
By Queen Undead
Disclaimer: This story uses somebits of current storylines, and concepts conjured up by the WWF. Everything else is pure fiction from my mind, and should be taken as such.

Chapter 1:

Kane left the arena out into the cold and snowy night. He was devestated, She used me, he thought, I've been used by a woman, and the person I hate the most and his buddies. Thoughts of destruction, betrayl, hate and the blindness of passion swirled through his head. He had no one to turn to, his brother dissappeared several months ago, and no ones heard from him since. His father turned his back on him washing his hands clean of having anything to do with him. He wandered in the cold for a few hours, when he collapsed on the street from the freezing temprature and from exhaustion. He was found by the police who were patrolling the area, they had recieved a call from none other than Degeneration-X stating that there was an insane maniac on the loose. The police called for an ambulance with strong restraints to take the big red machine away.

Kane woke up in the darkness, then panic set in when he realised that he couldn't move. I'm still asleep this can't be real, I'm dreaming. He replayed this thought over and over again but he came no closer to becoming unbound. He rested his head back against the uncomfortable table, and listened, there was no sound, silence came from every corner. Kane knew that he had to wait for someone to come to him, so he closed his eyes and drifted off to an restless and disturbing sleep. His dreams haunted him as he thrashed about against his bindings. The doctors watched him carefully, trying to figure out what was making him so angry.

Paul Bearer had watched Smackdown that night and saw what fate had befallen his son. I warned him, he muttered to himself. He paced the dreary livingroom wondering where his son was and how long it would be before he called. Four days passed, Paul was again watching Raw Is War. He actually was relieved to hear that Kane would be facing Triple H for the WWF Championship belt later that night. Well at least he kept himself out of trouble, he thought. Unbeknownst to Paul and the rest of the WWF staff Kane was still incarcerated and under observation. When at the end of Raw, Paul noticed that Kane did not appear to his music and that something was very very wrong.

Kane watched as nurses and doctors moved in and out of his room, they asked him a multitude of questions always to be answered by him by the same low grunt. The doctors were baffled by this response. After the first day they decided to remove Kane's mask so that they could more effectively see what they were dealing with. Kane twisted and groaned in protest but in the end his mask was removed. He tried to hide is face to no avail; although none of the doctors flinched at the sight of him, they began to understand why he wasn't answering him.

Paul began to make phone calls to Baltimore, Maryland to the police and hospitals. He found out where his son had been taken and packed his bags and went straight to the airport. He arrived in Maryland in seven hours and got his hotel room. He showered and went to bed, he figured that one more day wouldn't make a difference.

After Raw is War, Degeneration-X was partying and laughing at Kane. Mostly X-Pac and Tori, who had entwined themselves on the couch. Triple H and Stephanie were lounging on the other couch in glee at what had taken place. They managed to destroy one of their worst enemies, by tearing his heart out.
"Jesus, Hunter that was a great plan, A GREAT PLAN!!!! X-Pac giggled out. Tori nodded her head in approval. Stephanie clapped her hands together flashing that evil smile. Triple H's grin broadened as he wrapped his arms around Stephanie.
"We won't be seeing the Big Red Goof around here anytime soon, that's for sure, and once we get our other obstacles out of the way, DX will be sitting on top without resistance." Triple H stood up and began to gather his things, to go back to the hotel. The others quickly followed suit.

On Wednesday, almost one week after Kane was admitted to the psychiatric ward of the hospital, Paul Bearer arrived. He gave the doctors a background about Kane. The doctors understood some of the reasoning, and then told Paul why Kane was brought to them. Pauls eyes flashed dangerously and the doctor took a step back wondering if he should release the towering monster in the other room to this man. In the end Kane was released to Paul when they stood face to face Kane wasn't sure what to expect. He noticed that Paul had lost weight and was happy for him, but he could see anger in his fathers eyes. Paul looked back at his son, who looked bigger to him, he took a deep breath in, reached out and hugged his son. Kane inhaled sharply confused for a second, then returned his fathers hug.

Paul had been planning Kanes return to the WWF for the past three days, he knew that DX wasn't aware that Kane had been released to that was to be used as an advantage. There was one person Paul wanted special revenge on and that was Tori. He knew that Kane could destroy her but Kane wanted to focus on X-Pac, so Paul needed another person to act out against Tori. That person would actually come seeking them.

