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Just A Kiss

Pictures of you linger inside my head

and I still smell your cologne all over my bed

I hear your voice throughout my lonely days and during the night

all I can do is count the ways

The ways you touched me, held me, made me feel

I dream of you but then i awake to see that it's not real

It's funny how something so simple could make me act like this

But maybe to a woman it's more and to a man it's just a kiss

The feeling of your lips on mine so gentle, almost too sweet

Our bodies close, our minds intertwined

I felt my body slowly melting from the heat

Those eyes, that smile everything about you i will miss

But i guess to a woman it's special

and to a man it's just a kiss

Love That Never Ends

Time will not fade what lies within my heart. It is implanted well within my soul.

Caring for you, loving you, was never something I had a choice in.

It simply existed from the moment we met.

There will never be a day that goes by, that I won't be thinking of you and wishing you well.

There will never be a night that passes, that I won't embrace your heart before it slumbers.

You make me feel complete. You bring the sun to my life.

You put the smile on my face. You put the love in my heart.

With you, I am the best I can be. Without you, I am merely a shadow of what was.

Seeing you smile, hearing you laugh, is a delight to my eyes and a symphony to my ears.

There are not enough words or ways of telling you how much and how deeply I love you.

I can only say it again and again and again.

And rejoice each time it slips from my lips.

Not long ago, my heart founds yours. And I celebrate that day with all that is within me.

And I love you. Today, as I will Tomorrow.