seeing those ghosts pop out at you in almost
every Knuckles' stage? Guess what? There's one
big leader it seems. Which one is scarier,
King Boom Boo, or your fists? Please let this
page load and click the thumbnails for a
better quality.
vs. Knuckles
some rings when you first start because Rouge
is a crazy fighter. As time passes the ground
will open up and a whole bunch of air will
lift you to the top.
collecting 20 rings you get special attacks.
Press the "B" button for a
"Thunder Arrow" attack.
weary of the high dig attack Rouge does on
is an unstable opponent. Try to follow her
everywhere. And do not stand in one place or
she'll surprise you with an attack. After
she's been defeated she fork over all the
emerald shards she has. Lucky Knuckles. =P