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Holy Cripes!!! A whole month without an update? Oh well, what can ya do? I didn't really update anything, just wanted to let you ppl know I'm not really dead, just not on the ball. I need to find some actualy content for my page. I wish you ppl would give me some ideas.

6/13/01's only been one day and I already have an update...Sweet!! But anyways. I got a new account, so it's easier to access the site just by going to It adds another pop-up ad, but I think it's worth it. Oh, and now we've got a new banner at the top of the index page. Hopefully it should increase traffic or something, or at least that's what they claim. Keep your fingers crossed. That's all folks.


Again...a long time no post. But anywho. Not too much to add. I found a typo in one of my lyrics...fixed it. Really nothin else to say. Been helping Victor with his page quite a bit. Check it out here. I'll try to get some more content for my site, but it's hard workin on two sites at the same time. That's about it for now.


Hey, hey, hey! Wow...this is my first update in a long long time. It's great to see that people are finally finding my site and signing the guest book, but come on people. This spam thing is just not cool. I don't really care about finding a job from your stupid site. But, anyways. Just thought I'd let you people know I'm about to add a Three Doors Down page which is a lot like my Creed page. And after that I'm thinking about a Lit page. And if you're reading this then you know I've added a news/update page. I'm also adding a link to Victor's DBZ-Spar thingiemabob. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I'm somehow in on it, so check it out. Way to go VIX!