The Protector

By Queen Undead
Proofread by Jay


She's been following him for months, always staying near but never being seen. She was his protector and when the time came she would die for him. This has been her destiny and she has been preparing for it all her life. She waited in the shadows for him to appear and she would follow. She watched the last of the fans leaving well over an hour ago. Then she saw him come through the door, it was late and his face wasn't covered. She rarely saw his face and was always taken back by his soft features. She knew she was in love with him, though he knew nothing of her, and wouldn't be near him until her time to die comes. She watched him enter his limousine and rose slowly to walk back to her car but the headlights of the limousine caught her and she looked away causing her long hair to fall over her face.

From inside the car, he caught a glimpse of a tall woman and even though her hair covered her features he knew that she was beautiful. She got in her car and turned on the engine. When she turned on the lights there was someone standing in front of her car.

"Damnit, I'm not in the mood for this." She muttered as she got out of the car and approached the figure.
"Well, what do you want?" She demanded. She looked into his face and knew he was one on the others, he was one of the Dark. He gazed down on her and a slight smile came to his face.
"Well now, you are a pretty one," he paused, and then his hand snaked out and grabbed her by the neck.
"You know you can't save him we can't let you" He hissed at her. She sensed another presence moving behind her. When she heard his voice she shivered uncontrollably, she knew she should never have been this close to him.
"My, my Edge what did you find?" The words rolled over her; he was standing right behind her. She could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck.
"My dinner, oh master" Edge laughed, and started to pull her away. She felt the man that was behind her move as he went to push Edge aside. She leant over and held her neck, she could feel the bruises starting to form. She felt a hand take hold of her arm and start to guide her the other way. She had to let it happen, if she resisted the Dark Lord would know what she was. They stopped and he lifted her chin to inspect her neck, he let out a long sigh and looked into her eyes.
"What a strange eye color," he commented as her violet eyes glared back into his green ones.
"You are different, aren't you?" His stare never waivered.
"You know what we are?" He asked in a low voice.
"Yes, I do," she replied, his grasp on her arm tightened.
"Yes, I can see it in your eyes, but, we are not meant to battle yet. I know that, I will encounter you again" He let go of her and faded into the darkness.
Well that was smart, she thought to herself, how could I have been so stupid? She shook her head as she went back to her car. She left the parking lot, and headed for her hotel.

When she got back to her room, she inspected her neck. She could see the marks of where is hand had been, she sighed and turned from the mirror, she pulled up a chair and sat bye the wall listening to him. She felt drawn and tired and she knew she needed to rest and conserve her energy.
He was awake, she could hear him moving about, she glanced at the clock, it was very late and he usually was asleep by now. She listened to him for a while until her body could take no more and she drifted off into dreamless sleep.
He paced his hotel room, unable to get the image of the girl he had seen at the arena out of his mind. He laid down, his head still spinning with thoughts of her as he fell into a restless sleep. He dreampt of things he didn't quite understand but when he woke up he knew he would see the girl again. A smile came to his lips. He showered and dressed and made his way downstairs for breakfast.


