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“Well Nick, I have the results of your latest bone marrow and blood test,” Dr. McFadden, the oncologist, said as he walked into Nick’s room.

A lump rose into Nick’s throat as he waited. He gripped Meggie’s hand tightly, but not enough to cut off circulation.

Dr. McFadden laid Nick’s manila folder onto the counter as he leaned back against the wall.

“Your blood tests show your white count is back down, and your red count is up.”


“As of right now, you’re cancer-free,”

Nick sighed in relief and the lump in his throat devoured into his stomach.

“Because of the chemo, your immune system is pretty much shut down. So when you go out somewhere, be extremely cautious. Don’t eat at a salad bar and be sure to clean your hands whenever you get a chance. Make sure you stay away from people that are sick.”


“I’ll need to recheck you in three weeks, so reschedule your appointment as you leave,”

“Thank you,” Nick said, shaking the doctor’s hand. “Does this mean I can go back on tour?”

“Yes… but don’t over do it. You still need to get plenty of rest and stay healthy, because your immune system is still extremely weak.”

“Ok.. great. Thanks again,”

Nick took Meggie’s hand and they left the office, both with smiles on their faces.

“It’s good to see you smile again,” Meggie said as they got into Nick’s truck.

“I’m glad I have something to smile about,”

As soon as they got home, Nick immediately called the management and told them he was ready to go back. They scheduled a meeting for the next morning at eight o’clock.

“Are you sure you’re ready to go back?” BJ asked as Nick told her the news.

“I’m positive… I’m sick of lying around the house doing absolutely nothing.. I want to get out of here and not feel like an invalid,”

“Ok… I was just making sure,” She said. “I’m going to go on home tomorrow…seeing you don’t need me here anymore,”

“Ok… thank you.. for being here for the past couple… er… six or seven weeks,”

“No problem… got Mom and Dad out of my hair for awhile,” She laughed. “And I enjoyed spending time with you… when you weren’t puking your brains out.”

~A Month Later ~

“Great show guys,” Kevin said as they entered the awaiting tour bus.

“Yeah… and now I’m going to bed,” Nick said as he climbed into his bunk.

“Is he ok?” Brian asked as he dug through a bag of Taco Bell.

“I don’t know…he says he’s fine.” Meggie replied.

Brian shrugged and sat down to eat dinner, followed by the rest of the guys.

“You know… maybe we should get him to a doctor,” Howie said as Nick began to cough.

“You try telling him that,” Brian mumbled, his mouth half full.

“I’ll talk to him when he wakes up,” Meggie said.

The next hour or so was quiet, for everyone finished eating and went to sleep. Meggie stay awake, watching cars pass by in the darkness. Her eyelids began to fall, and finally shut her into the darkness.

Meggie awoke several hours later to the bus coming to a halt. She opened her eyes to see the sun coming over the horizon. She stretched and turned around, coming face to face with Brian.

“That wasn’t funny, Bri,” She said, holding back a smile.

“Sorry… I had no other choice… don’t laugh now,”

“Shut up… I’m going to go wake Nick,”

She dodged the guys as she walked towards Nick’s bunk. Drawing the curtain back, she saw Nick peacefully sleeping. Although she hated to wake him, she gently shook him.

“Morning, baby,” She said as his eyes fluttered open.

“Morning,” he croaked. He coughed, trying to clear his throat, unsuccessfully. “Ugh… this sucks,”

“Maybe it’s time you went to a doctor?” Meggie suggested.

“I guess.”

“Thank you, Nick.”

Once inside their hotel rooms, Meggie went in search of a phone book.

“What are you doin’ down here?” Brian asked as she stepped off the elevator into the lobby.

“Trying to find a phonebook,”


“A doctor’s office… he agreed to go. He hardly has a voice today.”

“Good… but its Sunday… I doubt you’ll find an office open today. Probably have to go to the emergency room.”

“Great! He’s going to kill me,”

“He’ll thank you when he’s feeling better,”

“Ok… so I’ll see you later,”


She returned to the hotel room and told Nick the news.

“Don’t worry… I’m not upset. As much as I despise hospitals, I’ll go today so I can get over this,”

“Thank you,” She rewarded him with a kiss on the forehead as she reached for the phone. She dialed the taxicab service listed on a sheet of paper beside the phone.

“Ok, he’ll be here in 10 minutes,”

They put their jackets on and went down to the lobby to wait for the cab. Within minutes, the bright yellow car pulled up in front of the hotel entrance. Going outside, they got into the backseat and Meggie told the driver where to go.

~Two Hours Later~

“Nick Carter,” A plump nurse called. Nick stood up and pulled Meggie along with him as they followed the nurse into a curtained room.

“Strip down to your under garment and put this on. Ties go in front. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” The nurse informed, handing Nick a green hospital gown.

“I believe they need to get a fashion designer for these,” Nick complained as he slipped the gown on. He tied the front in loose bows then sat down on the gurney, letting his socked feet dangle. The curtain swayed as a new nurse entered the room.

“Sorry for the change of nurse, but Joni’s shift just ended. My name is Karen. So what’s the problem, today?” She said, almost cheerfully.

“My throat’s been sore for a week or so… and I’ve had a hacking cough. This morning I woke up and barely had a voice.”

“And you need that voice, eh?” She asked, a twinkle in her eyes. “You’ve just gotten over a bout with cancer, correct?”

”Yeah… about a month ago.”

“Alright. Let me get your vitals then I’ll send a doctor in.” She said, pulling a thermometer out of a nearby drawer. She gently stuck it into Nick’s ear, then withdrew it. After writing notes on his chart, she tugged the blood pressure cuff onto his right arm.

”Relax your arm... there,” As she lay the stethoscope on the inside of his elbow, he flinched slightly from the cold metal. Releasing the air from the cuff, she wrote more down on his chart. “I’ll send a doctor in now,”

The couple waited patiently for a few more minutes, then a woman dressed in scrubs and a doctor’s jacket entered.

“Hi.. my name is Dr. Oberlin… and you’re Nick?” She asked, setting her clipboard and stethoscope down on the counter.


“Your chart says you’re in remission from cancer? What kind did you have?”

“Yes… non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.”

“Ok,” She replied, scribbling something on her clipboard.

After taking vitals once again, she checked his throat and felt his glands.

“Well, it looks like you have bronchitis, but to be on the safe side and make sure it’s not a relapse or reaction, I’m going to draw some blood.”

Nick groaned as she pulled a syringe from a drawer. He turned his head and eyed the wall as she cleansed his forearm and inserted the needle. She quickly finished up and applied a piece of cotton and a Snoopy Band-Aid.

“Just because you were a good boy,” She teased. “I’m going to send this up to the lab and we should have results in about ten to fifteen minutes, ok?”

“Sure. Thank you,”

“You ok?” Meggie laughed, eyeing his arm.

“Yes… if only they didn’t have to use needles.” He mumbled.

“Poor baby,” She teased.

As promised, fifteen minutes later, Dr. Oberlin re-entered the room, test results in hand.

“Well Nick…”

Chapter 6 ~ Table Of Contents ~ Home