Monday night, Paul and Kane snuck into the arena and hid in one of the unused dressing rooms.
"We will wait here until the end of the show, then we shall make our grand appearance." Paul said to Kane. He nodded his reply and sat in the corner of the room thinking of all he wanted to accomplish tonight. After waiting it was time for the main event. Triple H, X-Pac, and the Radicals, were against, Mick Foley, The Rock, and Too Cool. When it looked like Triple H's team was going to win, the lights went out, and the crowd went insane. Kanes erie music filled the arena and the fireworks exploded. X-Pac almost passed out in the ring as The Big Red Machine came through the curtins along with Paul Bearer. Tori was in hysterics grabbing on to Stephanie. Stephanie was holding on to her to keep her from fainting. Kane entered the ring and began chokeslamming everything that was moving. When his destruction had completed he raised his arms and brought them down erupting the fire from the ring posts.

Paul and Kane left the arena and headed for Pauls rental car. When they reached the car they found something that startled them both. There was a woman sitting on the hood. She lifted her head and stared at them as they approached.
"Woman, get off my car!" Paul said with an annoying tone.
"No, I want to talk to you both." She replied. "Well, we don't need to talk to you!" Paul replied even more annoyed. He motioned to Kane to remove her from the car. She eyed this little exchange and watched as Kane moved forward. She raised her head up and looked him in the eyes.
"I want to help rid you of your 'problems'." She said calmly looking at Kane but talking to Paul. Kane stopped midstride and stared at her, he tilted his head and began to back up and stopped when he was once again at Pauls side.
"It seems that my son is interested in your words, tell me more." Paul insisted.
"Not here, we must go they will be looking for you soon." She jumped off the hood and moved to the backseat. Paul looked at her astonished.
"Those doors were locked you little theif." Paul whined and got in the drivers seat, "Where are we going?" He started the car as Kane got in the passenger side seat.
"Leave the parking lot and turn left." She replied quietly.
"And then where?" Paul asked.
"Just follow the road." She stated. Paul made an audible protest but did what he was told to.

Chapter 2:

Paul had been driving for what seemed like hours. The girl in the back didn't make a sound, he adjusted the rear-view mirror to try to get a better look at her, but all he could see of her was her long dark, curly hair. Her head was lowered and Paul became aggitated, she wasn't even watching where he was going.
"How much further am I driving, Miss?" Paul asked with an icy tone. She never raised her head, but answered him.
"Turn right here." Paul was bewildered, he made the right turn and tried to get her to lift her eyes to meet his, she was very mysterious to him.
"And what do I call you?" Paul Asked.
"You can call me whatever you like for now, I'll tell you my name when I am ready." She replied, slowly lifting her eyes to meet Pauls in the mirror. She had instense hazel eyes that flashed dangerously. Paul was annoyed but nodded none the less.
"Pull in here." She said pointing to a windy and dark driveway. Paul made the turn and was intrigued by the house that appeared once passing through the protective covering of the trees.