She was up and and dressed before she heard him leave his room. She knew he was going to breakfast and she decided to chance a meeting. She knew it was wrong but couldn't help herself. She had to talk to him and warn him. The Dark ones have become much stronger than even she realized. The rules have changed, she said to herself as she pulled on her boots.
She made her way down to the resturant and as she walked through the door she saw him almost immediately. She turned away and took a table on the opposite side of the room. She ordered her breakfast and as she waited she glanced up at him, hoping to get his attention without really doing anything. She looked over at him and to her dismay he was no longer alone; the Dark Lord was sitting with him. This did not worry her though, his powers were weaker during the daytime.
She watched for a while, while they talked; then the Dark Lord rose and left the table, not even glancing in her direction. She let out a breath, not realizing she was holding it. She looked over again, he was leaving, she thought to herself, he always stays a while. She got up to follow.
As she left the resturant, he was standing there as if waiting for her. For one brief second their eyes met and locked before she lowered her head and turned toward the exit. Somethings wrong, she thought, he was waiting for me.
She left the hotel, and started to walk down the street with her head lowered. Her mind was thinking of what she saw in the lobby. She felt someone grab her arm, she spun around and was staring into his massive chest. Her mind raced for a way to get away.
"Who are you?" He asked quietly. "And why do you follow me?" Slowly she lifted her head and peered into his blue eyes, she then looked around.
"I cannot tell you here. It's too open and his people are everywhere." She headed back to the hotel as he followed her thinking of what she said. Her mind was screaming at her telling her to say nothing but she knew that now was the time to tell him everything.
When they entered her room she locked the door, even though it was daylight she knew the others would be near. He laughed to himself and she turned to look at him.
"And what may I ask, do you find so funny?"
"Nothing, it's just that your room is next to mine." She nodded and took a seat on the couch while he sat down in one of the chairs.
"Okay, I hope I can make this sound logical," she took in a deep breath and continured. "My name is Kailen, and it is my duty to protect you, I don't expect you to understand yet but the Dark Lord wants you for evil and that can never happen." He tilted his head and stared at her. It sounded to crazy, but yet he felt she was telling the truth. He came upon another realization; he wanted her, he wanted her unlike anything he had ever wanted before. Kailen gazed at the man sitting so close and knew what he was thinking; she hoped someday that might happen, but knew deep down it never would. She explained her mission to Kane and although he didn't understand some of it, he kept quiet and let her speak.
"So how do we stop his plan?" Kane asked when she finished speaking.
"I don't know." Was the only reply she could give; he wanted to go to her; it was driving him crazy. He knew it was wrong and that he shouldn't, but he found himself getting up and going to her anyway. She watched him come across the room and knew what was going to happen. Her mind was yelling no but her mouth wouldn't open. Kane reached down and took her hand, gently pulling her to her feet. He leaned over and kissed her firmly on the mouth, she reached up and grasped the back of his neck. She let herself go with him and he took her.


She woke up several hours later to find the sun setting. Kane was still with her and and she found herself being held in his arms. As Kailen looked into his peaceful face as he slept tears came to her eyes; she knew this was her only chance with him. Kailen slipped out from his grip; the time was growing near the Dark Ones will be coming soon. She showered and dressed Kane awoke just as she was pulling her boots on.
"What's going on?" he asked watching her.
"It's almost dark and they will be coming." She walked over to the window looking out onto the sunset. Kane came up behind her and laid his hands on her shoulders.
"You should get dressed, they'll be coming here soon" She turned and looked up at him, her mind was hoping to find a way for them to be together and happy, but deep down she knew that it was next to impossible. Kane nodded and went to his room to change.
While he was gone Kailen finished preparing for the fight; She pulled out a leatherbound case and opened it. Lying in the case were two daggers, one longer than the other. She placed one dagger in her belt, the other in her boot. Kane was only gone for ten minutes, but to him he couldn't wait to get back to her side. He knocked softly on her door; Kailen opened it and looked him up and down and took in the black jeans, a black shirt, and boots he was wearing.
"We have to leave, right away, if we're here when they come we'll be trapped" Kailen grabbed her bag and started out the door. Kane followed closely, as they headed for the elevators. They took the elevator to the lobby and got off, and headed out the front doors. The sun had almost completely set. Kailen looked up and studied the purple sky.
"We need to go to them." She started to say and turned left. Kane followed not saying anything. They didn't get far before they were greeted by other Dark ones. They were stopped as Edge, and Christian blocked their path.
"Well hello again pretty one, I see you're still trying to save him?" Edge grinned at Kailen. Kane started for them intent to rip them apart,
"Wait," Kailen said, as she grabbed Kanes arm. "No, these two are here to drain your strength in fight."
"Ah, Edge she is a smart one." Christian said as he moved closer.
"Take us to the Dark Lord." Kane demanded. Kailen turned her head to look up at him. She knew what he was thinking. A battle for it all, if they lost, the world would be lost, she would be gone, and Kane would be evil. Her eyes turned to slits as she thought, I am not going to allow that to come true.


