Blessed She Stands

By Queen Undead

Chapter 22

Taker leaned against the wall and eyed Kane. He noticed something was different about Alex and Kane should know what it was.
"What?" Kane asked, looking back towards the closed door to the sitting room.
"What? What's happened? When I came back into that room there was too much angst and pain, you tell me what." Taker said.
"It's Alex, somethings wrong, her voice is too filled with hate as well as her mind. Before her little trek outside she was open to me now all I get is blackness and hate." Kane held his hands out at a loss for better words.
"Well then little brother we need to find out what's invaded her, and how to dispose of it." Taker said matter of factly. Kane lowered his head and agreed although he knew there were great risks of it. He hoped that it wouldn't drive Alex insane.
"When?" Kane asked.
"Tonight, lets just allow it to think it's passed unnoticed." Taker replied. That might be too late Kane thought but nodded his agreement.

The door opened down the hall and Alex and Jamie appeared in the hallway. Both men looked upon them and moved out of thier way as they came down the hall.
"Where ya going?" Taker asked. Alex shot him a defensive look and Jamie smiled.
"We're just going to the kitchen for something to drink you want to join us?" Jamie replied.
"Sure he said taking Jamies hand." Alex regarded this thoughtfully and watched as they made thier way down the hall towards the kitchen. She then turned her attention to Kane. When she spoke it was her own voice no trace of anything mean or hate filled.
"Are you coming too Kane?"
"No, not right now I have to go check up on something." He replied staring directly into her eyes. He could see nothing amiss but could almost make out the hate swirling and waiting to strike. Alex frowned slightly and nodded. She turned away and headed for the kitchen. Kane entered the library and began reading looking for a way to save Alex without losing her at the same time. He didn't leave the library for the rest of the day and well into the night.

In the kitchen Alex, Jamie and Taker were making lunch for themselves. Alex had offered to take something to Kane but Taker refused.
"He'll eat when he's hungry. We won't see him before that."
"What's he doing then?" Jamie asked.
"Trying to figure you a way to save the both of you." He replied although his green eyes were burning a hole into Alex. Alex stared back at him, some part of her knew what Taker meant. That's when the first pain hit. Alex pressed her fingertips to the side of her head and leaned forward, a low moan escaped her lips. Jamie was immediately at her side.
"Alex sis what's wrong?" Jamie asked urgently.
"Oh, my head just felt like a spike was going through it." Slowly she brought her head back and tears were welling in her eyes. She shook her head slowly as the ache subsided.
"Let me find you some aspirin." Jamie said looking at Taker for a cue as to where she could find them.
"Above the sink." He muttered, he also knew that aspirin wouldn't help and Kane needed to hurry. Jamie hurried over to the sink and grabbed the bottle from the shelf, she shook out three aspirin and gave them to Alex who swallowed them. The rest of the day passed slowly and uneventful. Alex, Jamie and Taker ate dinner with still no sign of Kane. As night wore on everyone decided to turn in. Alex was the last to retreat upstairs and decided to look in on Kane to make sure he didn't need anything. She quietly opened the door and peeked her head in, she gasped at the site she saw. Kane was sitting crosslegged on the floor, his head was tilted back and his eyes were half closed, his breathing was deep and slow, books were strewn about the room and scattered around him. She gazed at him for a while, then a hand fell on her shoulder she whilred around with a jump but made no sound, her face had gone ashen white. Taker held a finger to his lips as he looked in on Kane and saw his state. He silently pulled her away from the door and closed it. Leading Alex by the arm he took her to her room. She finally found her voice when she got to her room.
"Damn it Taker, you scared me." The icy tone had returned to Alex's voice.
"Well I did tell you he was busy, and that you didn't need to bother him." Taker's voice also became irritated.
"What's he doing anyway?" She asked. Trying her best to sound like normal. Taker didn't fall for it.
"Actually I'm not sure." He lied. "With Kane anythings possible." She smirked at him and it wasn't a nice smile either. She knew he'd lie, but to her it made no difference.
"Hmm, okay then night." She called over her shoulder as she began shutting the door.
"Goodnight, Alex." Taker said and turned to walk to his room.