It could have been a mansion but not really big enough. It wasn't scary or extravagent, Paul realised that it was just a house, nothing special. He thought she was playing mind games on him but dismissed the idea. Kane who had been silent the whole ride, shifted in his seat and stared at the girl in the back. I don't care what she wants to do, I don't trust anyone anymore. He thought, she surprised him by looking up at him and grinning. He turned around quickly, he didn't like the grin on her face it was almost alien for her to smile. Paul parked the car and got out, Kane also got out of the car, watching the girl, he stretched. The girl exited the car and stalked towards the house she never turned around to see if they were following her. Kane and Paul watched her climb the steps to the porch and enter the house without turning around.
"What the hell.... she's not much of a hostess." Paul concluded, and headed toward the house. Kane followed closely behind. Paul knocked on the door, and got no answer, he tried the handle and the door opened easily enough. They stood in the foyer for a few minutes when the girl appeard from a door to their left. She cast them a sideways glance and continued towards the back of the house. Paul and Kane followed her into the kitchen, she was sitting at the small table with an open beer, although she didn't speak, she motioned her head towards the refridgerator. Paul took that as an inviation and moved toward it rummaging up a couple more drinks. The three sat at the table in silence for a few minutes. Kane realised that the table looked even smaller with him sitting next to it and smiled to himself. Paul was becoming impatient with this girl and her theatrics. He mumbled to himself, wondering why he was there. The girl looked up at them.
"I told you i wanted to help you, and I do, and I will." Her voice seemed deprived of all emotion.
"Why on earth do you think we need your help?" Paul motioned to Kane "he's a big enough man to wipe out the whole of WWF." The girl nodded her head in acknowledgement. Paul was borderline furious with the arrogance of this girl.
"You need my help, because 'they' travel in packs. One is never far without the other. Kane maybe strong, but it is hard to compete with someone sneaking up behind, as has been done in the past." Paul snorted at her response.
"And you think that you can stand up to what Kane faces. You're too small woman, you are not capable of handling these type of things." Paul wasn't sure if this girl was serious or a lunatic. The girl pondered this for a minute, her eyes took on a far away look as if remembering a painful memory; her eyes flashed in recognition of hate, and loathing. She then returned her stare to Paul.
"Do you wish me to prove myself? To show you what I can do?" She asked slyly. Paul was flabbergasted by this girls audacity.
"Do you honestly think that you can compete with the big boys? Then you are crazy."
"I will take on anyone that you deem worthy, except Kane." She stated.
"Why not Kane?" Paul asked.
"Because, Mr. Bearer, I will not hurt the one I wish to help." She said simply. Paul couldn't contain himself any longer he had to let out a high pitched screamish laugh.
"Allright young lady, I will accept this challenge you seek, I will find you an opponent of my choosing, and no matter who I choose you will fight." He said once he was under control again.
"Yes, whoever you choose will be fine." The girl answered. With that done, she rose from the table, and stared at the both of them.
"You may stay here the night if you wish." She put her empty beer bottle on the counter, turned leaning against it waiting for an answer.
"No, no thank you, Miss, my son and I should return to our hotel." Paul rose from the table, Kane also stood up, he had a feeling that this girl was more than she seemed.
"How will I contact you for the match?" Paul asked.
"I will find you next Monday night, for the match." She replied. Paul nodded and left the kitchen heading back out the front door, Kane followed him. She watched from the window as the car turned around and headed out of sight. A thin evil smile came to her lips.
"Soon, very soon, it will begin." She turned out the lights and went to bed.

Chapter 3:

On Smackdown, Kane was in the ring against X-Pac and Triple H, DX was doubleteaming at every chance but Kane felt none of it. His heart burned with hate and revenge he wanted to destroy X-Pac but Triple H would get in the ring and distract him. Triple H entered the ring with a chair, and hit Kane with a shot to the back; it barely phazed him. Kane had had enough of the WWF Champion, so he returned the chair shot but this time to Triple H's head. X-Pac was cowering in the corner and Kane raised the chair over his head. Stephanie had entered the ring to tend to Triple H. From behind Kane Tori appeared and took the chair from him. Kane turned ever so slowly around to see Tori shaking and backing up. Meanwhile this gave Triple H, Stephanie, and X-Pac a chance to leave the ring. They watched in horror as Tori was grabbed by the throat, the fans in the arena sounded like they were going to riot they approved of this and were waiting for the final chokeslam of the night. Tori was pleading and begging not to be hurt, when Kane suddenly let her go, she fell on her ass and looked up at Kane and began to smile, thinking she still had some kind of control over him. The fans were completely disappointed they wanted to see Tori get hers. Kane reached down and scooped her up preparing her for the tombstone piledriver. Kane fell to his knees knocking Toris head off the mat and knocking her out. The fans were in hysterics at this move. The three standing on the ramp were in utter shock at what had taken place in the ring. Kane was smiling under his mask to him it felt good to get a little revenge.

In the back Kane and Paul made their way to the dressing room to gather their things and head to the hotel. Along the way they passed Viscera, Paul had just found the perfect opponent for the girl on Monday night. Paul sent Kane along ahead to get their stuff, while he talked with Viscera. Vis had no problems taking the girl on Monday he actually enjoyed hurting women, especially getting paid for it.

