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10 Tips of Encouragement For The New Year Losing weight and getting fit can be a rewarding journey.

Before you start or anytime you feel your motivation waning, return to this page for affirmation and inspiration.

1. Be patient. Of course you want to see results quickly. But remember: Being honest with yourself, visualizing your goals and making the commitment to change your lifestyle are the keys to long-term success. These things take time.

  2. Rediscover good eating. Learn everything you can about low-fat cooking, try some exotic fruits and vegetables, or taste-test some low-fat products until you find your favorites. Rather than feeling deprived, look at food in a new, exciting way. It will do wonders for your willpower.

  3. Think movement! Introduce some everyday activities to help make exercise more of a habit than a chore. Take the stairs instead of the escalator and walk rather than drive. Plan active outings instead of going to a movie. You can even make cleaning the house an aerobic exercise: Dance like crazy -- no one's watching!

4. Stay flexible on food. You don't have to nix all your favorite goodies, nor should you feel guilty or abandon your goal if you occasionally splurge. Enjoy every bite, then balance the rest of the day -- or the next day -- with healthier foods.

  5. Splurge on water. Think of water as a treat -- your body sure does! Try it bubbly (in flavored seltzers) or on ice with citrus slices. Drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day is essential to losing weight. It also keeps digestion smooth, cleanses your body and curbs hunger. And it's great for your skin!

6. Know your needs. If you're susceptible to attacks of the midday munchies, keep something crunchy and satisfying -- like fresh fruit, low-fat pretzels or sweet baby carrots -- in your desk. If you always want something sweet after dinner, don't fight it. Plan a scoop of low-fat frozen yogurt or sorbet into your food plan.

  7. Get scale-smart. Put the scale away if you're trying to lose weight. Weight fluctuates too much day to day. Visit your scale once a week or less and you'll start to see results.

8. Be goal-oriented. The most successful people in life set goals to reach what they want. Write down your goals and watch yourself make them happen.

  9. Tap into visualization. If you can imagine it, you're that much closer to getting there. Visualize your body without all those unwanted pounds. Each day, picture yourself getting a little slimmer. It will keep you focused and reaffirm good feelings about yourself and your commitment.

10. Track your progress. Write down the new foods you discover, every mile you walk, how you deal with cravings, every goal you attain, when your clothes start fitting better, the first compliment you receive -- all your finest moments. There will be many!

Baked Stuffed Flounder


1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped green onions with tops
1 glove garlic - minced
8 tablespoons butter
1 cup bread crumbs
4 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 pound boiled shrimp - chopped
1/2 pound lump crabmeat
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1 egg - slightly beaten
black pepper or cayenne (or both)
salt to taste
4 flounders, medium size

Sauté celery, onions and garlic in melted butter over low heat.
Add bread crumbs, crab, shrimp, parsley and egg and mix well.
Season with salt and pepper.
Split the thick side of the flounder lengthwise and widthwise, loosen the meat from the bone of the fish to form a pocket for stuffing.
Brush well melted butter and lemon juice.
Salt, pepper and stuff the pocket.
Place in a pan with enough water to cover the bottom of the pan.
Broil 3" from heat until the fish flakes easily with a fork. Baste frequently with the liquid in the pan.

Green Bean Casserole

2 cans french cut green beans
1 can of Durkee® onions
1 cup of whole milk
1 teaspoon ground pepper (or to your liking)
1 can of Campbell's® cream of mushroom soup

Mix green beans, milk, pepper, soup and 3/4 can of Durkee® onions.
Bake at 375 degrees for 35 minutes stirring frequently.
Add the remainder of onions and bake 5 minutes. Serve hot or cold. (great for bar-b-que's)

Pigeon Peas and Rice

2 cups rice-cooked
1 can Goya® Pigeon Peas-boiled
1 roll of sausage-cooked and mashed
4 slices bacon-cooked and chopped into small pieces
1 pound ground beef-cooked and mashed into small pieces
4 pieces fatback-cooked and chopped into small pieces
2 cans diced tomatoes
1 can tomato paste
dash of cumin

Cook and stir together all above ingredients in a large pot on stove top till well blended together.
Comments: Goya® Pigeon Peas can be a little difficult to locate. They are usually in the international food section of the supermarket.

Baked Turkey Wings

6 Turkey Wings (Fresh)
Mrs.. Dash (Original)
3 tsp. salt n' pepper
2 tsp. garlic seasoning salt
1 oz Lemon Juice
1/2 stick Butter (melted)
Glass 14x9x2 Casserole Dish
- Clean Turkey Wings
- mix salt n' pepper and garlic seasoning salt
- add lemon juice to butter
Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
Season the Turkey Wings with your season and just a little amount of water in the bottom of your casserole dish and arrange Turkey Wings
top with half the butter and lemon juice,
cover and bake for 2 hours
uncover and baste with remainder of lemon and butter Bake uncovered for an additional 15 minutes at 350 degrees.