his face. He tilted his head to her, he was trying to see into her mind and couldn't.

"I'm sorry I lost it there, it really scared me." He nodded his head as an acknowlegement.

"My brother has also heard that voice before, he's downstairs trying to remember it now." His voice was rough and it pained him to speak but he needed to talk to her.

"Have you ever heard it before." She asked. He shook his head 'no' and stood up.

"I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want anything?" He asked.

"No, thank you. I'm going to stay here a bit longer then I'll be down." She turned her head and stared at the wall again. Kane turned and walked to the door, he looked back at her one last time and left the room. Alex laid down, she felt so tired, but was afraid to sleep, she didn't want any dreams to invade her. As she closed her eyes, her mind willed itself not to dream, but her subconsciousness had different plans.


Taker and Jamie were back in the library. He was in deep thoughts and Jamie had picked up an old book and was scaning the pages when Kane walked in. Jamie looked up.

"How is she?" She asked.

"She will be down later." He replied.

"Good." Taker said. Jamie looked at him, she shifted in her seat and asked.

"What is going on? Now I really want an answer." She stated. Taker and Kane looked at each other. Kane motioned for them both to follow him, he led them to the kitchen. Taker and Jamie sat at the table while Kane rummaged through the fridge. Jamie started drumming her fingers on the table waiting for one of them to answer her. She heard Taker inhale deeply then his low voice filled the kitchen.

"I recognized that voice, I can't remember from where yet, but I do know the owner of it." He turned his attention to Jamie. "I will let nothing harm you, but you also need to know how to protect yourself, I sense great evil within that voice and i want you and your sister to be careful and prepared."

"So that's what you meant by 'training'?" She asked.

"Yes, and I will be honest it won't be easy." He looked at Jamie. Jamie was staring at the sandwich Kane sat down with. She started giggling uncontrollably. He looked at her and lifted his hands in the air as if to ask 'what'. She started laughing at that point, tears came to her eyes. Kanes sandwich was enormus it was the biggest roastbeef sandwich she'd ever seen. Finally she managed some control of her laughing.

"My god Kane, that sandwich is huge, are you really going to eat that?!" She asked. He nodded his head 'yes' very slowly. Jamie started laughing again nearly falling out of her chair. Taker and Kane exchanged a glance, they looked at the sandwich then at Jamie realizing the size of the sandwich Taker started chuckling. Kane's mask lifted as he also started laughing.

"Okay, I'm sorry I've just never seen anyone eat like you. That was just too much." She said.

"It's okay we understand, wait til dinner." Taker said starting to laugh again.


Alex was standing in the middle of a field, it was breathtaking, she turned in a circle and saw a mansion, she kept turning and could see the lake and the grove of trees. *I'm outside, she thought, how on earth did I get out here. A cool breeze blew across her face, her nose wrinkled at the smell of death. She headed toward the forest looking back to the mansion wondering why no one missed her.

"Because none of them care for you, my child." A voice from the forest said. Alex stopped in her tracks and stared into the forest looking for the owner of the voice. "Don't bother looking for me you won't find me." It stated.

"Who are you?" She asked taking a step closer.

"I am yours and you are mine." It replied. Then a hand grabbed her from behind and spun her around. The face was hidden, it's grasp strong.

"What do you mean, I am yours and you are mine?" She asked trying to move away from this creature. She turned her head to look away, his hand reached out and grabbed her face forcing her to look into the hooded apparition. With a shake of his head the hood fell away, Alex started screaming trying to pull away.

She sat up in bed, a sheen of sweat covered her body, her hair was soaked, and the sheets were pulled out from the bed. Laying her face in her hands she drew up her knees and cried quietly. Slowly the tears stopped falling, Alex was confused and didn't know who to tell. Her dream felt so real yet it held an impossible quality to it. She stood on shaky legs and went to the adjoining bathroom to wash up. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and had to grab the sink to keep from passing out again. My god what happened to me. She studied herself for a while, her hair on one side had streaked white down the side of her face, her cheeks looked hollow or were they bruised, she touched her face.

