It's been centuries since I have written a Voyager Episode Review. I must catch up so the next few reviews may be short. Forgive me, I'm lazy. Enough of my rambling, here we go...
This episode started out to be promising. I thougth it was a good idea, and I looked forward to exploring Chakotay's love for history. Then the story changed. I felt as though the entire story turned into a Seven exploration of human emotions. This was also a good idea and a interesting storyline, but it was totally different and unexpected. It's like the story took a 90 degree turn to a different demension. It was confusing and helped to degrade the inital idea. The episode was two ideas cramped into to one hour. Needless to say I enjoyed the idea even though it could have been looked at closer and turned into two different episodes.
Next Week: Voyager meets X-Files, and Mulder meets Seven.