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The Floating Island without the Comic Sector would be a big mistake. It's what the creativeness and style that give Sonic characters an extra zing. So here you will find Archives, Reviews, and Previews on some of the hottest Archie Sonic Comic issues. So until then...I'll catch ya on the Flip Side!
Archive Section
Coming Soon
This archive contains summaries and covers on almost every Sonic Archie comic. Come here if you want to know alittle bit more about a comic you missed or you just wanted to know what it was about.
Review Section
Coming Soon
Want to know more about the Archie Comics before you go buy it? Or do you even just want to see what they really have inside the issue? Come to this review section to find a "First Person" point of view of the reviewed comics. And hey, you can even submit your own opinions on how you felt about the comic too!
Fan Comics
Ever wanted to have your own Sonic Comic on the net? Here's your chance! Send in some interesting Sonic Comics here and you can also read other comics made by others. So check out some cool comics here.
Previews Section
Coming Soon
If you're a constant Archie Sonic Comic collector like me, you probably can't wait to see what's going to happen in the next issue! That's what previews/spoilers are for. If you don't want to read spoilers and wait for the comic I suggest you don't come here. ^_-

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