Chapter 23

It was well after one in the morning when the library door opened and a weary Kane exited the room. He spent most of his time in meditative thought traveling from plane to plane gathering information on this beast that invaded his friend. He was extremely tired and drained. Most of the information that he had gathered was of no use, but he did find a few interesting things about it. As he turned down the hall to go to his room, he placed a hand on Alex's door. It was hot to the touch and he tried the knob. He pulled his gloved hand away feeling the extreme heat, this was one of the things he learned. It liked fire. He reached out to Alex's mind hoping to find her, but again was met with the blackness and hate. He shook his head and went to his room. He pulled a blanket and pillow off the bed and laid down on the floor by the wall connecting the two rooms. He again laid his gloved hand upon the wall feeling the heat. It's okay Alex don't worry, we'll find you. He thought as his eyes closed in sleep.

He awoke not to long later, his muscles protesting as he tried to stretch out. He felt the wall again and it was cool to the touch. He figured now was the time and willed his body into motion. He was again in the hallway, opening the door to Alex's room. She was asleep on the bed, the bedclothes twisted around her body. Her hair was drenched in sweat and her face was tense as if she were in pain. He stood over her gently caressing her face with is bare hand. He did notice that when he touched her her face relaxed a bit. Slowly he kneeled next to her bed and placed his head next to hers.
"Don't worry Alex, just help me." Kane whispered in his ruined voice. Alex stirred and mumbled a reply. He reached over and took her hand and placed it over his eyes. He did the same to her, immediately he was in her dreams. He stood and looked around, trying to figure out what she was dreaming. Alex screamed in her dream and Kane moved toward the sound, he realised he was looking down on a horrible scene. He was enraged but stayed where he was, trying to figure out the hold this beast had over her.
"You Bastard, why? why do this to us?" Alex yelled. She was chained against the wall she could feel her arms going numb from the pressure of hanging there. Her hair was matted and her clothing ripped. Burns and bruises were on almost every bit of exposed flesh.
"Because my child you will not come willingly to me. If you will not come willinigly then I will have to break your spirit. Your sister will be easy, you on the other hand, you needed a little more work." Kalmar said gleefully sitting upon his throne of rotting flesh. His bulging eyes took in every inch of Alex. Alex couldn't stand the sight of him, she thought that what she saw in her dreams before where bad.
"I am NOT your child!" She spat at him. Kalmar tossed his head back and laughed a deep and scary laugh.
"But of course you are child. You just don't know it yet. You have unspeakable powers that you or your sister have yet to tap." He stared at Alex. She squirmed under his instense gaze. "And of course I could easily bring your sister here as I have you and see how well she stands against my power." Kalmar said while chuckling. Kane was about ready to go down and tear Kalmar apart when he noticed Alex.
"There is no way in HELL that I would allow this to happen to Jamie. DO YOU HEAR ME!!!" She screamed at him. That was the moment she began to change. Her hair color changed and became deep red almost blood red. Her eyes were black, and her skin began to glow the same red as her hair. Her bonds melted from her wrists and ankles and she was free. The clothing she was wearing burned away only to be replaced with another garment. Her shirt was molded to her skin and her pants were the same. She glared at Kalmar fire was eminating from her fingertips. "This will stop now, and you will stay out of my head and if you dare to attack Jamie again I will kill you myself." She said in a low grave tone. Kalmar didn't look surprised at her transformation. It seemed more that he was waiting for it. Kane was intrigued at Alex and this power she seemed to hold, it was so much like his own.
"We shall see child, we shall see." Kalmar chuckled and was gone. Kane woke up with a start his hand still over Alex eyes. He removed his hand feeling numbness, he looked at the palm of his had to realized that he had been slightly burned by her fury. He gazed down at Alex and noticed her eyes were open. Slowly she sat up blinking turning her head she gazed right into Kanes soul.
"You were there, you saw what happened didn't you?" She asked. He nodded his head and placed his hand over hers.
"My god, Kane, What's happening to me? That couldn't be true could it. That can't be me really can it?" Her mind was racing with questions, but all Kane had to do was hold up his hand and show her the burn marks. The color drained from her face and she started crying. He sat on the bed with her while she cried into his chest.
"I'm sorry." Was all she could say over and over through her choked sobs.
He tried to calm her best he could, holding her til she fell asleep. When he pulled the hair away from her face, it was peaceful, he knew that she had fended off Kalmar alone. He laid her down and restraightend the sheets and blankets and covered her up. He turned to leave when Taker appeared out of the shadows.
"You were there to, weren't you brother." Kane said to Taker, it wasn't a question.
"Yes, I was. I saw her to. She's going to need to be trained properly you think your up to it?" Taker asked. Kane really thought about it.
"She's strong, maybe even stronger than me, but we'll have to wait and see." Kane replied.
"Now the only thing is to find out what Jamie can do." Take said with a smile. Kane nodded not picking up on Takers meaning and went to his own bed and slept deep and undisturbed. Taker stood in the shadows of Jamies room watching her sleep, he was wondering what this young girl could do.