Kane knew what Paul was talking to Viscera about, but went along to the back room and retrieved their things. He was waiting as Paul returned to the dressing room. Paul closed the door and Kane was staring at him from across the room. He shrugged his shoulders and stood up.
"What's wrong Kane? Do you think Viscera is too much for her to handle?" Paul was giddy in anticipation for Monday night. Kane again shrugged his shoulders and lumbered toward the door. "Allright fine, be moody if you want I can't wait to see her get a rude awakening." Paul chuckled out. Before Paul left that night he made sure to take the appropriate measures for this exhibition match on Raw. The production managers for the show were not happy knowing that they didn't have enough time to write anything for this segment. Paul assured them that it was all taken care of and most of it would be improvisation, that the moves had been practiced and would continue to be practiced. The tech approved the segment not reading Paul that well to know that he was lying.

Late Monday afternoon Kane and Paul arrived at the arena in Boston, Massachusetts as they walked up the secruity guard he waved them over.
"We had a girl arrive earlier saying she was waiting for you to be in a match tonight, we put her in the main security truck over there if you know anything about it." he said. Paul nodded and told Kane to go get her. Kane tilted his head and turned in the direction of the truck. I can't believe she showed up. She may be more serious than father realizes. Kane thought to himself as he climed the stairs. He opened the door and looked in. The girl was sitting on the chair staring intently at the guard watching her. The guard looked up at Kane and motioned to the girl.
"Do you know her?" Kane nodded. The girl flashed the guard a sweet grin and stood up she followed Kane out of the truck and back across the parking lot. She didn't speak until they entered the building.
"It's about time you guys got here, I was hoping to get in some excersize before people started showing up." Kane came to a stop and turned and looked at her. She sounded different almost afraid but not quite. He shook his head slowly and turned again, she was right behind him as he came to a quick stop outside his dressing room. He could hear Paul inside laughing and talking loudly to someone. Kane opened the door and stepped in he immediately saw Viscera sitting there, the girl came in behind Kane and also took notice of Viscera. Her eyes widened slightly then she returned her posture to the same girl that Paul and Kane met last week.
"Ah, there you are, this is your opponent for tonight." Paul started off slyly. "Viscera this is, are you going to tell me your name now? Miss?" Paul let the question hang.
"My name is Scarlet." She stated staring at Viscera. This thing is huge, damn, but no matter it will not stop me from doing what I need to do. She thought.
"Your match will be later tonight around halfway through the show, and if you don't mind Kane and I will accompany you down to the ring." Paul finished, he wanted a close up view of her pain. Kane sat quietly in the corner watching the three of them he knew why his father wanted to be there but he wasn't sure why he was supposed to be there.
"If you want to Mr. Bearer that is fine." She replied. Viscera looked the girl up and down, she couldn't have been any taller than 5'9" and no more than 140 lbs. He gapped at Paul who nodded his head Viscera had one more thing in mind.
"Paul, one more thing, if I win I get to keep her." Viscera growled out. Scarlet slowly turned her head in his direction her icy stare penetrating his souless blue eyes.
"Viscera, there is no way you can win, but you may make the silly stipulation if you wish." With that she left the room in search of her dressing room. She found the womens locker room and went in. She saw 3 women of average height standing around something hanging on the wall, Scarlet listened to them for a bit.
"I wonder who that's for?"
"I don't know, but I wouldn't be caught dead in it." Scarlet smiled to herself.
"I believe it would be for me." She said as the three women startled looked up at her.
"Oh, hi, sorry didn't see you there, I'm Terri, this is Jackie, and Kat."
"Nice to meet you, I am Scarlet." she replied with a fake smile as she moved closer to the women she looked at what Paul had arranged for her to wear. "Oh no, I really don't think so."
"So, um, what are you doing on your first night here?" Terri asked.
"Wrestling Viscera." Scarlet replied. The three women were in shock. Terri started to stutter something out. "Oh Terri don't worry, that slug doesn't stand a chance against me." Scarlet said burning her with a stare. The three women left quickly and left Scarlet to her thoughts. She was happier that way anyway. She opened her bag and pulled out what she was going to wear for her fight tonight. It was a 2 peice suit, the pants and shirt were both black the pants looked like bicycle pants very tight fitting the shirt was made of the same material it was a half shirt that was sleeveless. She got herself dressed and sat and waited for her time.

