The "Opening of the Eyes"

"The opening of the eyes speaks quietly of the unfolding of the soul into awareness of itself

and the universal love that permeates all existences.

   The lowered heads represent self-denial and ignorance of the true nature of life.

The center head is representative of self awareness, self respect, and self love.

The rising heads are the breaking away from an ego centered life

toward a life of oneness with the creative intelligence that is the course of it all.

This process of unfoldment places no greater value on any particular phase of awareness as they are all of equal value on the journey.

Its all About Attitude

The reality of our lives may result from many outside factors, none of which we can control.

  The only thing we can really control in this life is our own mental attitudes. 

We should try to remember that all we are dealing with is thoughts, and thoughts can be changed.

  We may not have control over our circumstances,

but we do have control over our thoughts and we can choose how we will respond to the things that happen to us.

We all have unlimited choices about what we can think.

  The things we think become the truth for us. 

Our subconscious minds will accept whatever we choose to believe.

  There is no person, no place and no thing that has any power over us, for "we" are the only thinkers in our mind. 

Things seem to turn out best for those people who can make the best out of the way things turn out.

  It is not the situation ... it is our reactions to the situation.

I have learned that although pain is inevitable for all of us,

we do have an option as to how we react to it.

  It's no fun to suffer ... in fact, it can be horrible! 

We are all going to have pain, but "misery is optional!"

  We all have choices. 

It is up to us to decide how we will react to the pain that inevitably comes to us all.

Having joy or misery all depends on how we look at or think about it.

  It is in how we choose to look at the circumstances.

  We can look for the flowers or just see the weeds.

  We can see the bright side or look for the clouds.

  How we look at life can either bring a sparkle of joy or a handful of gloom.

  We can be as happy as we decide to be.

Two people living in the same world, with the same set of circumstances,

can experience life so differently just by the way they think.

  Each day can be an exciting, joyous, hopeful experience,

or it can be a sorrowful, limiting, and painful one.

  What you see in your mind is what you get out of life.

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