Edge and Christian turned and began walking. Kane and Kalien followed behind. As they walked, more Dark Ones joined them. Kailen took no notice. Kane on the other hand, marked every face he saw. They turned down a narrow alley and entered one of the buildings. There was no light inside all the windows were painted black. Candles burned to guide their way. They made thier way to the cellar of the building, there they found the Dark Lord sitting on his throne. More of his followers surrounded him, Kailen started to count how many they would face. She thought to herself hmmm, 15 of them, almost impossible, but if it's done right we can beat them. She turned to face the Dark Lord. His green eyes pierced into her, she wanted to look away but couldn't.
"Well now," the Dark Lord said, "What brings you down to my realm."
"You know why we are here." Kailen said, her eyes watering, but refusing to blink.
"Oh, woman you've lost already. Why don't you see that?" The Dark Lord grinned, in a flash, the Dark Ones were upon them. Kailen pulled her dagger and Stabbed Christian 'AH!!' he exclaimed as he staggered back holding the wound in his shoulder. Kane began hitting anyone he could get his hands on. He was so enraged that he didn't see four of the followers overpower Kailen. He didn't stop until he heard the Dark Lord speak.
"The battle is done, and I have won" He said rising from his throne. A laugh escaped his lips.
"And I thought this was going to be hard."
"I'm not dead yet." Kailen spat at him.
"Yes, but you soon will be." He replied
Kane was helpless looking at the woman he loved being held by one of her own daggers. He glared at the Dark Lord.
"Why does she have to die?" He asked
"Because when her blood is spilled, you will belong to the Dark Side." The Dark Lord grinned at Kane and motioned for them to be taken away.


They were separated, Kailens mind raced, trying to think of a way to get to him. She was bound to the wall in chains. She rattled the chains, they didn't give much leeway. Damnit sthought, how do I get myself out of this one. She laid her head back against the cool stone, trying to think of a way out. Wondering what has happened to Kane. The idea came to her, the dagger in her boot. She brought her leg up and slid the dagger out. Moving slowly she positioned the point to align with the lock. She tried with all her strength to pry the lock open, as her arm began to shake the lock gave way and opened. It jingled at it hit the wall, okay there's one she thought, She worked on the other lock quickly and opened that one. She freed herself from the wall, but opening the door was going to be more tricky. She knew there were at least two guards out there, but she didn't know who.
Kane was brought to another end of the building where he was placed in a darkend room. He paced the room over and over again thinking of what to do. He sat down in the damp corner and placed his head in is hands. His emotions were overwhelming him, his hatred for the Dark Lord, his love for Kailen, his confusion of what was happening. The Dark Lord was near Kane and knew that it was almost time to start. He stood near Kanes cell and his green eyes danced with candelight, he smiled broadly.
"It is time," He went up and opened the door. "Kane it is time you join me," Kane looked up from the corner, he rose to his feet slowly, his blue eyes never wavering.
"Why do you think I will join you?" He asked in a low voice.
"Because, it was meant to be. You will be my most destructive force, and together we shall rule." the Dark Lord folded his arms in front of his massive chest. He smiled at Kane, who had lowered his head, Kane was weakening towards his wishes and he knew it.
"Come now we have much to do." Kane followed The Undertaker. They walked through the halls of the cellar, Kane tried to study where he was, they came to a large room, most of the Dark Followers were already there. They were silenced as The Undertaker walked into the room followed closely by Kane. The Undertaker took his place on the throne, he motioned for Kane to kneel. Despite his reluctance, he was kneeling and the last of his mind giving away to hatred and evil. When he looked to his master, his eyes smoldered blue like that of a stormy day. The Undertaker let out a laugh, it's done he thought. He nodded to Kane who rose and stood over in the shadows out of sight.
Kailen was quickly about the room looking for another way out, she found nothing. She heard the key in the lock, and ran back to her holding place and replaced the chains. Two figures entered, Edge and Bradshaw.
"Well my pretty one, I hope you enjoyed your stay with us, because it's all about to end." Edge said while moving closer. Kailens hand snaked out of the chains, and to Edges surprise, she grabbed the dagger and plunged it into his chest.
"ARGH!!!" Edge fell back onto the floor holding his chest. His gasping for air was loud and strained. Kailen knew she punctured his lung. Bradshaw came at her and she missed with the dagger. He grabbed her and threw her to the ground, when she hit she felt her breath flush from her body. Bradshaw succeded in knocking her unconscious, he picked her up and carried her to the alter room.


