Blacks and Politics


African Americans and Illusions

Illusion: To mock, play with, a false idea or conception:

Belief or opinion not in accord with the fact.

Magicians tells us that their art is the art of illusion,yet, you will have people swear by its reality.

On a more somber note, many can say that the battered person syndrome is a form of illusion.

Wheather it is physical or mental battering. many of the receivers of this battering are under the illusion that the battery loves them, they won't do it again or that they caused the battering.

Lets face it African Americans, far to many of us live an illusionary life. For nearly four decades we have believed that voting was the answer to the racism in this country at the expense of letting our economic base lag. Now we find out that many of our votes are not even counted.I expect this has been going on for decades and just came to light.

We have a big problem with the illusion that things make us or give us status: Branded, this is an illusionary ego booster equal to the size of someone's name posted across our behind,across our chest or down our legs, or the new illusionary fad of bling bling.

Jim Clingman, an economic expert, states that we have a trillion dollars worth of mental capital that we get very little use from. I feel that this is because of our illusionary state of mind.

It is my hope, that at some point in the near future we will realize that our trillion dollars worth of metal capital is no more than an intellect and economic farm team for any ethnic group that wants to draft from it, and draft they do!
br> We have the finances, the know how, the experience to reap the riches, power, profits and pride from our own farm teams: intelleect, music, science, sports, politics and economics if it was not for our illusionary bugaboos of distrust, individulism, envy,and sell outs.

No doubt, we have had and still are having tremendous individual successes but we can't seem to consolidate these individual successes into a mass movement that will elevate the masses of us the the next level of creativeness and ownership.

Look at it. we can be 5 to 50,000 in one location and we will hardly own anything in that location. If a hospital, business, bank, grocery store moves from our area. we complain, then follow the establishment, regardless of the distance, without ever considering the thought of re-esstablishing the entity as our own.

The illusion is, we can't. the reality is we can but we won't because of our bugaboos. With much less money, expertise, education and freedom our fore fathers and mothers created hospitals, hotels, grocery stores, banks, schools, colleges and etc. etc., because they immersed themselves in reality not in illusions and we need to do the same.

Next Month: illusions that are killing us.
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