Chapter 24

Jamie woke up shortly after Taker left her room. She looked about the room, puzzled she got up from bed and padded over to the dark corner where he was standing only minutes before. She went back to the bed and and pulled the blanket off the bed and returned to the corner where she curled up and fell back to sleep. When she woke up in the morning she was disoriented and couldn't figure out how she had gotten in the corner to sleep. She got up and remade the bed and headed to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and headed downstairs for breakfast, when she walked in the kitchen Alex was already awake and cooking up a storm.
"Aw, now there's the sister I missed. So what are we having?" Jamie asked sitting down and pouring herself a cup of tea.
"Aw, now there's the sister I don't have to wake up in the morning." Alex said laughing. We are having the biggest breakfast I can cook up, I feel great."
"Great, I'm starving. Jamie said. Taker and Kane came into the kitchen Taker grinned at Jamie, sat at the table and began shoveling food onto his plate. Kane walked over to her and tilted his head at her.
"Morning Kane, why are you looking at me that way?" Alex asked.
"No reason." He rasped. "Oh okay, are you hungry?" He nodded quickly and went over to the table and picked over what Taker had left.
"Um, I think I'll just wait for the next batch then." Jamie said looking at the devestated platters of food.
"Oh I'm sorry Jamie, I didn't even think." Taker said
"Sure you did Taker, you thought with your stomach." Jamie quickly shot back. The room exploded with laughter.
After the kitchen was cleaned up they headed outside to enjoy some fresh air. Alex and Jamie explored the grounds, picking wildflowers and watching the clouds. The men sat on the porch watching them talking quietly over Alex turn around from last night to this morning.
"She doesn't seem to remember last night." Taker asked.
"No, she was almost hysterical last night and today it's like she's been here forever." Kane said.
"I don't like it, although this is the close she's been to normal for a long time. I'll be keeping watch." Taker said grinning at Jamie who was waving.
"I wonder what they are talking about." Jamie said waving.
"Got me, I got the most strangest looks from them this morning you'd think I was posessed." Alex said laughing. Taker was watching Alex and Jamie intently when the first odd feeling passed over him. It was an invading thought although not an evil one. He was visualizing himself as seen through someone elses eyes. The vision clouded then disappeared, he sat back and crossed his arms. Kane looked over at him quizically.
"What's wrong, brother?" Kane asked.
"I don't know, I just had a strange thought. I'll be allright." Taker replied. Kane shrugged his shoulders and looked back at Alex and Jamie. He needed to talk to Alex about last night, but he would hold his tounge until later that night after dinner when he could get her alone.

To Be Continued...