As Kailen slowly came awake, she was aware she was bound again, but on her back this time. She slowly opened her eyes. She looked around to see all The Undertakers followers gathered around her. She could see The Undertaker and glared at him.
"Where is Kane?" she asked him. He turned slightly and motioned to the corner.
"Why he's here," he replied, "and he now belongs to me." Kane stepped out of shadows his eyes clouded blue. The Followers parted as Kane made his way to the alter. Kailen stared into his eyes, she could no longer see into him, he's fading she thought.
"Now your end will come, and my new beginning will start." The Undertaker laughed, as he made his way to the alter. She closed her eyes and thought of a way to stop what was happening. When she opened her eyes, she looked at the both of them standing side by side. Her eyes pleaded with Kane. The Undertaker slapped her hard, her head rocked slamming off the concrete alter, she saw stars.
"It will do you no good." He rasped at her. Kailen's face was on fire from the pain but continued to look at Kane, tears of anger and pain ran from her eyes. Please let this work she begged, as her body went limp. Her mind was gone, searching for Kane, her eyes opened and glazed over. The Undertaker pondered this for a while, he knew what she was trying to do, It will do you no good he thought. Kane felt her enter his mind, he let her come, what do you want? his mind asked. for you not to join with the evil she responded. but I already have he hestatintly thought. NO!!! she yelled at him For if you had you wouldn't have let me in. He knew this was true, and confusion once again took hold. I know your confused Kane, but you need to do what's in your heart. she said Your heart is not black like his this I know, you can stop this evil now. She left his mind, hoping she'd said enough. Her body spasmed as she came back to it, awareness gleamed back into her eyes.
"I hope you had fun," The Undertaker said. "Now it is time for you to die." Without warning he raised the sacrifical dagger, and was about to plunge it into her chest, when his arm was stopped by Kane. His eyes smoldered with anger.
"NO!! She will not die today." Kane hissed. He knocked The Undertaker down, and cut Kailens bonds. He lifted her up and ran from the room.
"Wait." Kailen said "We can't keep running, we have to stop this now" Kane put her on the ground. He looked at her with much love.
"What are we supposed to do?" He asked. She looked up at him, and responded "We have to kill him..." Kane was silent. She looked to the wall.
"Daylights coming we need to get out of here for now, we can only take him at night." Kane understood this, and they slowly found there way out of the building and without any resistance. They returned to the hotel and stayed in her room. Kailen collapsed on the bed exhausted, she was asleep within minutes. Kane covered her with a blanket, he caressed the bruise on her face, then he sat in the chair to watch her. He was angry with himself, he was almost taken, and this beautiful creature, whom he loved was willing to die for him. He thought for a long time, and by midday was asleep.
Kailen stirred, her dreams were plauged by horrible images. She was learning this she didn't want to know. Kane opened his eyes, and looked at her on the bed. She was sweating and moving. He knew she was dreaming and wanted to wake her but he couldn't move. He turned his head to the window and guessed that night would be upon them soon. Kailen was trapped in her nightmare, she couldn't control anything, she was forced to watch Kane die, and then she herself was killed. A small scream escaped her lips as she sat up in bed. Kane was staring at her, she stared back. Slowly she went to him, curled up in his lap and cried softly. Her mind was swirling, things were not supposed to go this way her mind cried. Kane was quiet and stroked her hair.
The Undertaker smiled to himself, he stretched out in his chamber, things were going even better then he first thought. Although, Kane wasn't in his grasp yet, he was amused by the woman. 'She's stronger than I thought,' he said to himself, 'ah, no matter she will die just the same'. He began extinguishing the candles putting himself in total darkness, and the smile never left his lips.