Chapter 4:

There was a knock at the door and one of the crew told her that her match was up next. She nodded and left the room heading for the curtian. When she got there Kane and Paul were waiting for her. She took a few deep breaths and could hear Kanes music fill the arena, the fans were going nuts, Scarlet swallowed hard and followed out behind them. Kane stopped at the base of the ramp she went around him, and climbed into the ring and stared at Viscera, who was leering back. JR and Jerry were beside themselves at this match.
"King? That's a woman in the ring with Viscera, isn't it?" JR asked.
"Yes, JR, and what's the big red retard doing down here? " Jerry responded.
"Be nice you, and I don't know." JR chided.

The bell sounded but Viscera made no advancement toward Scarlet, and she felt like she was rooted to the spot. All of a sudden Viscera charged her, she ducked his advance easily enough. And with his momentum, dropkicked him in the back and sent him into the turnbuckle. She got up quickly but Viscera was already standing, he grabed her by the hair and lifted her up over his head, and threw her down to the mat. Scarlet saw stars for a brief second, then her anger woke up. He grabed her hair again to get her to stand on her feet. She kicked him in the knee, he let go of her, she bounced herself off the ropes, jumped up and hit Viscera in the face with her forearm, he reeled slightly. She again bounced off the ropes grabbing him by the back of the head and ramming him face first into the mat. He rolled over instinctively, and she covered him. The ref got the count of 2 and Viscera tossed scarlet up in the air again. She scrambled to her feet and caught Viscera in the knee again when he tried to stand. Slowly he got to his feet, she ran at him and kicked him hard in the stomach, he doubled over and she brought her knee up into his face breaking his nose, he fell to the mat clutching his nose. She covered him again. The Ref counted 1, 2, 3. The bell sounded and Scarlet was declared the winner.

Paul was in shock standing outside the ring. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. Kane still standing at the end of the ramp, watched almost indifferent, okay she won, but now what do we do with her. Scarlet climbed out of the ring, and walked over to Paul.
"I trust now, that you will let me help you." She said.
"Yes, you may help but if you get hurt it's your own fault." Paul replied and still couldn't believe what had happened.

In the back, DX was watching the match on the monitor.
"Who the hell is that?" Tori asked.
"Don't know, but she's hanging with the red goof." Triple H replied.
"Well I have something to do, I'll be back before your match baby." Tori said and kissed X-Pac hard on the lips.
"Allight, babe, just stay outta trouble." X-pac said. Tori was livid by the time she left the room. How could Kane forget about me so quickly? How could he be going after that, that, whore. Tori had a million questions running through her mind when she walked into the womens dressing room. She immediately saw Scarlet and the other female wrestlers talking.
"Wow Scarlet, how did you ever manage that win." Kat asked.
"Just timing, and luck, besides I didn't feel like being squashed." Scarlet replied, fake smile plastered all over her face.
"And just who in the hell do you think you are?" Tori interupted. Her voice filled with ice. Scarlet's head jerked up, and her eyes blazed at Tori. Scarlet was willing herself not to launch across the room and kill the tall blonde staring back at her.
"Tori, might I suggest a quieter tone, you will know who I am well enough and most likely too soon for your taste, I am going to make you regret using Kane, and betraying his trust, and his soul. But not yet, I will let you think about it for a while." Scarlet said keeping her voice even.
"Are you threatening me?" Tori asked puzzled.
"Yes Tori I am, all of these women heard it, and so did you, run along now to your DX friends while you still can." Scarlet started to get up, her patience just about gone. Tori's face drained of color and she fled the room. Ivory came up behind Scarlet and spoke softly.
"Are you really going to hurt her?"
"Not for a while I'll let her panic for a bit first." Scarlet said.
"Good," Ivory said with a smile "I never liked her anyway." Scarlet shook her head in amazement, but then again, Ivory didn't know what plans Scarlet had for Tori.

