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When you turned on the television and saw that the Beltway sniper was a Black man, how did that make you feel?

Personally, I was shocked!

I was so sure it would be a young white male and that I did not even consider the fact that it could be a Black man.

  A Brother? Naaaa,

Blacks do not do stuff like that. Well, I guess that's why they call it a myth because most of us were fooled.

I felt a real sadness because these murders were so senseless.

I just sat there shaking my head. Dam!

   But why do we take it so personal when another African American does something so heinous?

We have all been watching the news when a story comes on that makes you say, I hope he ain't Black!

I know that I hoped that they had the wrong guy.

But the more information that surfaces the more I realize that he's probably the guy.

Now his picture is everywhere. That face represents a Black man.

Sure, not every Black man. But we fight so hard to overcome negative stigmas and stereotypes that we don't need another one to battle.

No one wants a person that can commit a crime of this nature to be associated with his or her race.

I'm sure when the name Muhammad was associated with the sniper, people thought he may have been from the Middle East.

When his picture was shown, I'm sure a number of Islamic people breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't one of theirs.

But you know what? He was shooting people of every race and it wouldn't matter if he were purple.

If this man did what he is accused of doing he doesn't represent anyone but himself and he needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.