"Ow". She pulled her hand away as if on fire. Okay it's bruised. Her eyes widened she threw some water on her face, dried off and ran from the room. She rushed down the stairs and heard laughter coming from the kitchen. She bolted through the dining room and stopped in the kitchen doorway. Kane was facing her and he froze, his head tilted and he dropped the sandwich. Taker and Jamie turned thier attention to the door, Taker let out a sigh, and Jamie jumped from the table and went up to Alex.

"Oh my god Alex. What happened to you?"

Jamie reached out and touched Alex's hair.

"I dreampt about it, that voice, and I think I saw it for what it really is. What is going on and why us? Why did it do this to me?" Her voice cracked. She was on the verge of tears again. Jamie led her over to the table. Kane got up and got Alex a cup of tea; she took the steaming cup and sipped carefully. Taker did nothing this whole time he just stared at her; finally he spoke.

"What did it look like?" He asked. Alex stared across the table at him, Jamie and Kane sat down again and waited for her to describe it.

"Well I was outside, it was in the forest, it said that 'I am yours and you are mine'. Then it grabbed me from behind. I spun around and it was dressed in a hooded cloak. It was strong, and it forced me to look at it when it shook the hood from its head. I had whispy white hair and its skin was grey, the eyes were flaming red almost glowing out of its head, it seemed to look a lot like a corpse but not really. Taker stood at this point and moved across the kitchen. He shook his head and looked at the group sitting at the table.

"I know who it is." He said. Jamie stood and moved towards him.

"Who, who could do this to my sister.?" She asked resting a hand on his massive arm.

"It was Kalmar. He was someone I thought I got rid of a long time ago."

"That name means nothing to me, or Jamie, so I'm still confused as to why us."

"I'm not sure, but if he's not wasting time coming after you we should start training right away." Taker said standing and heading out the door. Kane looked at the both of them then pointed to the door, got up himself and went out.

"Well Alex you ready for this?" Jamie asked her standing.

"No but lets do this, I want payback for my hair." She said as they followed their teachers.


As Jamie and Alex moved into the foyer, they still didn't see Kane and Taker. They were grabbed from behind. Jamie screamed and started thrashing her arms, she was turned around and looking into Takers chest.

"WHY the hell did you do that?!" She yelled. "You scared me to death." He let go of her.

"Well I wanted to see what we had to work with." He replied. He looked at Kane who was holding Alex she passed out the mornings dream still fresh in her memory. Kane lifted her and followed Taker and Jamie to the basement. They went down the stairs to the basement which was as long as the house and also held many rooms. Moving through the hallway Jamie noticed several rooms with closed doors. They passed through a set of oak double doors in to a room that must have been the size of half the mansion. There were mats lying around Kane lowered Alex on to one, and went over to Taker and Jamie. Jamie looked to both of them, she shook her head.

"Oh no, I'm not doing this alone." She said as she walked over to Alex. Taker and Kane laughed quietly while Jamie revived Alex. Alex sat up, and looked around.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You passed out and not very gracefully I might add." Jamie snickered.

"Oh thanks. Where are we and what are we doing?"

"Training, let's go."

"Okay then, " She looked at Kane and Taker who were smiling, "Oh no them, they're gonna waste us." Alex said. Jamie leaned over and whispered to Alex's ear.

"Yeah, but this could be fun."

"True, very true." Alex agreed. They walked up to the men stood in front of them with their hands on thier hips.

"Well are you ladies ready?" Taker asked. They both nodded. Without warning Taker and Kane lunged at them. They jumped out of the way, Jamie managed to trip Taker and laughed as he went spawling to the ground. He stood and dusted himself off. He came at her again and she wasn't as quick, he caught her around the waist and pushed her into the wall and held her there. He was leaning down looking directly into her eyes a grin appeared on his face. Jamie grinned back at him, his grip was firm and she felt the electricity flow from him into her, he felt it to and almost let go of her. He wanted to know what it was. Jamie tried everything to get out of his grip but he held her fast.

