DID YOU KNOW ADVISOR-- (Disclosure note--The advisor information provided in this section are real.  Should you desire more information about an advisory that is given or if you would like to provide us with a "did you know?", please send your email request to:  MsJw31  at club50plusnews @ yahoo.com .  We will gladly include your "did you know?" in our newsletter.  Please send information that will be valuable for our readers, not bogus stuff...we appreciate it!  )

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  1.  On Valentine's Day, the Romans of the early days would celebrate with a feast matching young single men and women.  Names were placed in a box and a drawing was held.  The couple randomly matched together were partners for a year----after that it was up to them.

  2.  People who are most likely to fly off the handle are about three times more likely to have a heart attack or sudden cardiac death.

  3.  Moderate drinkers (no more than 1-2 drinks a day) have lower heart disease risk than nondrinkers.

  4.  Laughing relaxes the muscles, so if you are tense, pull out the comic pages, tell a joke or read a humorous anecdote.

  5.  If you develop an infection try ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen or acetaminophen for fever and pain.

  6. If you want better sleep, keep your head elevated

  7.  When your legs won't rest (restless leg syndrome) try:  applying a cold compress or water bottle after lying down; sleeping on your side with a small pillow between your knees; walk around if you cant sleep--do simple exercises;  for more information check out www.rls.org  

8.  To prevent a common cold during the winter use a "cool mist" vaporizer in your bedroom