When she left the women's dressing room, she found Paul and Kane heading her way. She stopped as they approached her.
"Scarlet," Paul started, "I've spoken with Vince and the proper people, you shall accompany, myself and Kane to the ring starting Thursday and at any event Kane and I must appear at." She noticed it wasn't a question of if she wanted to it was a statement.
"That's fine, and Tori's all mine correct?" She asked, Paul nodded and began to smile again. Kane was still wary of her and not sure what to expect, stayed quiet.
"You will meet us tommorrow at 10:00 am in Logan Airport in terminal C. We will be flying to the next city." Paul ordered.
"And where is the next city?" Scarlet asked.
"Ft. Lauderdale, Florida." Paul replied.
"Okay I'll be waiting at the airport then." They parted companies, and Paul and Kane watched her leave.
"Father, I don't trust her." Kane whispered out.
"Neither do I son, but she could be interesting in other ways." Paul chuckled. Kane shook his head at his fathers comments. He would be watching her closely.

Chapter 5:

Scarlet passed one more time through her hotel room making sure she gathered all her belongings. With a glance to the clock, she noticed it was almost 9:00 am, she picked up her bags and left the room, when she gave the desk clerk the key he told her the bill had been settled and there was a car outside waiting to take her to the airport. She thanked him with that becoming ever present fake smile and left the hotel, found the car, and started off for the airport. With the heavy traffic she didn't get to Logan until almost 9:45 am. She sprinted into the terminal and picked up her ticket that had been arranged, she put her bags through and sat to wait for Kane and Mr. Bearer. About 20 minutes later she heard the screeching of a teen age fan and smiled, this one genuine. It would seem they have arrived. she thought laughing to herself. She watched in mock fasination as a group of people swirled around some of the wrestlers as they tried to get to the terminal. She could see Kane quite clear, also within that group were Matt and Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho and Chyna. Laughing quite openly now, she made her way over to the enterance way showed her ticket and went on the ramp to board the plane.

She was showed her seat, a window one, she didn't care much for flying but this could prove different at least she was going with a purpose. She was watching the crew mull around the plane when she felt brush of something on her shoulder. She turned her head and was staring into the leering eyes of Paul.

"Well my dear, seems we shall be riding together on this flight." Paul started.
"Oh I'm estatic." Scarlet replied dryly. Pauls response was unintelligable and full of annoyance. She did look up as Kane went by and sat behind them. Kane wasn't sure what his father had planned for the flight, but he was concerned. Scarlet turned herself away from Paul as much as she could and closed her eyes, maybe if she feined sleep he'd leave her alone. The plane took off and they made the two and a half hour flight in silence. As they exited the plane Paul started to say something to Scarlet, she tried to ignore him and kept walking to the baggage deptartment. She avoided Paul and Kane as she got her bags, she looked over at them and were already amist a group of fans. She gathered her bags and waited outside for them, when they appeared they climbed into the shuttle bus and headed off for the hotel.

"That must be annoying, to have that happen all the time." Scarlet said.
"Yes there are those moments, but mostly it's fine." Paul replied, Kane nodded his head in agreement. Paul searched his pockets for their schedule, when he found it he started mumbling quietly about appearnces and times, Kane leaned over and looked at the paper to get an idea of how much he had to be in this girls presence. He watched her out of the corner of his eye, seeing her glare around icily when she thought no one was looking. His suspicions of her were never clearer. She turned to stare into his pale blue eyes, he matched her stare waiting for her to break first. Scarlet smiled suddenly, it was a thin and evil her hazel eyes sparkled intently. She broke the stare and turned back to the window. The shuttle bus was pulling off the highway and starting to manuver through traffic. After another half hour of driving, they pulled up in front of the hotel. They emptied from the bus and watched as their luggage was brought in for them. Paul Bearer stood at the clerk in disbelief.

