The Memories Of Our Journey
As a state, Kansas was very successful at the 2003 Nationals, but the South Kansas district in particular did very well. We broke one foreign extemper to semi-finals (James Vietti - El Dorado) and he eventually placed 12th I believe. We also broke a policy team who made Round 8 (Kyle Law/Jenny White - FKHS), we broke an LDer ( to Round 9, we had several people advance through late rounds in supplementals, and, finishing off our extravagant showing, we had all 3 of our House Representatives make the Semifinal Session and two of those three made Finals (and they just happened to be the two I was staying with, Josh Shald and Mark Chubb).
Hey guys, how does it feel to be in the Final Session of House?
Josh Shald <---- Mark Chubb ---->
As you can see, they both said that it felt "thumbs up" to be in House Finals. (Disclaimer: these pictures were taken independently at different times, and I didn't ask them to pose in any particular way. So it was just pure dumb luck that I caught them both with a "thumbs up" pose.)
But after a hard day of competing (and winning, and doing well, and generally kicking butt), the competitors needed some time to relax. Here is how most of us relaxed:
In case you can't tell that's (starting with the pair of white shoes and moving clockwise) Zach Brown's feet, Jenny White's feet, Josh Shald (barely visible, top left corner), Nicole Schneider, J.R. Covvey, Chelsea Kribel, me, and John Burris (whose head was cropped off in this picture, sorry d00d).
But here's how Mark Chubb relaxed:
Yes, he's on TOP of the cabinet holding the television. As Dr. Evil would say, he's "one crazy mofo." He tried to pop a cop 'cause he wasn't giving him his props in Oaktown.
No? I heard that somewhere...
On to less daring feats of athletic prowess in Part V