When Kane came at Alex she sidestepped him easy enough, though she underestimated his agility and he spun on her taking her feet out from under her. She fell to the ground hard, feeling pain shoot up her back. Oh that's gonna hurt tommorrow, she thought as she gritted her teeth and stood. As he walked towards her she began to back up, looking behind for anything to stop his attack towards her. Seeing nothing she backed up to the wall, then bolted towards the left. He was again to quick for her, he reached out and grabbed her by the arm. She tried to break away but his grip was too strong.

"Okay I give up what are we doing wrong here." Alex said sitting down. Alex looked up at Kane and he shrugged his shoulders and pointed across the room at Taker and Jamie. Jamie seemed to be winning, she was gotten out of Takers grip by tickling him, then she grabbed his arm and spun around him pinning him face first to the wall. It was taking all her strength to keep his arm behind his back but she was doing it. Alex couldn't help but laugh she was looking at her sister that bested a man over a foot taller than her. Finally Jamie let go, her arms shaking from her used energy. Taker turned and looked at her.

"Okay, you think you're so strong," he said with a grin, "let's go again." Jamie shook her head 'no', while backing up. He got real close to her without touching her, then it happened, Jamies footing gave way to a mat and she tripped landing hard on her back. She looked up to see Taker falling too; right on top of her. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact but it didn't happen, she opened her eyes slowly and Taker was looking down on her smiling. She used this to her advantage, she rolled him over and was on top of him trying to hold his arms down, she was weakening though, he could feel her arms shaking under the strain. Alex and Kane left the room to start dinner, Jamie lookd around for help seeing none, she jumped up and ran for the door, laughing.

Alex turned to the door to see jamie rush in still giggiling. Alex smiled, she got Kane to give up on the training for now in lieu of her making dinner. Behind Jamie Taker burst through the door, planning on a little revenge since she was worn down. He moved quickly toward her, she tried to get away but she couldn't get around the table fast enough. He grabbed her by the waist, picked her up and carried her from the room. Alex looked at Kane.

"Now where are they going? I thought they were done?" Alex asked. Kane walked across the room and stood next to her.

"Back to the training room, he wasn't finished. We can go down later and practice, okay?" He said to her. She looked up in at him and nodded 'yes', then went back to cooking. An hour later Alex had everything done and was calling up to Jamie and Taker who were getting washed up. She went to the dining room and sat at the table with Kane who was eyeing all the food. He couldn't believe that she made this much food. She had explained that this was the only time she was doing it and because of all the different food preferences she'd make alot for everyone. Jamie came in first, she stared at the table as she got closer.

"Wow Sis, went all out didn't you?" Jamie teased, her eyes fixing on the fresh cut fruits. She didn't realize how hungry she was. Taker came into the room, looked over the table and sat down. They ate with minimal conversation, when dinner was finished it neared 9:00 pm.

"I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted." Jamie said. Alex glared at Jamie.

"Not until you help me finish." Jamie looked at the dishes then began picking them up mumbling her way to the kitchen. They did the dishes, and made their way back towards stairs to go to bed. They are down in the library let's go say goodnight. The quietly made thier way down the hall and knocked on the closed door. They heard a muffled come in and opened the door. They poked thier heads in.

"Goodnight." Jamie and Alex said in unison.

"Night." Taker replied, Kane nodded. They closed the door and made thier way to the stairs. Kane came up behind Alex and tapped her shoulder as she started to climb the stairs. She turned around.

"Oh Kane, I almost forgot. Night Jamie I have training to do now. I put it off." Alex said.

"Okay sis, I'm going up and going to sleep." Jamie replied, as she started to climb the stairs again. Alex followed Kane to the basement.