"No, you have to be wrong!" He yelled. The clerk told him again that it was no mistake and handed him the key. Paul turned and approaced Kane and Scarlet.
"There's a problem." He said.
"What?" asked Scarlet. Kane already knew what was coming.
"The only have one room for us. There's a mistake."
"Damn right there's a mistake." Scarlet started to turn to the desk.
"Don't bother, there are no other rooms."
"WHAT?!" What the hell am I supposed to do now?" she said.
"Don't worry, I have them bringing you a cot to the room."
"Oh, how thoughtful of you Mr. Bearer, I'm flattered." She replied spitting out the words. Paul turned to her his face red and furious.
"Look you ungrateful little..." Kane laid his hand on his fathers shoulder. "I'm sorry Kane I just can't stand her anymore." Scarlet headed toward the desk again. She stared at the clerk, he started to explain that there were no more rooms when Scarlet smiled. He stared at her for a minute and returned it. He went on the reservation computer and changed the name and handed Scarlet a key and apologized for the mix-up. She walked up to Paul and Kane flaunting the key in thier faced grabbed her bags and headed towards the elevator.

"Well now it seems we've underestimated our charge yet again." Paul said as he headed to the elevator. Kane followed to the elevator the door closed and Kane stared at her. She looked up at him.
"You're wondering how I managed that aren't you?" She said batting her eyelashes. Kane nodded then shrugged his shoulders.
"Oh you don't think it was my girlish charm?" She said slyly. Paul glared at her then went back to watching the floor. "Sorry tall silent one, but a lady never reveals her secrets." She turned her back to him as the doors opened. She drew up her bags and headed for her room, the elevator door closed and she never turned around, Paul didn't say anything to her either. Scarlet entered her room, dropped her bags and sprawled out lengthwize on the bed, immediately she was asleep. Her dreams came quick, she sat up in haze of pale blue mist, she began walking slowly going no where in particular. Finally a voice spoke out to her.
"Don't forget your work, Scarlet, I am waiting for you." The voice was deep and chilling. Her lips moved if anyone had been with her at that moment, they would have been very very worried.
"Of course not master, my love."

Chapter 6

Scarlet opened her eyes to the phone ringing; glancing at the clock as she reached for the telephone reciever it stared 6:00 in it's blood red letters. Although, she wasn't sure if it was six that night or the next morning.
"Hello." She said groggily.
"Oh I'm sorry did I wake you? I was wondering if you wanted something to eat." Pauls whiny voice sounded erily happy.
"Yes you woke me and yes I want something to eat but I think I can mange getting something for myself thank you." She replied.
"Okay then Scarlet, just remember you need to be at the arena on time 7:30 don't be late." Paul reminded her. Scarlet rolled her eyes and stared at the phone.
"Paul, I'd swear you think me an idiot. I will be there, I don't need you to tell me where and when to be somewhere. Understand?" She shot back.
"Yes, I do, I'm just making sure you understand as well." He said and hung up the phone without a goodbye. Scarlet got up and showered and packed her wrestling gear into her bag and headed out of the hotel room toward the elevators.

When the doors opened she was faced to face with the crew of Degeneration-X. She got on the elevator flashing X-pac a smile, and watching as Tori's face became a mask of fury. Scarlet was hoping for a confrontation but Tori had made some plans of her own. No one spoke the remaining ride down the elevator. When the doors opened Scarlet slipped off quickly and turned toward the lounge. Sitting at the bar she ordered a drink and some dinner. She watched the door and saw Paul and Kane slip by and head outside. She slowly finshed her dinner and decided to head over to the arena. This time she had no problems passing the security. She entered the women's dressing room fortunetly she was alone. She meditated on her plans for the evening. About a half hour later she was interrupted by Terri.

"Hi Scarlet, Paul Bearer and Kane are looking for you." She sais as she went into the adjoining room.
"Oh that's nice Terri, I'll find them when I'm ready." Scarlet replied.
"Okay then." Terri said sitting down to apply her make-up trying to ignore Scarlet. Some of the other female wrestlers came in and tried to start a conversation with her. But she ignored them all she was concentrating on her valet position. Kane was against X-Pac and Road Dogg. She wasn't going to allow any more double teaming on him.

Paul Bearer paced the dressing room, beads of sweat formed on his brow. Kane watched him intently.
"Why is she acting this way? Why Kane?" Paul asked with the ever present anger. Kane shrugged his shoulders knowing that Scarlet had a hidden agenda and he was now determined to find out what. He didn't think Tori was her only obsession.

Tori sat in the DX dressing room seething from her earlier encounter with Scarlet. She was planning a payback of her own out at ringside. X-Pac came in and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
"What's wrong baby?"
"Nothing babe just thinking."
"Okay we're on in about 10 minutes." he said then he kissed her on the neck and left the room.