Kailen stood and went to the bathroom. She turned the shower on and looked in the mirror. Her face was marred by his hand, the angry purple mark covered the right side of her face. She tenderly touched it and it immediatly began to burn.
"Damn", she said quietly to herself. She stepped into the shower and cleaned off. She turned the water off and stepped out, dried and dressed. When she returned to the room, Kane was gone. Kailens heart quickend. Then she heard him next door, moving loudly around the room. She sat on the bed collecting her thoughts, looking out the window as the sun started to set. 'We must be prepared' she said quietly to herself.
"We will." Kane replied. She never heard him return to the room. She looked at him and wasn't surprised that he was dressed as his character. The black suit with the red flames, he had put the mask on, and she gazed into his eyes.
"I hope your right." She said as she stood up. "We should go he's going to be waiting for us." She started for the door. Kane grabbed her, his heart was heavy, he knew something was going to happen.
"I love you", He said to her. She continued to stare at him, tears coming to her eyes. She loved him too, but couldn't respond to him. If I live through this then I will tell him She thought. He tilted his head at her, because she said nothing and left the room. He followed her as before but burned the image of them in his mind. She will not die He repeated this several times in his mind, as they rode the elevator and went out the front doors.
As they walked to The Undertakers lair, they encountered no one. Kailen found this strange, and returned her thoughts to her plan. They stood at the door to the building that The Undertaker called home. "You ready?" Kailen said to him. Kane nodded, and they entered. The candles had been put out, they were in complete darkness. Slowly they retraced their steps from eariler finding their way to the cellar door. They went down the stairs, they found The Undertaker sitting alone in the meeting hall. He looked up at them
"You return so soon, are you in that much of a hurry to die?" He chuckled at them.
"You are not funny", Kailen said, "and we won't be the ones dying". The Undertaker lowered his head. When he looked back at them, Kailen saw so much hatered and anger she took a step back. That was all the hesitation he needed. From the shadows, his followers came and pounced on them. Kane fought viciously and throwing and beating eveyone he could get his hands on. He was heading for The Undertaker, Kailen knew this and tried to stop him. She was held by Bradshaw and Farooq. The other followers withdrew as Kane and The Undertaker faced each other. The engery these to men released could never be matched. They stood nose to nose, glaring into each others eyes. They both reached back curling thier hands into fists. They struck each other at the same time, the impact was deafening, like a thunderstorm had started in the building. They fought with vicious, calculated blows, each man gaining advantage. The Undertaker was being overpowered by Kane, and he knew his strength was draining, he looked to Bradshaw and said
"Kill her now!!" Bradshaw nodded and raised the dagger. Kailen knew she couldn't free her grip and braced for the blow. Kane turned and saw the dagger arching down towards Kailen.
"NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" He screamed as the dagger pierced Kailens abdomen. Infuriated, Kane reached out for The Undertaker. He grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the wall. The Undertaker collapsed, he laid their thinking of his triumph, he watched as Kane moved towards Kailen. Kane knelt by Kailen, her eyes were closed and her breathing shallow. He lifted her up and carried her from the room. He made his way up the stairs and out into the sunlight. Kane walked up the narrow alley towards the street, not seeing the cloaked figure smiling in the doorway.
"Yes go, take her, you will be mine soon enough". The Undertaker stepped inside and the door swung closed.


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