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Partial Skull & Jaws of Cimolichthys

The jaw near the center of the picture is 8 inches long and the jaw at the right side is 5.5 inches. This Cretaceous fish skull was collected from a rock pit southeast of Smith Center, Kansas.

Xiphactinus Skull and Jaws

This Xiphactinus skull was also found southeast of Smith Center, Kansas. This was a large Cretaceous fish, attaining a length of 16 feet or more.

Delorhynchus priscus, jaw

This early reptile belongs to a group known as Microsaurs, from which many other reptiles evolved. Recovered from the Leonardian Stage, Permian Period, at Richard's Spur, Oklahoma.

Captorhinus aguti, jaws

This early reptile belongs to a group known as "stem reptiles", from which many other reptiles evolved. Collected from the Leonardian Stage of the Permian Period, near Richard's Spur, Oklahoma.

Hyracotherium, Jaw

This animals jaw was mistaken for a primate by the British anatomist Richard Owen. Now believed to be the earliest known member of the family Equidae. This animal is now known as eohippus - the "Dawn Horse". O. Marsh gave eohippus it's name in 1876. This horse had 4 toes on the front feet and 3 on the rear. The eyes were located near the front of the skull, it browsed with 44 teeth, and only stood about 10" high at the shoulders, just about the size of a small dog. This jaw is from the Willwood Formation of the Eocene Period of Wyoming and lived 55-45 million years ago.

Cave Bear Claw Core

Ursus spelaeus, Cave Bear claw core. Pleistocene Period, and recovered from Brasso, Romania.

Microtus Lower Jaw

Here's the lower right jaw of a Microtus, (Vole). This jaw was found by screening and washing sediment from the Fiene Local Fauna, northeast of Smith Center, Kansas. This jaw is tiny, like a mouse and is only 1/2 inch long. This little rodent lived during the Pleistocene Period. Collected 9/1/99.