The knock came to Scarlets door she left the dressing room and found Paul and Kane heading towards the curtin.
"Girl where have you been?" Paul asked.
"In the women's dressing room where else would I be? She said. Paul threw his arms up in the air.
"You are impossible you know that!" Paul yelled.
"Yep I know, and are we ready, it's that time." Scarlet said as the three emerged from behind the curtains. The crowd erupted as they made their way to the ring. As they entered the ring Kane and Scarlet faced each other as Paul stood between them they both raised thier arms and brought them down as fire emerged from the ringposts. DX was watching from the back, Tori was so furious she was shaking they never let me do that her mind screamed. DX's music hit and the trio made thier way to the ring Xpac's pyros went off and the trio stared at Kane and Scarlet.

The referee called for the bell Kane faced DX in the center of the ring he landed a right on X-Pac knocking him flat to the mat. Road Dogg tried to block Kane's assault but he landed a boot to Road Dogg's head. Tori stood outside the ring in horror as X-pac and Road Dogg were battered about the ring. Scarlet watched on in complete approval; she felt his pain as he destroyed his opponents. Suddenly Triple H ran down to the ring Stephanie not far behind. Kane was now being triple teamed. Scarlet climbed up on the ring apron prepared to help when Tori grabbed her and puller her down, she was surprised by Tori's strength and lost her footing falling on her back. Tori started kicking her in the stomach she rolled on her side to try and protect herself, but Tori wouldn't stop. Finally it did, Scarlet rose slowly to a sitting position when the chair hit her in the back of the head. She was unconsious, Tori stood over Scarlet grinning wildly. The crowd was booing and chanting "bitch" fiercely. In the ring Kane was being overpowered by Triple H, X-Pac, and Road Dogg. He saw Tori deliver the shot to Scarlet, but there was nothing he could do to help her. X-Pac delivered a low blow dropping Kane to his knees. Triple H landed a series of right hands to Kane's head. When his eyesight cleared he saw Paul trying to wake Scarlet. Kane started fighting back again dropping Triple H, then Road Dogg he grabbed X-Pac by the throat lifting him up for the chokeslam. Kane got the win, Paul helped Scarlet to her feet and up the ramp. DX stood in the ring watching them head up.

Back in the dressing room Scarlet regained full consciousness and paced furiously about Kane's dressing room.

"I can't believe she got me, that bitch." Scarlet screamed.
"Relax Scarlet. We need to plan." Paul said.
"Planning can go straight to hell I want a match with her, she's a wrestler right." Scarlet said, her eyes blazing with hate.
"Some say she is anyway." Paul said. "I'll see if I can arrange it."
"You'd better." Scarlet said perching herself on the end of the table her hands trembling in anger. Paul left the dressing room only then did Scarlet notice Kane sitting in the corner.
"Aren't you going to yell at me or something Kane. I didn't do well out there." Scarlet said.
"You were surprised." Kane said slowly and raspy. Scarlet raised her eyebrows she certinly wasn't expecting an answer.
"Oh well seems I've been misinformed, you do speak. Very interesting."
"Who misinformed you?" Kane asked.
"Oh no one to be concerned with." She replied. Kane sat still and quiet regarding her with weary eyes. Paul returned to Scarlet and Kane staring at each other.
"Well I couldn't manage a one on one but you got a tag match." Paul said.
"Good, when Mr. Bearer." Scarlet asked never taking her eyes from Kane.
"Wrestlemania, you and Kane vs. Tori and X-Pac. Vince wants to build this up over the next few weeks."
"Mr. McMahon always the brain behind exploiting peoples lives. He's shrewd I like it." Scarlet said. Standing slowly, she headed for the door, I'll see you boys back at the hotel I have some errands to run.
"Scarlet it's almost midnight, what do you possibly have to do that can't wait till morning." Paul asked.
"Girl stuff." Scarlet said and slipped out the door. Paul looked at Kane and shrugged.
"Did she say anything to you son?" Paul asked. Kane shook his head 'no' and gathered his things to head back to the hotel.

To be continued...

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